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A Case For Christ Being the Only Apostle that Matters!/¡Un caso para que Cristo sea el único apóstol que importa!

I have been having direct message conversations with ex-lldm members on this sub. I am enjoying great philosophical, scientific, and spiritual conversations. I hope to learn and be challenged at the same time. So please read this with an open mind because you never know what you will learn. It has been possible to disagree and still develop great relationships!
The topic of the Trinity has come up and I have learned that LDM is not a believer in. The word “trinity” never appears in the Bible but neither does the word “Bible”. Just because Trinity does not appear DOES NOT MEAN God does not have a Triune Nature. The point that I will be making here is not only does God have a Triune Nature but He also has an “Everything Nature” which will correlate further down in my argument of how we view man and ANY Apostle! I believe that many of us including myself have thinking that leans towards western, non Jewish, logic. I don’t think this is anyone’s fault it’s just our culture. Now let’s begin.....
If you did not know the word “God” in the Biblical Hebrew is actually in “Plural” form which means to show more than one. This is different than “Singular” which means one. So..... in the Biblical Hebrew it’s actually “Gods”. God as a singular, it is simply a noun, equivalent to "a divine being". But “GODS” as a plural, is what is used in the Old Testament and has been understood in Rabbinic Judaism to be the majestic title for the “Royal We”. Now please don’t get confused here if you read the context of the Old Testament....the Gods “We” say they are actually ONE. Many verses say God is One. Plus God is clear that He is above any other gods. He shares his glory with no one else (Isaiah 42:8) There is no one like you, and there is no God but you.( 2 Samuel 7:22). So to my point God has a Triune Nature and more importantly an “Everything Nature” a nature of “Plurality”! Example...
  1. God is light....
  2. God is life....
  3. God is love...
Now these claims are well established in scripture. These 3 items are separate items. Light is not Love. Love is not Life. Life is not Love Etc....(You get the point) So GOD CAN be separate items. It is simple....God is these 3 things. But he is more than these 3 things too! Bigger point here though! God is all in all! God is Strength, God is Truth, God is Joy, God is eternal life, God is Spirit, God is the Word, God is the Alpha, God is Omega, God is the First, God is the Last, God is the Beginning, God is the End, God is the Author of Life, God is the Father, God is the Son, God is the Holy Spirit. This fits with the “Plural” Nature of God. Now that this is established let’s look at the plurality of Jesus and to the main point! (BY THE WAY JESUS SHARES SOME OF THESE QUALITIES TOO)
For context if you did not know Jesus in the biblical Hebrew would be closer to a name like Joshua. But thanks to Latin we have Jesus. People in the Bible refer to Jesus as the “ Christ” BUT Jesus mostly refers to himself as the “SON OF MAN”. Where does this phrase come from? This phrase comes from the book of Daniel. Daniel is one of God’s Prophet that is a slave in the Kingdom of Babylon. Daniel has a vision/dream of a Beast that is against God and Man. This beast has basically broken man’s relationship with God. Humans are the only creatures made in Gods Image or better Our Image or “The Royal We” image. We were meant to rule the world with God showing the earth His image. But in the dream Daniel sees a throne along side God. This throne is for humanity but there is No Human worthy to sit on this Throne.....Except for ONE who is like a “SON OF MAN” This is an individual that is basically described as A GOD HUMAN that can restore humanity’s place with God. So “Son of Man” refers to this role BUT more importantly refers to his MORE THAN HUMAN NATURE. Jesus even quotes Daniel saying he is this “Son of Man” “God Human” that fulfills the standard needed to sit in this throng along side God and prophetically says so! Interesting note Jesús can open the seals which is shut in Daniel’s revelation but is open back of with John’s Revelation. Jesus prophetically refers to himself as this person. As the “Son of Man” Jesús is the ultimate representation of Man and demonstrates the plurality needed to fulfill any requirement or title of Man.
Examples in the scriptures... Jesus is...The Highest Priest, The Highest Apostle, The Perfect Adam, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, The First Born(This is a biblical legal Hebrew Term to gain all inheritance and authority of the family), The Top Exorcist, The Highest Minister, The Highest Evangelist, The Best Prophet, The Strongest Warrior, The Most Humble Servant, The Highest Judge, The Most Loving Shepard, The Best Brother, The Best Friend, The Long Awaited Groom, The Ultimate Human Sacrifice, The Ultimate Miracle Worker, The Highest Teacher, The Top Rabbi, The Ultimate Messiah, The Top Scholar, The Top Student of The Law, The Perfect Man fulfilling and completing the Ten Commandments...The List Goes On But You Get The Point
If you look for any other man to fulfill these human roles that only the “Son of Man” was meant to fulfill you will be utterly disappointed!
He estado teniendo conversaciones de mensajes directos con ex miembros de lldm en este sub. Estoy disfrutando de grandes conversaciones filosóficas, científicas y espirituales. Espero aprender y ser desafiado al mismo tiempo. Así que lea esto con la mente abierta porque nunca sabe lo que aprenderá. ¡Ha sido posible estar en desacuerdo y aún así desarrollar excelentes relaciones!
El tema de la Trinidad ha surgido y he aprendido que LDM no es un creyente en. La palabra "trinidad" nunca aparece en la Biblia, pero tampoco la palabra "Biblia". El hecho de que la Trinidad no aparezca NO SIGNIFICA que Dios no tiene una Naturaleza Trina. El punto que haré aquí es que Dios no solo tiene una naturaleza trina, sino que también tiene una “naturaleza total” que correlacionará más adelante en mi argumento de cómo vemos al hombre ya CUALQUIER apóstol. Creo que muchos de nosotros, incluyéndome a mí, tenemos un pensamiento que se inclina hacia la lógica occidental, no judía. No creo que esto sea culpa de nadie, es solo nuestra cultura. Ahora comencemos .....
Si no conocía la palabra "Dios" en el hebreo bíblico, en realidad está en forma "plural", lo que significa mostrar más de uno. Esto es diferente a "Singular" que significa uno. Entonces ..... en el hebreo bíblico es en realidad "Dioses". Dios como singular, es simplemente un sustantivo, equivalente a "un ser divino". Pero "DIOSES" como plural, es lo que se usa en el Antiguo Testamento y ha sido entendido en el judaísmo rabínico como el título majestuoso del "Nosotros Real". Ahora, por favor, no se confunda aquí si lee el contexto del Antiguo Testamento ... los dioses "Nosotros" dicen que en realidad son UNO. Muchos versículos dicen que Dios es Uno. Además, Dios tiene claro que está por encima de cualquier otro dios. No comparte su gloria con nadie más (Isaías 42: 8) No hay nadie como tú, y no hay más Dios que tú (2 Samuel 7:22). Así que, para mi punto, Dios tiene una naturaleza trina y, lo que es más importante, una "naturaleza de todo", una naturaleza de "pluralidad". Ejemplo...
  1. Dios es luz ...
  2. Dios es vida ...
  3. Dios es amor ...
Ahora bien, estas afirmaciones están bien establecidas en las Escrituras. Estos 3 elementos son elementos separados. La luz no es amor. El amor no es vida. La vida no es amor, etc. (Entiendes el punto) Entonces DIOS PUEDE ser elementos separados. Es simple ... Dios es estas 3 cosas. ¡Pero él es más que estas 3 cosas también! ¡Sin embargo, un punto más importante aquí! ¡Dios es todo en todos! Dios es Fuerza, Dios es Verdad, Dios es Alegría, Dios es vida eterna, Dios es Espíritu, Dios es la Palabra, Dios es el Alfa, Dios es Omega, Dios es el Primero, Dios es el Último, Dios es el Principio, Dios es el fin, Dios es el autor de la vida, Dios es el Padre, Dios es el Hijo, Dios es el Espíritu Santo. Esto encaja con la naturaleza "plural" de Dios. Ahora que esto está establecido, ¡miremos la pluralidad de Jesús y el punto principal! (POR CÓMO JESÚS COMPARTE ALGUNAS DE ESTAS CUALIDADES TAMBIÉN)
Por contexto, si no conociera a Jesús en el hebreo bíblico, estaría más cerca de un nombre como Josué. Pero gracias al latín tenemos a Jesús. La gente en la Biblia se refiere a Jesús como el "Cristo" PERO Jesús principalmente se refiere a sí mismo como el "HIJO DEL HOMBRE". ¿De dónde viene esta frase? Esta frase proviene del libro de Daniel. Daniel es un profeta de Dios que es esclavo en el Reino de Babilonia. Daniel tiene una visión / sueño de una Bestia que está en contra de Dios y el Hombre. Esta bestia básicamente ha roto la relación del hombre con Dios. Los seres humanos son las únicas criaturas creadas a imagen de Dios o, mejor dicho, a Nuestra imagen o la imagen de “El nosotros real”. Estábamos destinados a gobernar el mundo con Dios mostrando a la tierra Su imagen. Pero en el sueño, Daniel ve un trono junto a Dios. Este trono es para la humanidad pero no hay ningún humano digno de sentarse en este trono ..... Excepto UNO que es como un "HIJO DEL HOMBRE" Este es un individuo que se describe básicamente como UN DIOS HUMANO que puede restaurar el lugar de la humanidad con Dios. Así que "Hijo del Hombre" se refiere a este papel PERO más importantemente se refiere a su NATURALEZA MÁS QUE HUMANA. ¡Jesús incluso cita a Daniel diciendo que él es este "Hijo del Hombre" "Dios Humano" que cumple con el estándar necesario para sentarse en esta multitud junto a Dios y proféticamente lo dice! Nota interesante Jesús puede abrir los sellos que están cerrados en la revelación de Daniel, pero que están abiertos con el Apocalipsis de Juan. Jesús se refiere proféticamente a sí mismo como esta persona. Como “Hijo del Hombre” Jesús es la máxima representación del Hombre y demuestra la pluralidad necesaria para cumplir cualquier requisito o título de Hombre.
Ejemplos en las escrituras ... Jesús es ... El Sumo Sacerdote, El Máximo Apóstol, El Perfecto Adán, Rey de Reyes, Señor de Señores, Príncipe de Paz, El Primogénito (Este es un término hebreo legal bíblico para ganar herencia y autoridad de la familia), el exorcista supremo, el ministro supremo, el evangelista supremo, el mejor profeta, el guerrero más fuerte, el siervo más humilde, el juez supremo, el pastor más amoroso, el mejor hermano, el mejor amigo, El novio largamente esperado, el último sacrificio humano, el máximo obrador de milagros, el más alto maestro, el mejor rabino, el último mesías, el mejor erudito, el mejor estudiante de la ley, el hombre perfecto que cumple y completa los diez mandamientos ... La lista continúa, pero entiendes el punto
Si tu busca a otro hombre que cumpla estos roles humanos que solo el “Hijo del Hombre” debía cumplir, ¡se sentirá completamente decepcionado!
submitted by slv2xhrist to exlldm [link] [comments]

The Walking Dead: As Blood Dries. Chapter 11: "Lurking Behind Us"

Chapter 11: “Lurking Behind Us”
[Three Days Later]
[The group has entered Kentucky. Mike, Bonnie, Russell and Void remain tied up. Jacob once agains plans for the group’s night.]
Jacob: “Hmm…”
Samuel: ‘What?”
Jacob: “Where in the middle of nowhere, right now, looks like we gotta pull out the tents tonight.”
Samuel: “That sucks…”
Nolan: “Not looking forward to sleeping on pavement again…”
Leonardo: “Me encanta dormir en el pavimento.”
Void: “You speak english right?”
Leonardo: “Yeah?”
Void: “So you speak spanish just to be annoying?”
Leonardo: “Uhh, yeah…”
Void: “That’s fucking annoying.”
Leonardo: “No, it’s my charm…”
Void: “Cleary that charm’s flowing out of your ass instead of your mouth…”
Leonardo: “Hey! Don’t speak the truth…”
Jacob: ‘Sun’s getting low, I think we should start setting up camp here…”
Samuel: “Sure…”
[A couple hours later, the group has set up camp. Mike, Bonnie, Russell remain tied to a tree.]
Mike: “This is fucking bullshit…”
Bonnie: “That we’re still tied up?”
Mike: “Yeah… and that kid gets to walk free…”
[They stare at Void, who’s not tied up with the rest of them.]
Mike: “Why does she get to fucking walk free…”
Russell: “Because Samuel’s a fucking hypocite…”
Mike: “Tonight…”
Bonnie: ‘What?”
Mike: “Tonight, we free ourselves and get the fuck outta here…”
Russell: “Sure… fuck these people…”
Bonnie: ‘Russell?”
Russell: “Bonnie?”
Bonnie: “We don’t need to leave these people, we need to gain their trust…”
Mike: “Bonnie, that ain’t happening, clearly…”
Russell: “Why the hell would you want to stay here anyway?”
Bonnie: “Because… nothing…”
Mike: “Bonnie?”
Bonnie: “Last… last time I talked to Clementine, I… i blamed her for Luke’s death and… it was just so stuipd… she’s a kid…”
Mike: “You what to apologize to her?”
Bonnie: “Yeah… the way things ended with her… it just keeps sticking in my mind…”
Russell: “You realize that the chances of finding that girl alive are zero right? Right?”
Bonnie: “Russ, you don’t know that…”
Russell: “It’s based on logic…”
Mike: “He’s right, Bonnie.”
Bonnie: “No…”
Mike: “We need to get outta here, head south, away from the snow… to somewhere that actually exists…”
Russell: “Wellington does exist…”
Mike: “Have you been there… no, you haven’t…’
Bonnie: “You guys can go… but… I’m not coming with you… that ship has sailed…”
Mike: “Bonnie… come on?”
Bonnie: ‘I’m not…”
Russell: “You can’t stay here… they see us gone, they’ll kill you…”
Bonnie: “They won’t.”
Russell: “Why? Because Shel’s there? Wyatt? They don’t like you anymore, you realize that! You and that group got Vince killed! They don’t want you…”
Bonnie: “And I don’t want you either!”
Russell: “Fine then!”
Bonnie: ‘What happened to you?!”
[The group looks over at the prisoners.]
Leonardo: “Should we grab popcorn or something?”
Aubrey: “Leo.”
Samuel: “The hell’s going on?”
Bonnie: “They’re plotting to escape…”
Mike: “Bonnie?!”
Bonnie: “Can I be moved away from these assholes, please…”
Samuel: “You know what… sure…”
[Samuel unties Bonnie from the tree.]
Bonnie: “Where do I go?”
Samuel: “Anywhere you what?”
[Samuel cuts her binds.]
Bonnie: “What?”
Samuel: “You’re free to go, you can stay with us or go on your merry way…”
Mike: “What?! Hey?!”
Russell: “That’s unfair!”
Bonnie: “I-I’ll stay here…”
Samuel: “Void, come here.”
[Samuel frees Void.]
Void: “Finally…”
Mike: “What the fuck?!”
Jacob: “Stop yelling…”
Russell: “Why the fuck do they get to be free now?!”
Samuel: “Why are you tied up, Russell?”
Mike: “Hey… come on… this is fucking stupid, we don’t what to be with you people… just let us go and we’ll go our own way…”
Samuel: “Not my decision, it’s Christa’s…”
Mike: “What?”
[Mike looks at Christa.]
Mike: “Why?”
[Christa neels down to Mike’s level.]
Christa: “If we find out that Clementine’s... dead… you’re the one we’re holding accountable.”
Mike: “Oh, that’s bullshit… I didn’t shoot that kid!”
Christa: “You’re the one that gave Arvo that gun…”
Mike: “...”
Christa: “You’re not going anywhere, anytime soon…”
Samuel: “Alright… everyone, back to business…”
[Mike glares at the group as they settle into the camp.]
Bonnie: “Thank you…”
Samuel: “Don’t be…”
[Hours later, during the midst of night, Jeneva emerges from her and Jacob’s tent.]
Jacob: “Where are you going?”
Jeneva: “I have to pee.”
Jacob: “Be careful.”
Jeneva: “I will.”
[Jeneva walks towards the woods as Jacob lies back down. Jeneva walks into the woods and squats behind a tree and pisses. When she finishes, she pulls up her pants. Just then she hears a twig snap.]
Jeneva: “Hello?”
[Another twig snaps.]
Jeneva: “Who’s there?”
[Jeneva hears footsteps.]
Jeneva: “Hello?! Who’s that? I hear you?!”
[Jacob comes running out of the tent.]
Jacob: “What’s wrong?!”
Jeneva: “S-Someone’s watching me?”
Jacob: “You sure?”
Jeneva: “Yeah, I heard them walking--”
[Just then a walker emerges from the woods depths.]
Walker: “Gruhh…”
Jacob: “See, it’s nothin’...”
[Jacob stabs the walker in the head. It falls to the ground.]
Jacob: “It’s down, come on, let’s get back to bed…”
Jeneva: “Okay…”
[Jacob and Jeneva walk back to the camp. As the walker bleeds onto the ground, someone in black boots steps next to it.]
[Seven Hours Later]
[The group, once again back on the move, nears Paintsville, Kentucky.]
Jacob: “Half a mile to Paintsville.”
Robert: “Paintsville? That’s a weird name?”
Aubrey: “Robert’s a weird name.”
Robert: “Robert’s the tenth most common name in America.”
Void: “Not anymore. Most Robert’s are dead now…”
Robert: “Still, it ain't a weird name?”
Aubrey: “I was joking Robert.”
Leonardo: “Lo que significa que eres un mal bromista.”
Void: “Seriously, stop doing that…”
Leonardo: “Never.”
Clarke: “Be nice.”
Leonardo: “What? I am?”
Clarke: ‘No…”
Leonardo: “Yeah…”
Clarke: “No…”
Leonardo: “Whatever you say, kid…”
Lucas: “How you holding up, Clarke?’
Clarke: “I’m fine…”
Cynthia: “Good…”
Leonardo: “Half mile, right, Jacob?”
Jacob: ‘Yeah… Thinking we should maybe camp there tonight? Don’t know, we’ll see…”
[The group carries on towards Paintsville. As they near the town, Jacob confirmed his plan.]
Jacob: “Looks like those houses are intact, we’ll camp here.”
Sally: “Good, my feet are tired…”
Nolan: “I’ll keep saying this, we need to find a car… or bus, or whatever…”
Kenneth: “Sure, we’ll find a bus as soon as pig’s fly.”
Sally: “Don’t talk about pigs, you’ll make me hungry…”
Kenneth: “What? You starving for some bacon?”
Sally: “Stop, you ass.”
[Sally smiles.]
Clarke: “Swear.”
Sally: “Oh, shit-- Sorry.”
Cynthia: “It’s okay, don’t worry…”
Kenneth: “How dare you swear, Miss. Davison…”
Sally: “Shut up…”
[Kenneth smiles.]
Samuel: “What was that?”
Kenneth: “Huh?”
Samuel: “What was that, with her?”
Kenneth: “Uh… nothing…”
Samuel: “Sure, sure…”
[Sally looks towards Kenneth. As they walk she sees someone moving in the woods.]
Sally: “The fuck?”
Kenneth: “What?”
Sally: “There’s someone in the woods… I-I just saw them…”
Jeneva: “Where?”
Sally: “Over there… in the woods…”
Samuel: “Kenneth, Jacob, with me, we’ll check…”
Sally: “I’ll check with you…”
[Samuel, Jacob, Sally and Kenneth approche the woods. They find nobody.]
Samuel: “You sure you saw somebody?”
Sally: “Yeah… looked like a white male, watching us…”
Jacob: “You sure it wasn’t a walker…”
Sally: “Walker would have approached us.”
Kenneth; “Guys… we have footprints…”
[Kenneth points out footprints within the snow.]
Jacob: “Fuck…”
Samuel: “Who’s there?!”
Kenneth: “Should we follow?”
Samuel: “No… don’t wanna stray too far from the group…”
Sally: “Think he got scared off by us…”
Samuel: “Maybe… have weapons ready just in case…”
[They return to the group.]
Jeneva: “Anything?”
Samuel: “Someone was definitely watching us, there were footprints…”
Kenneth: “Have your weapons ready just in case…”
Mike: “Not all of us have weapons…”
Christa: ‘That’s for the best…”
Samuel: ‘Come on, let’s just get far from here…”
[The group reaches the edge of Paintsville. From the trees, the man in black boots watches on.]
Jacob: “This house should work…”
[Kenneth goes to open the door. It’s locked.]
Kenneth: “One sec…”
[Kenneth kicks the door.]
Nolan: ‘Stop! I can unlock that. Becca, you got more bobby pins?”
Becca: ‘Yeah, here…”
[Nolan starts unlocking the door.]
Nolan: “This might take a moment…”
Mike: “Hey? Samuel?”
Samuel: “What?”
Mike: “Can I go pee, real quick?”
Samuel: “Ugh… fine, come here…”
[Samuel leads Mike towards the woods.]
Samuel: ‘You got two minutes, hurry…”
[Mike marches into the woods. He finds a tree and struggles to unzip his pants. He pees onto the tree. As he pees he hears footsteps near him.]
Mike: “Samuel?”
[Back at the door, Nolan unlocks the door.]
Nolan: “There we go…”
Kenneth: “Good job.”
Void: “Oh, damn… you’re useful for something…”
Nolan: “Wow, thanks…”
[The group starts entering the house.]
Jacob: “Samuel? Come on?!”
Samuel: “Hurry up, Mike!”
[Mike doesn’t respond.]
Samuel: ‘Mike?!”
[Samuel draws his bow.]
Samuel: “Mike?! We’re--”
Mike: “I’m taking a shit! Give me a minute!”
Samuel: “Ugh…”
[Three minutes later, Mike emerges from the woods.]
Samuel: “All good?”
Mike: “Yeah.”
[Mike smiles.]
Samuel: “Okay? Come on…”
[Samuel and Mike enter the house.]
Jacob: “Everything okay?”
Samuel: “Yeah, seems like it…”
Jacob: “Let’s get camp ready…”
[As the group preps for the night, Aubrey exits the house. Void sees her leave and follows her outside, seeing her enter a house across the street. Void enters the house and follows Aubrey’s muddy footprints to the attic. There she sees Aubrey staring out a window, crying.]
Void: “Aubrey?”
Aubrey: “Ahh! What the fuck?!”
Void: “You okay?”
Aubrey: “I’m fine… w-why are you here?”
Void: “I was just curious where you were going… Are you crying?”
Aubrey: “No… no… I’m fine…”
Void: “You sure?”
Aubrey: “Yeah…”
Void: “Couple days ago… you mentioned that your parents we’re dead… I’m assuming that’s recent?”
Aubrey: “Who told you?”
Void: “Nobody… just an acute guess…”
Aubrey: “Yeah… they… I’d prefer to not to talk about…”
Void: “Okay… I’ll leave you to it…”
[Void starts walking away.]
Aubrey: “How’d your parents die?”
Void: “Uh…”
Aubrey: “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have too…”
Void: “It’s fine… this was back when everything started… my parents were trying to jump start a car and they were failing at it miserly… so the dead came… they we’re taking surprise… I was stuck in the car as… as they died… and after I had to… put them down…”
Aubrey: “Void?”
Void: “Yeah?”
Aubrey: “What’s your name…”
Void: “It’s--”
[Suddenly Nolan enters the attic.]
Nolan: “There you two are… Samuel needs you, both…”
Aubrey: “For what?”
Nolan: “I don’t know… he didn’t say…”
Aubrey: “Okay… let’s--”
[Gunfire rings out.]
[Moments Earlier.]
[Just after Aubrey and Void left the house, Jacob starts setting up a fire with the fireplace.]
Jacob: “Come on… you piece of shit…”
Lucas: “Here… let me do that…”
[Lucas ignites the fire.]
Jacob: “There we go… thanks…”
Samuel: “Everyone in the house?”
Sally: “Aubrey and Void just left…”
Samuel: “Left?”
Sally: “They walked out of the house…”
Samuel: “Right now… really?”
Sally: “I don’t know what they're doing…”
Nolan: ‘What’s going on?”
Samuel: ‘Can you look for Aubrey and Void, they exited the house…”
Nolan: “Sure…”
[Nolan leaves in search of the girls. Inside the house, Mike sits near a window. He stands up.]
Russell: “What are you doing?”
Mike: “It’s stuffy in here… I’m going to try to open the window…”
Russell: “Okay…”
[Mike opens the window and sits down. He stares outside into the woods. He looks back at the group and then towards the woods again. He then sticks his hands outside the window, giving a thumbs up. He quickly retracts his gesture and sits normally.]
Bonnie: “Hey, Christa…”
Christa: “Huh? What?”
Bonnie: “Look, I just wanted to say--”
[Gunfire rings out towards the house.]
Samuel: “Holy fuck! Get down!”
[The group flees to the floor.]
Kenneth: “What the shit!”
[At the attic.]
Void: “The hell?”
[Aubrey, Void and Nolan run to the window. They see a group of strangers emerge from the woods behind them. The group approaches the house.]
Man: “Put your hands up! Now!”
[Inside, Samuel commands the group.]
Samuel: “Backdoor!”
[Sally bolts up and runs to the backdoor and opens it to find a man with ginger hair in the way.]
Ginger Man: “Hands up!”
Man: “You’re surrounded! Put any weapons down now!”
[The front door bursts open as the man enters the house. At the sight of the man, Russell and Wyatt’s jaws drop.]
Man: “Holy shit… Wyatt.. Russ… long time no see… You forget me already? I’m Nate…”
Samuel: “Wyatt?!”
Wyatt: “I-I…”
Nate: “No! No! Everyone lay on the ground with your arms spread apart! Now! I said now!”
[The group compiles. Nate pulls out a walkie talkie.]
Nate: “Sir… everyone’s down… get the bus around here…”
Russell: “Nate? What the fuck are you doing?!”
Nate: ‘Nice to see you too, Russ…”
[From the attic, Aubrey, Void and Nolan see an old prison bus pull up next to the house. The man with black boots steps out of the bus and walks towards the house. He enters the house.]
Black Booted Man: “Get them tied up, fast…”
Ginger Man: “Yessir…”
[A group of men enter the house and start tying up the group.]
Black Booted Man: “I’m Frederick. Frederick Dillane. And from here on out… your mine…”
Samuel: “Fuck you…”
Frederick: “You’re Samuel, right? You’re the leader of this ragtag group, yeah?”
Samuel: “You’ve been following us…”
Frederick: “Nothing personal… it’s just business… oh, that’s Erik and Nathen…”
Nate: “Nate.”
Frederick: “Anyway… you’re ours now…”
[Frederick sees Mike.]
Frederick: “Eh, yes…”
[Frederick walks over to Mike and unties.]
Mike: “Thank you…”
Bonnie: “Mike?!”
Samuel: “You motherfucker! I’ll kill you!”
Frederick: “Shut it!”
Clarke: “Mama?”
Cynthia: “Stay quite…”
Nate: ‘Holy shit! Sir, one of them has down syndrome?!”
Frederick: “What? That kid?”
Cynthia: “Stay away from him!”
Frederick: “Ugh… he’ll be useless… dispose of him…”
Cynthia: “No! Stop!”
[One of the men holds down Cynthia.]
Erik: “Hey, Nate! No! Come on, that’s unjust!”
Nate: “Stay outta this Erik!”
[Nate pulls up Clarke and shoves him to the wall. Nate unholsters his gun.]
Cynthia: “LET GO! NO!!”
Lucas: “Stop! Please!”
Clarke: “Mama?!”
[Nate aims the gun at Clarke’s head and fires, killing him.]
Cynthia: “CLARKE!”
Erik: “Nate?”
[Clarke Kowalski’s body slums over.]
Cynthia: “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”
Nate: “Shut it!”
[Nate kicks Cynthia in the head.]
Erik: “Stop!”
Frederick: “Come on! Get them loaded into the bus! Now! Josh, Liam, come on!”
[From the attic, Aubrey, Void and Nolan watch as Samuel’s group is loaded into the bus.]
Nolan: ‘Oh god…”
Void: “Shhhs.”
Frederick: “Everyone in?”
Liam: ‘Yessir.”
Frederick: “Then let’s move out!”
[Frederick and the rest of his group enters the bus and drive off, anware of Aubrey, Void, and Nolan in the attic. The teenagers run out of the house and onto the street as the bus drives off into the distance.]
Aubrey: “Oh fuck…”
[Nolan runs into the house followed by Aubrey and Void. They find Clarke’s corpse.]
Nolan: “Clarke?! Oh god?!”
Void: “Fuck… we need to go…”
Aubrey: “Go… where? We don’t know where they went?!”
Void: “We have to follow them… they’re in danger…”
Nolan: ‘We… we need to bury him first…”
Void: “Bury? I’m sorry but we don’t have the time for that… we need to save your friends…”
Nolan: “Come on… we can’t just leave him here to rot… he deserves to be buried!”
Void: “Aubrey… help me out here…”
Aubrey: “I…”
Nolan: “We are burying him.. We have too…”
Void: “Aubrey?”
[It’s time to decide.]
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submitted by Zfungi148 to TheWalkingDeadGame [link] [comments]

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Primaria 4 (Parte 2)

腸 intestino

訓読み- No importa tanto
音読み- チョウ
大腸(だいちょう) intestino grueso
盲腸(もうちょう) apéndice
外科医は患者の盲腸を摘出した。El cirujano extirpó el apéndice del paciente

低 Bajo

訓読み- ひく
音読み- テイ
低い(ひくい) Bajo
かつて日本で金は銀よりも価値が低かった。 En algún momento en Japón el oro tenía un valor mas bajo que la plata
私は血圧が低いです。Tengo baja presión sanguínea
可能性が低い Bajas probabilidades; unlikely
この画像、解像度が低すぎてすごく汚い。The image quality his bad - thee resolution is so low.
ヘリコプターは、とても低く飛んでいる。El helicopter vela muy bajo
背が低い(せがひくい) bajo (de estatura de una persona)
最低(さいてい) the lowest (morally repugnant) cuando lo dicen en anime por si solo es como DAS ASCO D:< Pero también se usa literalmente cuando estas viendo estadísticas y te refieres a la cifra mas baja.
株価はこれまでの最低に下がった。Stock prices plunged to a record low
私は最低2マイルは歩ける。I can walk at least two miles
低下(ていか) disminuír
その会社は売り上げが15パーセント低下した。La compañía disminuyó sus ventas en un 15%
そう言ったからと言って、彼の重要性が低下する訳ではない。to say so should not diminish his importance
金利が低下したことが自動車の市馬を刺激した。 Falling interest rates have stimulated the automobile market
彼は教育の水準の低下についてくどくど喋り続ける He keeps harping on about declining standards of education

底 Fondo

訓読み- そこ
音読み- テイ
底(そこ) fondo
彼は心の底でその知らせを喜んだ He welcomed the news from his heart
心の底から彼に感謝した I thanked him from the bottom of my heart
その船は海の底に沈んだ The ship went down to the bottom of the sea
彼は腹の底まで腐ったやつだ。He is thoroughly dishonest character
海底(かいてい) seabed
彼は海底で新しい生活を楽しんだ。Disfrutó una nueva vida en el fondo del mar
海の植物は海底に付着して育つ。Marine plants grown on the sea bed.
底辺(ていへん) la base de una figura geometrica
どん底(どんぞこ) rock bottom
彼は貧乏のどん底だ he is as poor as can be
彼女は絶望のどん底にあった。 She was in an abyss of despair

停 Parada

訓読み- No importa tanto
音読み- テイ
バス停(ばすてい) Parada de autobús
各駅停車(かくえきていしゃ) train that stops at every station
停留所(ていりゅうじょ) Parada en general
停止(ていし) come to a stop; detenerse; suspender (una actividad o evento); cortar (un servicio)
列車は滑らかに停止した。The train came to a smooth stop
コンピューター・システムっは午後8時に自動的に停止する。The computer system shuts down automatically at 8PM
戦争は停止されるべきだと全員合意した。They were unanimous that the war should be brought to a halt
ポーランドっは120年間国家として存在を停止した。Poland ceased to exist as a nation for 120 years
水道料金を滞納すると給水を停止されるとういうことをお聞きしましたが本当ですか。Escuché que si te atrasas en pagar el servicio de agua te la cortan, es cierto?
停止標識(ていしひょうしき) Stop sign
停止標識を無視しませんでしたか。 Didn’t you disregard a stop sign

的 bullseye

訓読み- まと
音読み- テキ
Nota: el onyomi テキ convierte palabras en adverbios
的(まと) Bullseye
矢は的に届かなかった。The arrow fell short of the bullseye.
目的(もくてき) Meta
標的(ひょうてき) Target. Puede significar literal un “blanco” al cual dispararle o metafóricamente un blanco al que estas apuntando; un objetivo.
一般的(いっぱんてき) generally
一般的に言えば、西欧人は魚を生で食べない。Generally speaking, westerners don’t eat fish raw
一般的に言えば、男は女よりも肉体的に強い Generally speaking men are physically stronger than women.
肉体的 bodily
精神的な健康は肉体的な健康と同じくらい大切です。Mental health is as important as physical health
積極的(せっきょくてき) activamente; proactivo
彼は積極的に人々に善行を施している He is being proactive in doing good for people.
あの学生はとても積極的だ。He is a proactive student.
彼はその革命で積極的な役割をした。He played an active part in the revolution.
徹底的(てっていてき) exhaustive; thoroughly
その家を徹底的に調べてから購入した。We went over the house thoroughly before buying it.
その仮説は徹底的な実験にも基づいている。the hypothesis is based on the thorough experiments
基本的(きほんてき) fundamental; basic
この講座では応急手当の基本的な機能を教えます。This course teaches the basic skills in first aid
君と私意見には基本的な違いがある。there is a fundamental difference between your opinion and mine
私は基本的な朝食であるみそ汁とご飯が好きです。I like basic breakfast, miso soup and rice.
個人っは地域社会の基本的な構成要素である。The individual is the fundamental element of a community
その基本的な意味は変わらない。Thhe basic meaning of it remains the same.
自動的(じどうてき) automáticamente
その機械は自動的に働く。This machine works by itself
理想的(りそうてき) ideal
彼女はカナダを住むのに理想的な国だと考えた。She thought of Canada as thee ideal country to live in.
暖かくて、晴れたピクニックに理想的だ。A warm sunny day is ideal for a picnic.
合理的(ごうりてき) reasonable; rational
彼の議論は合理的だ。His argument is rational
これには合理的な説明が必要だ。There must be a rational explanation for this

典 classic

訓読み- テン
音読み- テン
典型的(てんけいてき) Típico; epitome
彼は典型的な仕事人間だね He's a typical workaholic
彼は典型的な日本の住宅に住んでいた He lived in a typical Japanese-style house
彼はその男をお典型的な紳士と評した。He described he man as a model gentleman
古典的(こてんてき) classical

伝 Transmitir

訓読み- つた
音読み- セツ
手伝う(てつだう) Ayudar
手伝ってくれたお礼に、お昼をごちそうしたいのですが I'd like to treat you to lunch to thank you for all your help
父は僕の宿題をよく手伝ってくれる Father often helps me with my homework
手伝い(てつだい) Ayudante. Su forma “verbo” (手伝いをする) es mas formal que 手伝う; por eso se traduce mejor como “asistir”, y para ser mas educado aún se le agrega el honorífico お para formar お手伝い.
私が困難に打ち勝つ手伝いをしてくれませんか Will you help me get over the difficulties
僕は、彼女の宿題の手伝いを申し出た Ofrecí asistirle con su tarea
メアリーはおかあさんの手伝いをしています Mary asiste a su madre
喜んでお手伝いします。Será un gusto asistirle.
BONUS: lo mas casual para ofrecer ayuda:
If there’s anything I can do to help…
[noun phrase]で(お困りの/困った)ことがあれば…
[noun phrase]で何かできることがあれば…
お手伝いさん Domestic helper
彼は新しいお手伝いを雇った。 El contrató a un nuevo ayudante
伝う(つたう) liquid runs down. ”水が伝う means “water drops falls along ~ ”
大粒の涙が頰を伝って流れ落ちた。A big tear rolled down my cheek
彼rの首筋をちがすっと伝った。A trickle of blood ran down his nape
その瞬間涙がその老人の頰を伝って落ちた。At that moment tears ran down the old man’s face
涙が彼女の顔を伝って流れ落ちた。Tears fell down her cheeks
彼女は涙を頬に伝わせながら情けを請うた。She implored mercy with tears running down her cheeks.
机が僕の髪を伝わった水で濡れている The desk is wet with the water that fell from my wet hair.”
ほら、健一、そこの雨樋伝っておいでよ。引っ張ってあげるから。Hey, Ken'ichi, come along that drain pipe. I'll pull you up.

伝える(つたえる) transferir

我々は自らの文化を次の世代に伝えていかなくてはならない We have to transmit our culture to the next generation
明日、彼と会うことになっているので、何か連絡があったら伝えるよ Since I will see him tomorrow, I can give him a message if you want
私はトムに真実を伝えた。I told Tom the truth.
私は少し買い物をしてから行くと彼女に伝えてください Please tell her I'll come after I do some shopping
必ず、あなたのお父さんによろしくお伝え下さい Please be sure to give my best regards to your father
ミツバチは、においのサンプルを巣に持ち帰ることによって食糧のありかを伝える Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive
彼は英語で自分の意思を伝えられる El se da a entender en ingles
伝統(でんとう) Tradición
社会の価値観はその伝統の中に反映されている A society's values are reflected in its traditions
ゼルダの伝説 The legend of Zelda.
宣伝(せんでん) Anuncio
その商品はテレビで宣伝されている The goods are advertised on TV
テレビで製品を宣伝する会社が多い Many companies advertise their products on TV
大修館は新しい辞書を出版すると宣伝した Taishukan advertised it would publish a new dictionary
自然環境の回復を宣伝する組織がリサイクルに力を入れて、植林に貢献しないのは何故か Since many organizations are putting effort into recycling in order to restore the natural environment, why won't you contribute to reforestation#底 Fondo
訓読み- そこ
音読み- テイ
底(そこ) fondo
彼は心の底でその知らせを喜んだ He welcomed the news from his heart
心の底から彼に感謝した I thanked him from the bottom of my heart
その船は海の底に沈んだ The ship went down to the bottom of the sea
彼は腹の底まで腐ったやつだ。He is thoroughly dishonest character
海底(かいてい) seabed
彼は海底で新しい生活を楽しんだ。Disfrutó una nueva vida en el fondo del mar
海の植物は海底に付着して育つ。Marine plants grown on the sea bed.
底辺(ていへん) la base de una figura geometrica
どん底(どんぞこ) rock bottom
彼は貧乏のどん底だ he is as poor as can be
彼女は絶望のどん底にあった。 She was in an abyss of despair

停 Parada

訓読み- No importa tanto
音読み- テイ
バス停(ばすてい) Parada de autobús
各駅停車(かくえきていしゃ) train that stops at every station
停留所(ていりゅうじょ) Parada en general
停止(ていし) come to a stop; detenerse; suspender (una actividad o evento); cortar (un servicio)
列車は滑らかに停止した。The train came to a smooth stop
コンピューター・システムっは午後8時に自動的に停止する。The computer system shuts down automatically at 8PM
戦争は停止されるべきだと全員合意した。They were unanimous that the war should be brought to a halt
ポーランドっは120年間国家として存在を停止した。Poland ceased to exist as a nation for 120 years
水道料金を滞納すると給水を停止されるとういうことをお聞きしましたが本当ですか。Escuché que si te atrasas en pagar el servicio de agua te la cortan, es cierto?
停止標識(ていしひょうしき) Stop sign
停止標識を無視しませんでしたか。 Didn’t you disregard a stop sign

的 bullseye

訓読み- まと
音読み- テキ
Nota: el onyomi テキ convierte palabras en adverbios
的(まと) Bullseye
矢は的に届かなかった。The arrow fell short of the bullseye.
目的(もくてき) Meta
標的(ひょうてき) Target. Puede significar literal un “blanco” al cual dispararle o metafóricamente un blanco al que estas apuntando; un objetivo.
一般的(いっぱんてき) generally
一般的に言えば、西欧人は魚を生で食べない。Generally speaking, westerners don’t eat fish raw
一般的に言えば、男は女よりも肉体的に強い Generally speaking men are physically stronger than women.
肉体的 bodily
精神的な健康は肉体的な健康と同じくらい大切です。Mental health is as important as physical health
積極的(せっきょくてき) activamente; proactivo
彼は積極的に人々に善行を施している He is being proactive in doing good for people.
あの学生はとても積極的だ。He is a proactive student.
彼はその革命で積極的な役割をした。He played an active part in the revolution.
徹底的(てっていてき) exhaustive; thoroughly
その家を徹底的に調べてから購入した。We went over the house thoroughly before buying it.
その仮説は徹底的な実験にも基づいている。the hypothesis is based on the thorough experiments
基本的(きほんてき) fundamental; basic
この講座では応急手当の基本的な機能を教えます。This course teaches the basic skills in first aid
君と私意見には基本的な違いがある。there is a fundamental difference between your opinion and mine
私は基本的な朝食であるみそ汁とご飯が好きです。I like basic breakfast, miso soup and rice.
個人っは地域社会の基本的な構成要素である。The individual is the fundamental element of a community
その基本的な意味は変わらない。Thhe basic meaning of it remains the same.
自動的(じどうてき) automáticamente
その機械は自動的に働く。This machine works by itself
理想的(りそうてき) ideal
彼女はカナダを住むのに理想的な国だと考えた。She thought of Canada as thee ideal country to live in.
暖かくて、晴れたピクニックに理想的だ。A warm sunny day is ideal for a picnic.
合理的(ごうりてき) reasonable; rational
彼の議論は合理的だ。His argument is rational
これには合理的な説明が必要だ。There must be a rational explanation for this

典 classic

訓読み- テン
音読み- テン
典型的(てんけいてき) Típico; epitome
彼は典型的な仕事人間だね He's a typical workaholic
彼は典型的な日本の住宅に住んでいた He lived in a typical Japanese-style house
彼はその男をお典型的な紳士と評した。He described he man as a model gentleman
古典的(こてんてき) classical

伝 Transmitir

訓読み- つた
音読み- セツ
手伝う(てつだう) Ayudar
手伝ってくれたお礼に、お昼をごちそうしたいのですが I'd like to treat you to lunch to thank you for all your help
父は僕の宿題をよく手伝ってくれる Father often helps me with my homework
手伝い(てつだい) Ayudante. Su forma “verbo” (手伝いをする) es mas formal que 手伝う; por eso se traduce mejor como “asistir”, y para ser mas educado aún se le agrega el honorífico お para formar お手伝い.
私が困難に打ち勝つ手伝いをしてくれませんか Will you help me get over the difficulties
僕は、彼女の宿題の手伝いを申し出た Ofrecí asistirle con su tarea
メアリーはおかあさんの手伝いをしています Mary asiste a su madre
喜んでお手伝いします。Será un gusto asistirle.
BONUS: lo mas casual para ofrecer ayuda:
If there’s anything I can do to help…
[noun phrase]で(お困りの/困った)ことがあれば…
[noun phrase]で何かできることがあれば…
お手伝いさん Domestic helper
彼は新しいお手伝いを雇った。 El contrató a un nuevo ayudante
#伝う(つたう) liquid runs down. ”水が伝う means “water drops falls along ~ ”
大粒の涙が頰を伝って流れ落ちた。A big tear rolled down my cheek
彼rの首筋をちがすっと伝った。A trickle of blood ran down his nape
その瞬間涙がその老人の頰を伝って落ちた。At that moment tears ran down the old man’s face
涙が彼女の顔を伝って流れ落ちた。Tears fell down her cheeks
彼女は涙を頬に伝わせながら情けを請うた。She implored mercy with tears running down her cheeks.
机が僕の髪を伝わった水で濡れている The desk is wet with the water that fell from my wet hair.”
ほら、健一、そこの雨樋伝っておいでよ。引っ張ってあげるから。Hey, Ken'ichi, come along that drain pipe. I'll pull you up.

伝える(つたえる) transferir

我々は自らの文化を次の世代に伝えていかなくてはならない We have to transmit our culture to the next generation
明日、彼と会うことになっているので、何か連絡があったら伝えるよ Since I will see him tomorrow, I can give him a message if you want
私はトムに真実を伝えた。I told Tom the truth.
私は少し買い物をしてから行くと彼女に伝えてください Please tell her I'll come after I do some shopping
必ず、あなたのお父さんによろしくお伝え下さい Please be sure to give my best regards to your father
ミツバチは、においのサンプルを巣に持ち帰ることによって食糧のありかを伝える Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive
彼は英語で自分の意思を伝えられる El se da a entender en ingles
伝統(でんとう) Tradición
社会の価値観はその伝統の中に反映されている A society's values are reflected in its traditions
ゼルダの伝説 The legend of Zelda.
宣伝(せんでん) Anuncio
その商品はテレビで宣伝されている The goods are advertised on TV
テレビで製品を宣伝する会社が多い Many companies advertise their products on TV
大修館は新しい辞書を出版すると宣伝した Taishukan advertised it would publish a new dictionary
自然環境の回復を宣伝する組織がリサイクルに力を入れて、植林に貢献しないのは何故か Since many organizations are putting effort into recycling in order to restore the natural environment, why won't you contribute to reforestation

徒 pupilo

訓読み- No tiene :D
音読み- ト
生徒(せいと) Pupilo; estudiante (de alguien).
Nota: No he encontrado una definición clara que distinga 生徒 de 学生 pero aquí van algunas nuances que encontré según japoneses:
生徒 is the opposite of 先生。(de la misma forma que お父さん es el “opuesto” de 息子)
学生 es para universitarios 生徒 es para secundaria y prepa
I think if we were students, we call us 学生. And if we were teachers, we call students 生徒.
Conclusión mía: Me imagino que sea usa 学生 para universitarios porque se espera que no estén “bajo supervisión” de nadie, los maestros están ahi para dar lecciones y calificarte. Entonces 生徒 necesariamente tiene que corresponder a un 先生 que vea por ti.
徒歩(とほ) a pie
彼は徒歩で通学している。Él va a la escuela a pie.
教徒(きょうと) Creyente
クリスト教徒 Cristiano
新教徒(しんきょうと) protestante
使徒(しと) apóstol, discipulo

努 Esfuerzo

訓読み- つと
音読み- ドウ
努める(つとめる) hacer un esfuerzo consciente; actively doing a thing. 可能な限りできることをする
私は笑わないように努めた。 Me esforcé para no reírme.
私は彼の言う事を注意深く聞こうと努めた。I tried to listen to him carefully.
私は彼女が涙を流した思い出を忘れようと努めた。I tried to efface the memory of her tears.
現在、通常のサービスの早急な復旧に努めています。We are currently working to restore normal service as soon as possible.
人質にとられながら、彼は努めて勇敢に振る舞った。He tried to be brave while he was being held hostage.
努力(どりょく) Esfuerzo.
君が成功するかしないかは努力次第だ Whether you will succeed or not depends on your efforts
親友といえども、その友情を維持する努力が必要である Even good friends should make an effort to keep up their friendship
我々はずっと努力してきた We have come a long way
努力家(どりょくか) hard working person

灯 lámpara

訓読み- No importa tanto
音読み- トウ
街灯(がいとう) Street light
電灯(でんとう) luz eléctrica
懐中電灯(かいちゅうでんとう) flashlight
蛍光灯(けいこうとう) fluorescent lamp

堂 hall

訓読み- No tiene
音読み- ドウ
食堂(しょくどう) dinning hall; cafeteria
講堂(こうどう) Auditorium; lecture hall
その教師は講堂に学生を集めた。El profesor reunió a los alumnos en el auditorio
堂々(どうどう) magnificent, grand, majestuosoo
正々堂々(せいせいどうどう) Fair and square
試合に勝とうが負けようが、正々堂々とプレイしなければならない。Wheter you win or lose, your must play fair and square
彼らは敵軍と正々堂々と戦った。They fought a fair battle with the enemy.
公会堂(こうかいどう) city hall
任天堂(にんてんどう) Nintendo

働 Trabajar

訓読み- はたら
音読み- ドウ
働く(はたらく) Trabajar
働かせる(はたらかせる) Put someone else to work
労働(ろうどう) labor manual
労働者(ろうどうしゃ) obrero

特 Especial

訓読み- No tiene :D
音読み- トク
特別(とくべつ) Especial
今日は何か特別のことがしたい気がする。Today I feel like doing something special
彼らは特別のコンピューター・システムを開発し、それを彼の車椅子に取り付けた。They developed a special computer system and fixed it to his wheelchair
特に(とくに) Especialmente
これは特に若者向けにデザインされている。Ésto está diseñado especialmente para personas jóvenes.
今日は特に霧が濃い。It is especially foggy today
私はこの点を特に強調したい。I want to emphasize this point especially.
私は音楽、特にクラシック音楽が好きだ。Me gusta la música, especialmente la música clásica.
私は特にこの場面が好きだ。I like this scene in particular.
特技(とくぎ) special skill; talento;
特技はどこでも寝られることです。My special skill is being able to sleep anywhere.
私の特技は、いつでもどこでも誰とでも友達になれちゃうことなの。My special talent is that I become friends with anybody, anywhere, anytime.
私の特技。パーティーの最中、上手に身を隠して退散する事。まさに忍者 Mi habilidad especial les desaparecerme en la mitad de una fiesta como todo un ninja.
独特(どくとく) Característico; peculiar
そういう習慣は英国人独特のものである。Such a custom is characteristic of the British.
その画家は独特なスタイルを持っている。El artista tiene un estilo muy característico.
彼は独特の節回しで演説した。He made a speech using his unique tone of voice
この料理法は中国独特のものだ。Este estilo de cocina es caracteristico de china.
特有(とくゆう) Unique
これはこの国に特有の植物だ。This is a plant unique to this country
言語は人間特有のものである。Language is unique to humans
コアラはオーストラリア特有の動物である。El koala es un animal único de australia
特権(とっけん) privilegio; special right
彼は特権を乱用した。He abused the privilege
我々はこの湾内で漁獲する特権を与えられた。We were granted the privilege of fishing in this bay.
みなさんはある種の特権を持つゆえに相応の責任もあります。Everyone has some type of privilege and a corresponding responsibility

得 to earn

訓読み- え
音読み- トク
得る(える) no hay palabra exacta, lo mas cercano es “to earn”; obtener
我々は生活のかてを得るために働く Trabajarnos parar ganarnos la vida
良い収穫を得る為には、肥沃な土壌が不可欠だ。Fertile soil is essential to obtain a good harvest
もしアメリカで勉強するなら学生ビザを得る必要がある。Para estudiar en Estados Unidos necesitas obtener una visa de estudiante.
勝ち得る ganar
彼は勇敢な行為によって尊敬を勝ち得た。His brave deed earned him respect
私はついにい彼の愛を勝ち得た。 I have finally won his heart
彼の成功は大きな犠牲を払って勝ち得たものであった。 Su éxito le costó un gran sacrificio
九死に一生を得る(きゅうしにいっしょうをえる) To have a narrow escape from death
休止を一生を得たことがありますか? Have you ever had a narrow escape from death?
要を得る(ようをえる) ir al punto
先生の指導はいつも要を得ている。Las instrucciones de mi sensei siempre van al punto
彼の演説は簡潔で要を得た物だった。His speech was brief and to the point
名声を得る(めいせいをえる) ganar fama
得(とく) ganancia
結局は質の良いものを買う方が得をする。It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality
この車は高そうですが、耐久性があるので長い目で見れば得です。Este carro se ve caro pero es durable así que nos sale mejor a la larga.
かんしょくを起こしてもなんの得もない。There is no advantage in losing your temper
納得(なっとく) To be convinced; To agree;
あなたは私が正しいことをすぐに納得するだろう。You will soon be convinced that I am right.
世の中に納得できるものなんてないよ。Nothing adds up in the world
彼と同じように私も納得していない。I, as well as he, am not convinced.
長時間かかったが、とうとう彼を納得させることができた。It took a long time, but in the end I was able to convince him.
彼はそれは彼のせいでないことを私に納得させた He convinced me that it was not his fault
「そっか」ウィリーはようやく納得した "Well, OK," Willie finally agreed
説得(せっとく) to persuade
彼女は父親を説得して新車を買ってもらうつもりです She's going to talk her father into buying a new car
私は彼女を説得できなかった I failed to persuade her
彼は農場主達に新しい種を使ってみるように説得した He prevailed on the farmers to try the new seeds
私はたばこを止めるように説得された I was persuaded to stop smoking
得意(とくい) Especialidad personal
ジョンはチェスが得意だ El ajedrez es la especialidad de john.
彼女は英会話が得意だ。She is good at speaking English
どの教科が得意ですか。What subject are you good at?
代数は僕の得意な学科だ。Algebra is my favourite subject.
経験を得る(けいけんちをえる) ganar experiencia (videojuegos RPG)
~せざるを得ない(せざるをえない) can’t help but do. (Grammar stuff)

毒 veneno

訓読み- No tiene
音読み- ドク
毒薬(どくやく) Veneno
気の毒(きのどく) Lamentable; dar lástima
私は彼を気の毒に思っている I feel very sorry for him
彼を少し気の毒に感じます。 I feel kind of sorry for him
彼がそんなに若く死んだのは気の毒だ。It is a pity that he died so young
彼は気の毒な程不運だ。He’s unlucky to a pitiful extent
お気の毒に。Mis condolencias.
中毒(ちゅうどく) adicción
私はテレビ中毒です。I’m a TV addict
有毒(ゆうどく) poisons
この食品は有毒である。 This food is harmful to health

熱 Caliente al tacto

訓読み- あつ
音読み- ネツ
熱い(あつい) Caliente al tacto
熱心(ねっしん)arduamente; intensamente; apasionadamente.
この本は彼の熱心な研究の成果である。El libro es resultado de su ardua investigación.
その工場の労働者は製品を向上させるために熱心に働かされた。The workers in the factory were forced to work hard
私は毎日毎日熱心に働いた。Trabajé arduamente todos los días
彼女は女性の権利擁護の熱心な支持者である。She is a strenuous supporter of women’s rights
彼はスチヴェン・キングの熱心な愛読者です。 He is a keen Stephen king fan
彼は化学に熱心だ。He is keen on science
彼女は熱心に編み物をしている。She is absorbed in knitting.
子供達は私が話をしていたとき熱心に聞き入っていた。The children we’re all years when I was telling them the story
熱中(ねっちゅう) Perderse; picarse con X cosa. No pensar en nada mas que X, clavarse; dejarse absorber; darle toda tu atención.
彼は手を出す物すべてに熱中する。 He really gets into anything he tries
彼女はビデオに熱中していた。 She was absorbed in the video
私はハーブの栽培に熱中しており、あなたのホムーペジはとても参考ううになります。 I am absorbed in growing herbs and your web pages are a great help to me.
スリリングなテレビゲームに熱中させられた。The thrilling video game took all my attention.
熱望(ねつぼう) aspiración; ambición; longing desire
彼は教師になることを熱望している。He aspires to become a teacher
彼は成功を熱望している。 He is ambitious to succeed ‘
彼は有名になりたいと熱望している。 He is ambitious to win fame.
私たちは皆世界平和を熱望している. We are all eager for world peace.
彼は社長の地位を熱望をした。 He aspired to the position of president
熱帯雨林(ねったいうりん) tropical rainforest

念 conviction

残念!(ざんねん) Qué lástima! :(
残念ですが、あなたの申請を認めることはできませんでした。We regret that your application has not been accepted.
念のため As a precaution; just to be sure; just in case
念のためにもう一度申しますが、締め切りは3月31日です Let me remind you again that March 31st is the due date
念のため傘持って行ったら?Y si te llevas un paragüas por si acaso? :0
信念(しんねん) beliefs; convictions (moral or religious)
そのキリスト教徒は自分の信念を断固として貫く。The devout christian persists in his belief.
自分の信念を守るためには立ちあがるし、いかなる脅威にも屈しないつもりだ。I’ll stand up for what I believe in and won’t yield to any threats
彼女は常に自分の信念を弁護している。She always stands up for her convictions
記念(きねん) Conmemoración
専念(せんねん)Dedicarse; concentrarse; to be devoted to a thing
彼は英文学の研究に専念する。He devoted himself to the study of English literature
療養に専念すべきだ。You have to concentrate on your recovery


訓読み- やぶ
音読み- ハイ
破れる(やぶれる) Ser derrotado
ナポレオンの軍隊は1815年にワーテルローの戦いに敗れた Napoleon's army lost the battle of Waterloo in 1815
私たちはライバルに価格競争で敗れた We lost out to our rival in price competition
失敗(しっぱい) fail; failure
今回のことであまり思い詰めないほうがいいよ。だれにでも失敗はあるんだから. Everybody blows it once in a while. It's better not to obsess on it
もしグレースが熱心に勉強しなかったら、きっと試験に失敗していただろう If Grace had not studied so hard, she would surely have failed the test.
私たちは試合に敗れた Fuimos derrotados en la partida
大失敗(だいしっぱい) FIASCO. A total disaster.

梅 ciruela

訓読み- うめ
音読み- No importa tanto
梅(うめ) ciruela
梅雨(つゆ) Rainy season

博 wide knowledge

訓読み- No tiene :DD
音読み- ハク
博物館(はくぶつかん) museo
博覧会(はくらんかい) exposition nuance: MUCHA GENTE ven una exposición GRANDE (una feria de libros, de videojuegos, de robots, de carritos sandwicheros, etc.)
博士(はかせ) professor! Algún experto en algún tema, no necesariamente un maestro de clases, un investigador
好評を博す(こうひょうをはくす) tener buena recepción (de parte de una audiencia)

飯 Arroz

訓読み- めし
音読み- ハン
飯(めし) a meal, aparentemente es impolite usarlo con superiores, casual with friends
ご飯(ごはん) Arroz pero también puede significar una comida BIEN (as opposed to junk/fast food); a meal
太郎、ごはんですよ! Taro, dinner’s ready!
ジミー、朝ごはんできたわよ。降りてらしゃい。 Jimmy, breakfast is ready. Come downstairs.
晩御飯ですよ、お父さん。La cena está lista, otousan.
私はご飯よりパンの方が好きだ。 I like bread more than rice.
明日の朝食はパンですかご飯ですか。Is tomorrow’s breakfast a proper one or it is bread?
夕飯(ゆうはん) Supper. Según Japoneses, significa lo mismo que 晩御飯 pero no es tan común su uso. 晩 Tiene un significado de LATE. 歳晩 year's end, 晩婚 / late autumn, 晩婚 late marriage.
炊飯器(すいはんき) Rice cooker

飛 Volar

飛ぶ(とぶ) Volar
飛ばす(とばす) Meaning 1: Saltarse paginas de un libro, saltarse un turno en un juego. Meaning 2: Volar algo (as in, el viento vuela algo)
退屈な量を飛ばして読む。Skip the dull pages.
自分の知らない単語を飛ばし読みする読者が多い Many readers skip the words they don’t know.
その俳優はセリフを1行飛ばした。El actor se salt una linea del libreto
私は風に帽子を飛ばされた。El vientó voló mi sombrero
暴風で家が飛ばされた。 The house was carried away by strong winds. The house was carried away by strong winds
彼絵は場外にボールを飛ばした。El voló la pelota out of bounds (deportes)
彼はシャボン玉を飛ばす El sopló burbujas de jabón
私達はその鳥を飛ばした。We let the bird fly
飛び込む(とびこむ) JUMP IN; rush into; aventarse
少年は水の中に飛び込んだ The boy jumped into the water
消防士たちは燃えている家の中へ飛び込んだ The fireman rushed into the burning house
彼女は私の腕の中にとびこんできた She threw herself into my arms
彼は帽子をかぶり、外套を着たままで部屋の中に飛び込んできた He ran into the room with his hat and overcoat on
飛び出す(とびだす) rush out of somewhere; to jump out in front of you suddenly. Normally you'll see this on road signs, "Drive slow! Children might dash out!" Aparecer subitamente ante ti, sin que te lo esperes.
そのスピードを出した車は道路に飛び出した子供を、間一髪で、避けることができた The speeding car missed the child, who ran out into the road, by only a hairsbreadth
画面外に飛び出したらミス!だから吹っ飛ばされるな。You’ll get KO’d if you fly off the screen. Don’t get launched off (Instrucciones de smash bros)
彼女は子供が道路に飛び出すのを見て強くブレーキをかけた She braked hard when she saw a child run out into the road
私は無我夢中で部屋を飛び出した I ran out of the room without knowing what I was doing
どんな質問が飛び出すか分からないから、僕としては当意即妙で発表するしかないな Since I don't know what questions I'll be asked, I'll have to wing it at my presentation
吹っ飛ぶ(ふっとぶ) send someone fly off (smash bros)
相手のダメージがたまったら、スマッシュ攻撃で吹っ飛ばせ! Once your opponents have taken enough damage… Launch them with a powerful smash attack!
ダメージを受けるほど 大きく吹っ飛ぶ。 The more damage they’ve taken, the farther they’ll fly
吹っ飛ばされても あきらめるな!Aunque te saquen volando, no te rindas (you can still reache the ledge)
Bonus: 最後の切り札 = final smash (literal, final trump card)
飛行機(ひこうき) Avión

費 gasto

訓読み- つい
音読み- ヒ
費やす(ついやす) Gastar. To spend, to consume; to waste.
彼女は休暇に多量の額のお金を費やした。 She spent a good deal of money on her vacation
私達は駐車場を捜すのに多くの時間を費やした。We spent a lot of time looking for a parking lot
彼らは日本の将来について議論に数時間を費やした。They spent hours in an argument about the future of Japan
彼は毎日の大半を無駄な考え事に費やしている。 He consumed much of each day in idle speculation
彼は試験勉強に多くの時間とエネルギーを費やした。He put a lot of time and effort into preparing for the exam
費用(ひよう) Expenses
消費(しょうひ) consume
このエアコンは電気を多量に消費する。This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity
日本は紙を大量に消費する。 Japan consumes a lot of paper
農業は多量の水を消費する Agriculture consumes a great amount of water
消費者(しょうひしゃ) El consumidor
一般的に、消費者は質よりも量を選ぶ。En general, el consumidor prefiere cantidad sobre calidad.
浪費(ろうひ) waste
時間を浪費すべきではない。You should not waste your time
なんという水の水の浪費だ! What a waste of water!

必 Invariably

訓読み- かなら
音読み- ヒツ
必ず(かならず) sin falta; certainly; for sure. Cuando es comando asigna un feeling de responsabiliidad a la persona
必ず二時に電話してください Never fail to call me up at two o'clock
必ず明日その本を返しなさい Don't fail to return the book tomorrow
あの人と出かけるときは必ず雨が降るので、雨男と呼ばれている Every time you go out with him, it seems to rain. So we call him the rain man.
貧しい人々が必ず不幸であるとは限らない The poor are not always unhappy
私は両親には必ず毎月手紙を書きます I never fail to write to my parents every month
必ずしも(かならずしも) not always; not necessarily
現実に直面することは必ずしも簡単ではない It is not always easy to face reality
ボクシングは必ずしも荒っぽいスポーツではない Boxing is not always a rough sport
必要(ひつよう) Necesario
申し込むに君本人が行く必要がある In order to apply, you have to go in person
必死(ひっし) desesperado; alarmado; impaciente; ansioso
彼は名声を守ろうと必死だった。El estaba desesperado por proteger su reputación
彼女は必死になって走った。She ran for dear life.
必需品(ひつじゅひん) Una necesidad
芸術は贅沢品ではない、必需品だ。Art is not a luxury, but a necessity.
必殺(ひっさつ) Certain kill. Lo que dicen en anime cuando van a hacer su super técnica final OP.

票 voto

訓読み- No tiene
音読み- ヒョウ
票(ひょう) a vote (counter)
私が選挙で一票(いっぴょう)入れたところで、何も変わらないと思ってしまう。 I figured that my vote won’t change anything.
投票(とうひょう) votar
全国民が選挙で投票した。Toda la nación votó en la elección

標 Mark

訓読み- No importa tanto
音読み- ヒョウ
目標(もくひょう) Propósito. Algo que te propones; Landmark
Hay una palabra que puede confundir: 目的(もくてき) que significa META FINAL.
Explicación de un japo:
I think it boils down to the difference in English between "purpose" and "goal". A goal is something finite you hope to achieve. A purpose is like a motivation for why you do something. Often they will overlap, but not always. Having a finite goal kind of implies that you have a motivation. However, the converse -- having a motivation implies you have a finite goal -- is not necessarily true.
Ex. A: Why did you come to campus today? B1: I came to visit my professor and get a letter of recommendation. → The goal and the motivation are the same: get the letter. B2: I came to visit my professor. → The motivation of why I came to campus is to see my professor. However, there is nothing "achievable" just by visiting him. So the same with the Japanese words. If you have a 目標 you also (likely) have a 目的. However, if you have a 目的, you do not necessary have a 目標. That's how I see them anyway.
Comments de otro japo
I would think of a basic example.
I want to become better at shooting the basketball. => 目的 I will consider myself better at it when I score at least 50% of my shots. => 目標
I think 目的 is a high level image, global image of a goal. 目標 is more achievement like low level goal, usual can be quantified and explicit that will define the concrete steps to the 目的.
Comments de otro japo:
目的is your goal, 目標 is your steps to reach that goal. You have only one 目的 but there are many 目標.
目的is your goal, 目標 is your steps to reach that goal.
For example you want to become a good presenter.
Then you have one 目的:
Become a good presenter.
But you have to set up many 目標 such as : Practice 1hours every day, public speaking
every month, have good skill of powerpoint....
You can still reach you 目的 even give up some 目標.
目標is more concrete than 目的
En resumen 目標 es lo que te propones para lograr tu 目的. 目的 Es tu visión, tu driving force. La ventaja que tenemos es que, al igual que en el español, generalmente se usa “propósito” para referirse a retos de superación personal.
私は3年で目標を達成する決心をした He decidido lograr mis propósitos en tres años
彼は人生にたった一つの目標しかもっていない。それは金もうけである He has only one aim in life, to make money
我々の究極の目標は世界平和を樹立することである Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace
標的(ひょうてき) Target. Puede significar literal un “blanco” al cual dispararle o metafóricamente un blanco al que estas apuntando; un objetivo.
銃を標的にあわせろ Aim the gun at the target
トムが撃った弾は標的を2フィート外れた。Tom's shot missed the target by two feet.
彼女の成功は彼女を嫉妬の標的にした Her success made her the target of jealousy
米国の核廃棄物、テロ攻撃の標的になりうる America's radioactive waste may be targeted in terrorist attacks.
標的はもう見逃さない。Ya no perderé de vista mi objetivo
標識(ひょうしき) A sign; a mark
あれは何の標識ですか。Wha does that sign say?
標識には出口と書かれている。The sign says “exit”
停止標識を無視しませんでしたか。Didn’t you disregard the stop sign?

付 stick to

訓読み- つ・づ
音読み- No importa tanto
付ける(つける) I attach something; ponerle algo a otra cosa
コピーするページに付箋をつけておいてください Put a tag on the pages you want copied
私は戸に新しい取っ手を付けた I put a new handle to the door
トムは凧に糸を付けた。Tom attached the string to the kite.
なぜ君の犬は口輪を付けていないの Why doesn't your dog wear a muzzle?
コメントを付けるとコードが読みやすくなります。Adding comments makes reading the code easier.
私が付けているペンダントは叔母さんからもらった。My aunt gave me the pendant I'm wearing.
トムは白のコサージュをメアリーのドレスに付けた。Tom pinned a white corsage on Mary's dress.
刃にぎざぎざが付いているので、このナイフはパンのようなものを切り分けるのに最適だ。The knife's serrated edge makes it perfect for cutting such things as bread.
付く(つく) Something gets/is attached; The thing has X feature. People aquire habits (good or bad)
その本には索引がついていますか Este libro tiene un índice?
この車はエアコンがついてる El carro tiene aire acondicionado
このシャンプーを買うと素敵なヘアブラシがついてきます。Si compras este shampoo, viene con un buen cepillo de cabello
コップに私指の跡がついた。Dejé las huellas de mis dedos marcadas en el vaso
シャツについているべとべとしたものは何ですか What is that greasy stuff on your shirt?
貴重品は傷がつくと価値が下がる。A valuable object decreases in value if it is damaged
その部屋は冷房がついてますか? Ese cuarto tiene aire acondicionado?
風呂はついてますか。Tiene baño?
白いベルトのついたのです。Me gusta el que tiene el cinturón blanco
赤ん坊は善悪の区別がつかない。A baby has no moral compass
ペリーが独り言を言う癖がついた Perry has acquired the habit of thanking aloud
喫煙の悪癖がつく。 Contract the bad habit of smoking
彼は地に足がついていない。He doesn’t have this feet on the ground
雪の中に彼の足跡がはっきりとついていた。 His steps were clearly marked in the snow
テーブルに肘をついてはいけません、Don’t put your elbows on the table
気を付けて(みをつけて) be careful
これからはもっと気を付けてね。Be more careful from now on.
礼儀作法に気を付けなければいけない。You must look to your manners.
簡単に迷子になるので、気を付けてね。It's easy to get lost, so please be careful.
今日は衝動買いしないように気を付けなくちゃ。Try not to buy anything on impulse today.
こんなことが二度と起きないように気を付けろ。See to it that this never happens again.
気を付けて!向こうに入る男は銃を持っているよ。Watch out! That man over there has a gun.
君は絶対トムの気に触らないように気を付けないと。You should make sure that you don't make Tom angry.
見付ける(みつける) encontrar
私たちは雪の中にクマの足跡を見つけた。Encontramos huellas de aun oso en la nieve
僕はこの本を古本屋でえ見つけた。Encontré este libro en una tienda de libros viejos
いなくなった犬を新聞広告によって見つけた。Encontré a mi perro perdido poniendo un anuncio en el periódico
ついに仕事を見付けた。Por fin encontré un trabajo
追い付く(おいつく) alcanzar; catch up to
日本人選手は最後の1周でアメリカ人選手に追いついた The Japanese runner caught up with the American one in the final lap.
警察は前の車に追いつこうとした The police tried to catch up with the car in front of them.
待たなくていいよ。後で追いつくから。後から行くからYou don't have to wait for me. I'll catch up with you later.
ライバル会社に追いつかないといけないWe must catch up with rival companies.
もし急ぐならば、あなたは彼に追い付くでしょう。Si te apuras, puedes alcanzarlo ライバル会社に追いつかないといけない
他のクラスメートに追いつけるように一生懸命勉強しないといけない I have to study harder to catch up with other classmates.
この製品には生産が需要に追い付く見通しがない Production is unlikely to catch up with the demand for this product.
Japanese athletes have finally caught up with the world's top-class level. 日本人アスリートもようやく世界のトップレベルに追いついた
Can I catch up with the material or is it too late? 私はその題材に追いつけますか、それとももう遅すぎますか? 言い換え
付き合う(つきあう) to date, but also “go out” hangout in general; salir con alguien
彼女は、いま誰とも付き合ってないって言ったけど、僕は信じない。She says she's not dating anyone now, but I don't believe her.
僕と付き合ってください!Sal conmigo (se mi novia/novio) se escucha mucho en anime
付き合いがいやなわけではないが疲れているのだ。I don't mean to be antisocial, but I'm tired.
木村さんとは友達として付き合っているだけです。Estoy saliendo con Kimora como amigos.
気付く(きづく) Darse cuenta
もっと早く気付けばよかったなあ I wish I had noticed earlier.
彼女は危険に気付いていないかもしれない。Ella puede no estar consciente del peligro.
彼女はドアを開けるまで寒さに気付いてなかった。She hadn't noticed the cold until she opened the door.
その後私はそこを出るんだけど、鞄を忘れてきたことに気付くんだ。After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.
「少し詰めていただけませんか。」 「あ、ごめんなさい。こんなに場所をとっていたなんて気付きませんでした。」"Could you move over a little?" "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was taking up so much space."
俺は最初はフランス語の例文をただ読んでたんだけど、そのうち何を思ったのか翻訳に参加してしまって気が付いたらはまってた。At first, I was only looking at the French sentences, but before I knew it, I was hooked into translating them.
片付ける(かたづける) ordenar (un cuarto); despejar. Get something over with
家を片付ける必要がある I need to declutter my house.
私は机を片付けた。I cleared up my desk.
彼は部屋を片付けた。He put his room in order. I finished doing the work before supper.
宿題、片付けなきゃ。I must do my homework.
夕食前に仕事を片付けた Terminé mi trabajo antes de la cena
まもなく例のウエーターが皿を片付けに戻ってきた。Soon the same waiter came back to pick up the dishes.
受付(うけつけ) Reception desk
縛り付ける(しばりつける) Atar (de tal forma que quede pegado X con Y)
彼らは泥棒を木に縛り付けた。Ataron al ladran al arbol
彼女は彼をいすに縛り付けた。She tied him to the chair.
名付ける(なづける) Nombrar; ponerle nombre a alguien o algo
娘にメアリーと名付けたい Quiero ponerle Mary a mi hija
私達はその船をハーフムーンと名付けた We named the boat the Half Moon.
傷付く(きずつく) Herir
あなたの言葉は痛く傷付ける。Tus palabras hieren
私は彼の気持ちを傷付けたのだろうか。Did I hurt his feelings?
身に付く(みにつく) Algo se vuelve parte de ti (Generalmente algo que aprendiste. You internalize it. Pero una vez que en un comic de yotsubato lo usaron para referirse a las calorías de un postre que se “minitsukean” a tu grasa corporal lol)
毎日一生懸命に英語を勉強したが、あまり身につかなかった I studied English very hard every day, but I did not learn a lot
経験を積むにつれて更に知恵が身につく You get more wisdom as you have more experiences
寛大さが生まれながら身についている人もいる Generosity is innate in some people
常識とは、18歳までに身に付けた偏見の編集である。Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.
私の経験によると、フランス語の文法を身に付けるのには1年かかります。Según mi experiencia se requiere un año para dominar la gramática francesa.
勇気付ける(ゆうきづける) Encourage someone
ぼくは彼女を勇気付けようとしたが、彼女は泣いてばかりだった。 I tried to cheer her up, but she did nothing but cry.
友達がみんな、がんばれと勇気づけてくれた All my friends encouraged me to try my best
近付く(ちかづく) Acercarse
添付(てんぷ) adjuntar
錆付いた(さびついた) rusty
日記を付く(にっきをつく) to keep a diary
決着をつける(けっちゃくをつける) To settle the dispute. En anime cuando el malo regresa por la revancha, regresa para 決着をつける
裁判で決着をつけましょう Let's take it to court
これを最後にわれわれの意見の相違に決着をつけよう Let's try to settle our differences once and for all
彼らはその問題に最終的な決着をつけた They have solved the problem once and for all
Como ya habrás notado, 付く es bastante usado como verbo auxiliar y en un montón de palabras compuestas. Mas ejemplos random que encontré:
他人の弱みに付け込んではいけない。You shouldn't take advantage of other people's weaknesses.
吹き付ける冷たい風が骨身にしみた。The icy wind cut us to the bones
本当かよ?ポールがリリの唇に口付けした? Is it true? Paul kissed Lily on the lips?
彼女を胸に抱き寄せて、額に口付けをした。I clutched her to my chest, and kissed her on her forehead.
彼らは血と暴力に引き付けられている。A ellos les fascina la sangre y la violencia.
彼らは高品質の商品を提供する事によって顧客を引き付けている They attract customers by offering high-quality goods.
彼女はまた近いうちに便りを出す旨を手紙に付け加えた。She added in her letter that she would write again soon.
彼はそんなことは信じないと付け加えた。He added that he didn't believe it.
彼はパーティーが楽しかったと付け加えた。He added that he had a wonderful time at the party.
真実を述べ、何事も隠さず、また何事も付け加えないことを誓いますか。Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
その男はアンテナを取り付けようとした。The man tried to install his own antenna.
自分の意見を他人に押し付けてはいけない。You shouldn't impose your opinion on others.
「トムにめんどくさい仕事押し付けられた」「また?」"Tom has gotten me to do some pretty tedious work." "Again?"
私の家の壁に本棚が作り付けになっている。The bookshelves are built into the walls of my room.
彼女を元気付けるために病院に花束を送った。We sent some flowers to the hospital to cheer her up.
各ロボットには通話機が取り付けられています。Each robot is equipped with a talking machine.
トムはベッドから毛布を取り、自分の体に巻き付けた Tom took a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around himself.
今度のハロウィンパーティーで、トイレットペーパーをグルグルに巻き付けたミイラの仮装をしようと思うんだ。Para esta fiesta de Halloween pienso disfrazarme de momia envolviéndome en papel de baño.
騒々しい少年達のグループは、手が付けられなくなっていた。The group of noisy boys was getting out of hand.
新しいアパートに家具を備え付けるのは費用がたくさんかかるだろう。Amueblar un apartamento nuevo debe de suponer muchos gastos.
私の料理の味付けに文句があるなら、明日からあなたが作ればいいでしょ。Si tienes quejas con el sabor de mi comida, tú podrías empezar a hacerla desde mañana.
あなたのページに、私どもの会社のウェブリンクを貼り付けていただけませんか。Would you mind putting a link on your web page to our company's web site?
時々なんですが、心臓のあたりがきゅっと締め付けられるような痛みがあるんです。Tan solo es a veces, pero siento un dolor cerca del corazón como si me presionaran fuertemente.
イベントの日付は未定です The date of the event is to be determined.
私は正確な日付は覚えていない。I'm not sure of the exact date.
海の日は、日本の国民の祝日の一つです。日付は7月の第3月曜日。El Día del Mar es una fiesta nacional japonesa celebrada el tercer lunes de julio.
今日は私、留守番を言い付かっているから出かけられないの。I can't go out today as I've been asked to watch the house.
こちらをお宅にお届けするよう、母から言い付かってまいりました。I've come, as my mother told me to deliver this here.
これが速記術というもので、こうすれば話す人に付いて行けるのです。This is shorthand writing, by means of which we can keep up with the speaker.
論争にやっとけりが付いた。The dispute was finally settled.
彼は見分けが付かないほどやせてしまった。He has become thin beyond all recognition.
submitted by Zalogon to KanjiEntendible [link] [comments]

¡San Fermines 2019! Who's coming? / ¿Quien viene?

(Hay una version en castellano al final. Buscar VERSION CASTELLANO en vuestro navegador y os lleva directo )
One of the best festivals in the world are upon us
I'm gonna try to try about some common topics and give some tips. If there is something missing that you'd think would be good to add, please say so.
This is mostly geared towards answering questions about San Fermines and/or Pamplona. I dont mind question about Spain or things related to the country but lets try to keep it geared towards San Fermines and/or Pamplona.
This is for everyone that is planning on coming to San Fermines. Please ask any questions you would like and Ill get to answering them.
Some common questions and info
For now I think that is it. Please AMA
(The next section is simply the english text you read translated to spanish)
Ya casi es hora de una de las mejores fiestas del mundo.
Intentare escribir sobre unos temas y dar unos consejos fundamentales para estas fiestas. Si alguien piensa que debería añadir algo, adelante
Este hilo es mas que nada sobre San Fermines/Pamplona. No me molesta contestar todas preguntas semilrelacionadas pero vamos a intentar que sea sobre esto
Esto esta relacionado con gente que quiere venir estos San Fermines, sobretodo que son de la península, ya que de fuera es diferente que desde dentro. Preguntar cualquier duda.
Los temas mas tratados:
Creo que eso es todo. Si tenéis alguna duda o pregunta o aclaracion, preguntar y intentare contestar estos dias.
(If you scrolled down waiting for a TL;DR, sorry. The above is simply the english text translated to spanish. Search for ENGLISH VERSION in your web browser to start again)
submitted by ta4sf2019 to askspain [link] [comments]

[THE ALCHEMIST CODE] Tier List [ESPAÑOL / English..?]

Buenas a todos! Usuarios de Alquimistas
Hoy Vengo a compartirles una tier list hecho a base de opiniones mías y de mis amigos, generalmente de todos del grupo en el servidor de discord español, el punto de hacer esta tier list es para que se puedan guiar de ella y tener una base consciente de lo que quieren tener u hacer. >w<
Actualmente estamos haciendo el análisis de cada unidad, recomendaciones de trabajo, y del por qué está localizado en el tier x, y ponerlos todos en un Doc Excel con el fin de ayudar a la comunidad española.

¡Cualquiera sugerencia es aceptada!

NOTA IMPORTANTE: Las unidades de la tier list estan basadas en su máximo nivel y con el triple job, aparte los que están del fondo solo son porque se ven más bonito, (No significa que sea el mejor).

Servidor del Discord: https://discord.gg/72NucsM
Tier List Española: https://imgur.com/aUtYcYn

Hello Everyone ~ Alchemist Users
Im sharing a tier list based on my opinions and my friends, generally all of the group in the Spanish Discord Server, the point on making this tier list is to help every people and guide themselves from it and have a conscious base of what they want to have and do. ^
(Not important for English Users) *but translate it anyways lol\*
We are currently doing the analysis of each unit, work recommendations, and why it is located in X tier, and put them all in a Doc Google Excel in oder to help the spanish community.

¡Any tips or sugerence is accepted!.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Units from tier list are based with max Level and job trimaster, plus the units from the background doesn't really mean anything, i just putted the good looking units (Doesn't means they're the best)

Spanish Discord: https://discord.gg/72NucsM
ENG Tier List: https://imgur.com/XfF723h

submitted by LancerKLS to AlchemistCodeGL [link] [comments]

I put my rapist behind bars: here is my victim impact statement

Good morning, Your Honor,
First, I would like to thank the public servants that have supported me during this process. Your professionalism, compassion, and dedication has made this as smooth a process as possible. I have shared my praise with those close to me, and everyone is thankful and supportive of your efforts.
Rape is a terrifying violation. I feel lucky to live in an age and society where its severity is recognized, and where avenues exist to preserve justice.
Losing control of my body and having my most intimate boundaries violated shook me to the core and left me stunned. I was of a zombie for the weeks after, breaking into tears often, or hysterical laughing spells. The few short terrible minutes lived on, and the trauma did not stop there.
7 hours being poked and prodded and questioned at the emergency room. I felt dirty for weeks, and couldn’t seem to take enough showers. Weeks on the phone and visiting the offices of detectives, having to relive my story over and over, and even confront my perpetrator.
My sacred retreat that is my camper van (and home) will forever carry the memory of the attack. I’ve often awoken in the van, alone or beside a loved one, and had to relive the event in my mind. My van was new, the first place I’ve ever “owned,” and a welcome refuge during a terrible couple years of tumultuous life events. I was in a rut, and this incident tainted one of my precious escapes.
I’ve now found myself more suspicious of strangers, and fearful for my own safety in public. I am more defensive and standoffish around men, a dynamic I loath. Sex itself is poisoned. Relationships are more complicated as I carry my trauma.
When my perpetrator was written up in the local news outlets, I witnessed a disturbing smear of hateful language on the comment sections. Attacking him, and discrediting me: sexist, racist, and violent words that left me in tears. Since, a bitter taste about our current political situation, and our electorate at large, has tinged my perspective.
Probably the most unwelcome feeling is that of guilt. Not for the rape-- that was on you, (name - privacy protected). But for the consequences of doing the “right thing” and following up: putting a man behind bars and causing his loved ones to suffer immensely. The three years in prison, or the potential 30 I was imagining, will no doubt be difficult for you, and could break a weak man. I have to believe that you are strong enough to overcome this, and that somewhere in the process you will seize the opportunities for healing and growth. I won’t feel bad that you're facing these consequences, but I will pray that the justice system will do its job for all including you, (name). The most important thing is to ensure events like these don’t happen.
Statistics say that three rapes out of one hundred end in a successful conviction. This is atrocious, since this is one of the most important dangers from which to protect our citizens. When I spoke out, I hoped I was helping to speak out for the countless other victims of sexual violence that haven’t yet tasted justice.
I do want to offer what I can to help everyone in this healing process. Now, I would like to address (name) directly:
*scroll down for translation
(Name), recibí tu carta. Es imposible tratar entender tus acciones o motivos para la violación, aun más cuando leí tu disculpa. Me pareció sincero. Para mi, esto significa que entendías tus errores. Sabías lo que era correcto.
Me lastimaste. Te ofreci mi amistad y compañía, y me enganaste y violaste.
Y como dije, y explicaste en tu carta, sabías mejor. Vi el arrepentimiento en tu cara esta misma noche, y lo escuche por telefono. Lo lei en tu carta, y lo siento en mis sueños. Todo que conozco de ti, de tu tiempo en el mercado, y tu gran comunidad de amigos y familia, es que eres un hombre carismático, inteligente, cariñoso, y querido. Cómo llegaste en esta situación es difícil entender, quizas aun mas para ti. Pero supiste mejor. Sabes cómo se debe tratar a los demás. Sabes hacerlo, y lo puedes hacer. Yo lo sé de corazón, y por eso te perdono. Por favor escucha mis palabras, porque espero que te sirvan con tu curación y que puedas crecer a ser el hombre que quieres ser. Te perdono.
Odio el evento de la violación, pero no te odio a ti. En realidad, te espero todo lo mejor en esta vida. All I want is to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
En realidad, lo más difícil ha sido intentar empatizar contigo, entender de dónde vienes, o lo que enfrentas hoy. He pasado horas ponderando tus decisiones aquel noche, o lo que estás haciendo o pensando en cualquier momento. Pienso en tu familia.
Aunque no conozco un dios específico, he estado rezando por ti. Rezo que encuentres fortaleza, compañerismo, y momentos de paz para refleccionar durante estes dias dificiles. Te espero seguridad, salud, y amistad en la cárcel. Ojala que puedas aprovechar las oportunidades que hay, y madurar a través de educacion, refleccion, y apoyo de compañeros y profesionales. Espero que después de cumplir tu castigo, reintegras rápido a la sociedad y sigues con una vida feliz.
Y tengo un deseo más, y lo voy a explicar en inglés.
((Translation of Spanish section:
(Name), I received your letter. It is impossible to understand your actions or motives for the rape, even more after reading your apology. You knew better.
You hurt me. I offered you my friendship and companionship, and you betrayed me and raped me.
And as I said, and you explained in your letter, you knew better. I saw the regret on your face, and I heard it over the phone. I read it in your letter, and I feel it in my dreams. Everything I know about you, from your time at the market, to your large community of family and friends, is that you are an intelligent, charismatic, caring, and loved person. How you got yourself into this situation is hard to understand, perhaps even more so for you. But you knew better. You know better, and you can do better. And for this reason, I forgive you. Please listen to my words, so that they might help you in your healing. I forgive you.
I hate the event of the rape, but I don't hate you. In reality, I want the best for you in this life. All I want is to ensure this doesn't happen again.
The most difficult has been trying to empathize with you. Understand where you are coming from, or what you are thinking or doing at any moment. I think about your family.
Although I don't know a specific god, I pray for you. I pray that you find strength, companionship, and moments of peace to reflect in these difficult days. I wish safety, health, and friendship for you in jail. I hope you can take advantage of the opportunities there are, and mature through education, reflection, and the support of companions and professionals. I hope that after finishing your punishment, you reintegrate quickly into society and continue with a happy life.))
I have some final words, that I would like to share in English:
I hope that everyone involved in this disturbing crime, can grasp onto something positive from the experience and march forward. This process has disturbed many lives, but hopefully also shown the strength of supportive family and friend circles. I know in my case, a positive experience with the professionals in the system has left me optimistic and appreciative. Perhaps the most important opportunity, is for us all to learn what we can to ensure these acts of violence cease to happen. That will take all of us, educating and supporting current and potential, victims and perpetrators, to get the help they need. (Name), you and I especially carry this responsibility. I have faith you will grow and mature from this experience, and I hope that you are able to share that wisdom and help other young men make safe, responsible decisions. Consent, consent, consent. I too, commit to sharing my experience with people of all ages, hoping they might understand healthy sexual boundaries.
Thank you, everyone, for hearing my words. May peace come to us all.
Translation of Spanish section:
(Name), I received your letter. It is impossible to understand your actions or motives for the rape, even more after reading your apology. You knew better.
You hurt me. I offered you my friendship and companionship, and you betrayed me and raped me.
And as I said, and you explained in your letter, you knew better. I saw the regret on your face, and I heard it over the phone. I read it in your letter, and I feel it in my dreams. Everything I know about you, from your time at the market, to your large community of family and friends, is that you are an intelligent, charismatic, caring, and loved person. How you got yourself into this situation is hard to understand, perhaps even more so for you. But you knew better. You know better, and you can do better. And for this reason, I forgive you. Please listen to my words, so that they might help you in your healing. I forgive you.
I hate the event of the rape, but I don't hate you. In reality, I want the best for you in this life. All I want is to ensure this doesn't happen again.
The most difficult has been trying to empathize with you. Understand where you are coming from, or what you are thinking or doing at any moment. I think about your family.
Although I don't know a specific god, I pray for you. I pray that you find strength, companionship, and moments of peace to reflect in these difficult days. I wish safety, health, and friendship for you in jail. I hope you can take advantage of the opportunities there are, and mature through education, reflection, and the support of companions and professionals. I hope that after finishing your punishment, you reintegrate quickly into society and continue with a happy life.
submitted by iremala to sexual_assault [link] [comments]

que significa best friends video

Best Friend/Best Friends Are Always Stay By Your Side ... Kiroro Best Friend - YouTube All The Best '90s Fashion Moments From Friends - YouTube Froid - Best Friend (VideoClipOficial) - YouTube B.F.F - Best. Fake. Friends ~ Gacha Life Mini Movie - YouTube meeting my internet best friend :3 - YouTube

quiero saber exactamente para q se pone s al final?? yo siempre pongo BFF best friends forever Qué significa "best friends" en español. EN "best friends" en español. volume_up. best friends {pl} ES. those of us who count ourselves as the best friends of the United States are hugely disappointed by the action that the US President has taken. Ella manifestó que las fuerzas del mercado, el libre comercio y unos consumidores con Definición de besties Slang term for best friends. Su propietario no será notificado. Solo el usuario que hizo esta pregunta verá quien está en desacuerdo con esta respuesta. Simple: "Best friends forever" ("mejores amigas -o amigos- para siempre"). Para ser precisos, " BFF" es una sigla en inglés equivalente a " Best friends forever" y que traducida al español My best friend knows me as well as I know myself — sometimes better. She has a lot of other close friends and I have some as well. But if someone asked me right now who my “best friend” was, she’d definitely nail it. She’s been nailing it for almost three decades. Best friends é uma expressão da língua inglesa e que significa “melhores amigos”, na tradução literal para o português.. Costuma ser utilizada para se referir aos amigos mais próximos e confiáveis que determinada pessoa tem dentro de um grupo.. Os best friends costumam compartilhar alegrias e tristezas, vitórias e derrotas, amores e desilusões. (Dany Boon) que en una cena de cumpleaños el anticuario no logra citar el nombre de un solo amigo a su socia, que lo desafía a encontrar uno verdadero en breve tiempo. cineuropa.mobi The Foundation gives hope to all the young people who are studying here. Best Friends é um termo utilizado para chamar uma pessoa de melhor amigo(a). Ele é traduzido literalmente do inglês. Definição: Origem: Do inglês “Best Friend”, que quer dizer, literalmente, “melhor amigo”. Sinônimos: Irmão/Irmã, best, BFF, BF.; Classe gramatical: Expressões em inglês. Saiba mais sobre o que significa best friends Muchos ejemplos de oraciones traducidas contienen “best friend” – Diccionario español-inglés y buscador de traducciones en español. sentiments and is the best friend of his friends. lletra.net. lletra.net. David Castillo está imbuido de sentimientos avanzadas que aprovechan de la mejor manera posible las innumerables DiCaprio's beach house was full of 'Titanic' memorabilia. 'Courtside Karen' apologizes for LeBron incident. SpaceX rocket explodes on landing in test flight

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Best Friend/Best Friends Are Always Stay By Your Side ...

Don’t forget to like,comment and subscribe!Because your support is my spirit to make more videos.Thanks🙏🙏😍😘*Original Music Provide:https://youtu.be/lSkXq... Shannon lives in England so for 3 years, our friendship has consisted of continuous messaging, FaceTiming, and letters. Her family booked a trip to America (... The stars of Friends dominated our TV’s in the ’90s with their iconic friendships and even more iconic outfits. We’ve found each characters best '90s outfits... Goodness-Sorry because I didn't upload anything for like 2 weeks, because this mini movie literally took me 2 weeks to make ;-;And no, I'm not gonna make par... Kiroroの10thシングル「Best Friend」のミュージックビデオ。2001年リリース。Kiroro スペシャルサイト http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/kiroro ... Ouça em todas as plataformas digitaisintro/track - 1[LETRA]O garoto mais estranho da casaBebe cacos pra fazer uma garrafa babyA barba cresce, a raiva cresceV...

que significa best friends

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