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Mr. Plinkett's Ghostbusters (2016) Review Transcript (Part 1)

Mr. Plinkett Ghostbusters (2016) Transcript
Ghostbusters (2016) is quite possibly the worst film ever made.
(Jillian) “Ehhhriiiight…”
Now I know I say that a lot, but this time I MEAN it. At worst, it’s a horribly unfunny comedy that could POSSIBLY serve as entertainment if you were stranded on an airport runway for 2 hours. At BEST, it’s you getting a bar trivia answer right where the question is, “Name two failed attempts by Sony to reboot franchises in the 2010’s.”
(ANSWER: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) and Ghostbusters (2016))
YOU GOT IT! You won a 20 dollar bar tab!
Where oh where do I begin, my friends? It’s amazing just how WRONG this film is. It’s like putting a Jackson Pollock painting in an art gallery… during a realism exhibit. If that reference is too cerebral for you, then it’s like saying poo is pee.
(Abby) “Your work is more cerebral than I expected.”
I need a multiphasic spectrometer to analyze THIS dumpster fire.
And let me get this right outta the way outta the bat. To me, this has nothing to do with nostalgia. The original Ghostbusters film is a masterpiece of comedy. That’s correct. It’s lightning in a bottle, and as we all know, that’s something that’s EASY to recreate, or reboot – That was sarcasm – BUT, I will attempt to explain what went wrong so badly to try to help them out, y’know, for when they make that sequel to the- Oh wait… (16 million lost at the box office)
Number 1: Epic Failboot
(Feig) “For ME, personally, I was like… I didn’t know if I loved the idea of a sequel all these years later where the old team is just handing the new team the, the technology and all that.”
Well first off, if you haven’t seen this movie, it’s not a sequel despite what they may have led you to think with that TERRIBLE trailor. It’s really not even a soft reboot. ie. It exists in the Ghostbusters universe. Like these characters (The old crew) still exist, and all these events (Stay Puft) happened? NOPE. This shit is a straight-up remake, meaning they used all the same plot points and beats as the original Ghostbusters, but made it embarrasingly unfunny and terrible.
(Erin falls on her ass) “Whoop- UGH!”
She fall down and go boom!
(Jillian falls on her ass) She fall down and go boom, TOO!
It’s essentially a film that shares the same name, ideas, and structure as the classic original film, just with grown ups acting like mentally handicapped people, and embarrasing themselves, AND their audience.
Speaking of embarrasing, let’s talk about our first two culprits:
(Fieg) “I-I’m not ASHAMED of that trailer at ALL. I actually thought…”
Number 2: The Director and Writer
(Fieg) “Nobody knows me as a movie director.”
The director of this film is a MAN by the name of Paul Fieg. He is a MALE. A typical MAN’S man.
(Fieg) “And I was pretty deep in movie jail at that point having had two movies that had bombed.”
He also co-wrote the film, and I hear he’s already on to his next writing project. His suicide note! He co-wrote the film with a lady named Kate Dippold, who wrote a handful of episodes of Parks and Rec, and she wrote the movie “The Heat”. Paul Fieg has a similar list of pathetic non-achievements, like writing and directing the movie “Spy”, directing “Bridesmaids”, creating “Freaks and Geeks” – a show that’s boring and SUCKS.
(Fieg directing) “It’s SO funny you guys… It’s WORTH it. Hehehe”
And he directed a couple episodes of “The Office”, which is why we see Gabe, Kevin, and Dwight’s friend in THIS movie.
(Pam from “The Office”) “Is it called Ghostbusters?”
(Jim from “The Office”) “Ghe-It’s called Ghostbusters!”
(Andy from “The Office” in a different scene with Fieg) “Actor?”
(Fieg) “Oh, no… heh.”
And HEY, look who it is! Why it’s Cocoa the Cat. Cocoa the Cat is actually in a lot of movies and TV shows. What a big lovable pussy!
Out of all the talent in the world, why did Sony select these two hacks to write and helm the first film of this new Ghostbusters franchise, or extended universe, or whatever the fuck they were planning to do with it?!?! FUCK if I know!!!
(Fieg) “When we say GhostBUSTERs, it’s not just Ghostbusters, it’s GHOSTbusters.”
Maybe it was this amazing pitch letter they sent to Amy Pascal, y’know, the lady who apparently had her head so far up her own ass that her FECAL matter was making decisions.
(Fieg) “It’s Amy! I hear you got a take!” “It’s like- Oh… God, well I mean, ya… that I just kinda came UP with, but I don’t know if it’s right!”
WOW! That sounds GREAT! Let’s go with THAT idea. Why not?
Did anyone even see the first Ghostbusters? Ghostbusters is about finely crafted dialogue, well timed delivery-
(Ray) “I think we’d better split up!”
(Egon) “Good idea.”
(Peter) “Ya, we can do more damage that way.”
Likeable and not annoying characters, and dry sarcastic humour mixed with oddly believable science, villains, and threats. And while I’m not advocating for a remake that’s the same film - cuz that’s boring and pointless - what Ghostbusters should NEVER be is filled with embarrasing and childish ad-libs:
(Erin eating chocolate) “Oh, it’s got a filling to it. Hehe.” (audience is in hysterics due to how smart and funny it is)
(Erin) “Look at me. I’m a monster!”
Pussy fart jokes:
(Fart noise on the recorder and Jillian opens her wormhole) “Is it more or less disgusting that I tell you it came from the front?”
Babbling characters who think their ad-libbing babbling is funny, and TERRIBLY dated humour!
(Patty) “YOU get a car, and YOU get a car, and YOU get a car! HAHAAAA!
Do you remember YOU get a car from Opera?!
(Audience in hysterics on Opera) “YOU get acar! YOU get a car! YOU get a car! YOU get a car! YOU get a car! YOU get a car! YOU get a car! YOU get a car!”
Remember crowd-surfing? REMEMBER 1997?!?!?!?!!?
I’m not quite sure what Paul Fieg’s talent really is. I mean he’s famed for directing “Bridesmaids”, but really, that was a film with a great script written by Kristen Wiig and Annie… Mumulio-mumolol-. I think Paul really just hit record on the camera. Wiig and Mumolol were nominated for an academy award, and they won a whole shitload of OTHER awards! What award did Paul Fieg win?!?! A Golden Turkey??? A Golden SHOWER???
(Dan) “Y’know the director… He spent too much on it, and he-he-hee he didn’t shoot scenes we suggested to him. Uh, several scenes that were gonna be needed, and he said no we don’t need them. And then we tested-uh the movie and they needed them, and he had to go back and…MEEEOOOOOWWWW about 30 to 40 million in re-shoots, so. Ya, so uh, he will not be back on the Sony line any time soon.” MEEEOOOWWWWW
So now you got a lady who wrote the script for “Bridesmaids” yet Sony thinks THEY (Fieg and Dippold) should write Ghostbusters?!?! That brings me to my next point. Are you ready? If you have a heart condition, please hold on to the handrails. WAIT! That makes no sense. There ARE no handrails. Get ready. Here we go! (A whole bunch of squawking from the leads) Hold on to the handrail!
Number 3: Sony Pictures is a Giant Dumpster Fire
With such hits like “Pixels”, “Paul Blart: Mall Cop”, “Smurfs”, “Black Annie”, “Sex Tape”, failed Spider-Man reboots, “After Earth”, “That’s My Boy”, and so on, it’s un-surprising that there was a rumour Sony was shutting down its film production. Not sure if it’s gonna happen, or if that was even true, but I mean, I wouldn’t get all misty eyed. While some good stuff DOES slip through the cracks…
(Erin) “Ya, that stuff went everywhere, by the way. In EVERY crack.”
I was surprised that Ghostbusters fell into a lot of the same traps that your typical sleazy Sony movie falls into.
(Dunkin Donuts cashier) “Dunkaccinno?”
(Al Pacino) “Don’t mind if I DO!”
And no, I’m not talking about the poo and fart jokes. PBBT (Abby acts appalled) Because as some of you will no doubt point out, I’m a big fan of such things… (Shitting a storm on Lucas and Abrams) If they’re in the proper context.
(Erin) “That’s a cool joke. That was… that was funny.”
(Constant farting noises) Ghostbusters isn’t the best place for a queef joke.
(Jillian) “I can do it live, if you want.”
(Erin) “What’s next? You gonna give me a wedgie?”
But alas, I AM talking about sleazy product placement. I mean we all know about Sony and Coke. (Jack and Jill fart while Coke cups are everywhere) Seeing Coke logos everywhere shouldn’t be a surprise, especially when the ending of your film takes place in Times Square. The use of product placement – to me – is always downright annoying, but it’s a VERY Sony thing to do.
(Al Pacino) “What’s my name?!”
(Jack-offs) “Dunkaccino!”
(Al Pacino) “It’s a whole NEW game!”
(Jack-offs) “Dunkaccino!”
(Al Pacino) “You want creamy goodness? I’m your friend! Say hello to my CHOCOLATE blend!”
Some things in Ghostbusters SEEMED like POSSIBLE product placements, but they may have been jokes. I’m not sure. I’m not sure what WAS a joke or what WASN’T.
And then there are the truly shameful product placements. (Slimer eating Papa John’s pizza)
The ones that make you feel like you wanna take a shower. (Kevin’s Sony VAIO)
While the whole world uses cameras on their FUCKING IPHONES, the Ghostbusters gals were of course using a Sony handi-cam. What is this?! 2006?!?!
(Jillian eats Pringles obnoxiously loud)
(Erin) “How can you be eating right now?”
(Jillian) “Once you pop.”
They claim that Pringles wasn’t a real product placement on the commentary track. They just wanted to have her eating something.
(Katie) “Here’s a fun fact. Everyone always thinks that Pringles… was just a product placement thing, but that- we had that forever."
(Fieg) “Ya!”
(Katie) “That she’s just eating…”
(Fieg) “Exactly.”
(Katie) “…during that. Hahaha.”
(Fieg) “So Pringles gets a fre-… free play. Hehe.”
But I mean, like y’know, you don’t just take a product and put it in your film. You gotta clear it with Pringles! They got teams of legal people that do all SORTS of this shit. You’re on set and you’re- “Kate McKinnon, hold up this bottle of Pringles.” Then some guy in a suit who comes in and says “HO- Whoa. Wait a minute! Wait a minute! We shouldn’t shoot with that, cuz Pringles is gonna get angry cuz the movie sucks!”
I guess, like, CGI artists could always like change the label on the Pringles can, but, I mean, that gets added to the budget! I JUST DON’T BUY IT!!!
(Bill Murray) “It was ONLY cuz I knew these girls were funny…” clap
It’s lies! It’s CORPORATE LIES!
And then don’t forget Hostess Twinkies. Check it out everybody! Hostess Twinkies! The first Twinkie reference (Egon’s analogy) was just a fucking JOKE! Now it’s getting old!
NOW, let’s also enjoy some delicious Papa John’s pizza! Y’know that disgusting slop that gives you GAS?! Let’s go eat some of THAT! Hey look! There’s a location (Times Square) that’s convenient for ALL of us! Let’s get a Papa John’s pizza once we finish defeating the ghosts! Hey WAIT! Shouldn’t THESE (generic drinking cups) be Coca-Colas?!?! Who’s doin’ the product placement in this film? They should be FIRED! Oh, wait. I know why they aren’t Cokes. It’s because Papa John’s sells Pepsi products. Having them drink Cokes in this scene would be a conflict of corporate interest! Are movies magical, kids?!?!
(Papa) “Papa John’s.”
Even the fucking Blu-Ray is stuffed with ads:
Number 4: 2016 Vs 1984
It’s hard to talk about this film without comparing it to the original. It’s basically impossible because it’s a remake!
(Jennifer) “Mass hysteria!”
But, the thing is, I’m not sure what the point of this movie was, other than obviously being Sony’s attempt to establish a Ghostbuster’s cinematic universe… which ended about as well as a Sonny Bono ski trip. SLAM What were we supposed to get OUT of this?!?! Was this movie supposed to be a laugh-a-minute romp?
(Erin) “But… my CONCERN is… I feel like the cat is sort of… already… kind of out of the bag.”
HILARIOUS (Audience is in hysterics)
(Abby) “What THEY’RE saying is the cat IS …” Oh my gosh, that’s so hilarious. “…out of the bag. They want to put the cat back… INside the bag.”
(Erin) “No, I kn- I know that’s what they’re saying, but I’m saying the cat’s already OUT so it’s hard to put the cats bac-“
(Abby) “I know! I know that. It’s impossible.”
(Erin) “But that’s why they have that saying, because once the cat’s out of the bag you can’t put it BACK in the bag!”
(Erin) “But once the cat is out of the bag, aren’t you like, “OOOOHHH! The cat is out of the bag!”
(Jennifer) “We just wanna shove that damn cat back in the bag!”
Were we supposed to be laughing so hard we couldn’t catch our breath? We had to pee in our pants? Were the quips and ad-libs and comments that everyone was making supposed to be SO funny we couldn’t stop laughing?! Maybe we were supposed to be laughing at all the mistakes in the movie. Like this:
(Patty) “Okay, so, I don’t know if it was a RACE thing, or a lady thing, but I’m mad as hell!”
An extra is still tapping his/her foot to the beat, even after the music has stopped. Hey why isn’t THIS scene (concert) at night? Why is this concert going on in the daytime? Apparently Ozzy is right there, and is like getting ready to go on stage… Wh-why the fuck is the headliner going on in the daytime?!
I know a way we could get SOME comedy outta the movie. Maybe we can over-saturate all the colours?! That’ll make it funny, right?! Y’know there’s probably some suit at Sony that thought of that! In fact, I have footage!
(Sony corporate sleaze) “Ya! Hey, Paul! I’ve been checkin’ out those dailies, and it looks great! It does NOT look like barf. Uh, but I was thinkin’ maybe we can make the movie look more like barf! Uh, ya I just wanna, y’know, knock the saturation levels up just- just a little bit so it looks like everybody has high blood pressure, or maybe they’re wearing, y’know, WAY too much make-up. Uh,ya my-my GRAND vision is like, alright, Willy Wonka throwing up in a Skittles factory. Ya-ya I kn- I KNOW it’ll look like hot garbage, but u-uuh this movie is a giant TURD, and y’know maybe if it’s more COLOURFUL the movie will be funny!”
Oh my god, LOOK! (Abby’s soup) Her soup only has one wonton in it! That’s hilarious!... F-F-FUCK YOU, FATSO!!! Maybe that delivery guy is trying to h- give her a hint. Y’know like, “You gotta lose some weight.”? Or is the joke that the Chinese restaurant provides low quality food? If so, uh, that Chinese restaurant is BAD! Uhll- What I mean- the lady should get more WONTONS!
The movie’s fatal flaw is that it’s an over-stuffed turkey. You can over-stuff a Judd Apatow style ad-libbed comedy (40 Y.O.V.), but a science-fiction based comedy needs to be precise. Just like science itself!
(Fieg) “So we- I wanted it based on, y’know, REAL science as much as possible. So it’s, y’kn- like a lot of nuclear… y’know, engineering, an- and physics and all that. We hired a-a nuclear physicist out of MIT.”
(Video game, unrealistic, garbage happening everywhere all at once in a splooge fest of puke colours)
Now I will do my very best to avoid singing the praises of the original film. Y’know, to avoid sounding biased. We all know what they are. We all know it’s one of the best movies ever made, with some of the best performances and characters. We all know that it DIDN’T need to be remade.
(Murray as Heiss) “Hell NO! Hahaha”
(Bill Murray) “It was ONLY cuz I knew these girls were funny…” clap
So I’ll avoid saying how great it is, AND how perfect.
(Peter) “We CAME! We SAW! We kicked its ASS!!!”
Just how absolutely perfect it is. I WON’T talk about how almost every line of dialogue is expertly written and delivered.
(Janine) “You are so kind to take care of that man. Y’know, you are a real humanitarian.”
(Egon) “I don’t think he’s human.”
And I certainly won’t mention how unique and AWESOME it was.
(Peter) “…Everybody gettin’ this so far?!”
How perfect the villains were, and how great – and well developed – each character was. I will do my very best not to mention those things.
Ghostbusters 2016 tries WAY too hard to be liked. It STINKS of desparation in almost every sense. While the original movie pulled it off flawlessly with style and grace…
(Ray) “Y’know, it’s just occurred to me. We really haven’t had a completely successful test of this equipment.”
(Egon seriously) “I blame myself.”
(Peter sarcastically) “So do I.”
Ghostbusters 2016 is like a little kid in the back seat of your car yelling for your attention. A kid that you JUST might forget is in your back seat when you go to work on a hot day, if you know what I’m sayin’. (Ghostbusters 2016 in the car seat) WHOOOOPS!!!
(Abby turning of the TV) “God!”
Number 5: Too Much Dancing and Pointless Movie References
Too much dancing! (The girls dance… a lot) Stop dancing!
THIS (elevator scene where they stand still) was the most dancing they did in the original film!
Hey, remember Patrick Swayze movies?!
(Cop) “You mean like Patrick Swayze. Like, he’s sittin’ behind you makin’ some pottery?”
Remember “Dirty Dancing”?!
(Abby) “… And then we sat down, and he was behind me, and we made a vase!”
(Erin) “Oh, you’re combining the two…”
(Abby) “Combined.”
(Erin) “Oh y’know what was a good one? “Road House”.”
Remember “Road House”?!?!
(Erin) “Point Break? Oh, come on. At the end with the big wave?”
(Abby) “There’s a ghost in that, too!”
Stop dancing! STOP DANCING!
(Erin) “Please don’t be like the mayor in Jaws!”
(Mayor Bradley) “Never compare me to the Jaws Mayor! NEVER!”
(Erin) “Say hello to my little-“ BANG
(Al Pacino) “Say hello to my CHOCOLATE blend!”
Enough with the dancing!
Stop dancing!!! Stop dancing!!! Stop dancing!!!
Enough with the dancing!!! Stop dancing!!!
REMEMBER SCARFACE?!?! Stop dancing!
(Fieg) “That was great! It was REALLY good!”
Number 6: The Plot
(Fieg) “ALL I can ask is PLEASE just… just judge the MOVIE on its own merits. Don’t judge it off of a trailer… uh, y’know, and OBViously uh yuyuh…”
Let’s break this shit down like a cardboard box you intend to place in your recycling bin.
It’s no secret that this piece of trash is a remake. It follows the same structure as the first film, but just with SOME cosmetic changes.
Erin Gilbert is the closest character to Peter Venkman, just MUCH less interesting or funny.
(Peter covered in slime) “I feel so funky.”
The Ivy League intellectual who doesn’t really do the hard science stuff, and borders on being a fraud.
I see Abby Yates as Ray Stantz. Technically minded, but still somewhat relatable. Y’know, the everyday guy… and she’s FAT, too!
Jillian Holtzmann is CLEARLY the Egon of the group. Scientifically genius and socially awkward.
And of course Patty… is Louis Tully.
I’d actually probably be a little more forgiving of this movie if it had some kind of crazy different plot…
(Abby) “Uhh, why don’t you go back to your mother’s basement where you live?”
But it didn’t. So I’m gonna fuck it right up the ass with this. (A knife) Bend over, bend over. Let Plinkett come over.
Ghostbusters (original) of course opens in the basement of the New York public library. Old librarian lady is spooked by something. OooOOooOOoo! Roll the credits! Two minutes in! One and done as they say! No need to… dwell… on THIS (Garrett)… scene… for TOO long.
(Garrett) “…century home IN New York city preserved both inside and out.”
Now here we have Gabe from “The Office” giving a tour of the Eldridge mansion. He makes a racist joke about how a clock was given preference in a Titanic lifeboat over a Romanian woman and her child.
(Garrett) “…Romanian woman and her child were forced to leave the lifeboat to make room.”
The death of some foreign woman is FUNNY. The death of her CHILD is even FUNNIER! Then he mumbles something about P.T. Barnum coming up with the idea to enslave elephants in the house.
(Garrett) “…P.T. Barnum first had the idea to enslave elephants.”
Then we hear the long story about how the Eldridge daughter was a murderer or somethin’, and then the family locked her in the basement, and blahblahblah. And then we set up that Gabe has a trick candle holder. I guess that was to show that he’s a sceptic… or some kinda huckster? But who cares if he was or wasn’t? What did it really matter?
The point is, it takes us nearly five and a half minutes to get to THIS. (Garrett getting spooked) The opening fucking title. Now we know so much about this mansion, the family history, the daughter, her past, how and why she was locked in the basement. Does it come up again later? Nooo. I mean, SHE shows up at the end, but so what? Was all this essential to the plot? NOPE!
All we really needed to see was Gabe locking up the mansion at the end of the last tour, we show that sparking… ghost summoning device thing under the table, and then BAM title. So right there, kids, the opening fucking scene are two great side-by-side examples of what works, and what DOESN’T. You got slim, neat, and to the point (original), next to overly-long, unfunny, bloated, and filled with pointless information.
(Katie) “You cast Zach, who is one of the funniest people in the entire world.”
(Fieg) “Oh my god… Literally the best- I think the best improviser I’ve ever worked with.”
(Garrett) “It’s said that in this very room P.T. Barnum first had the idea to enslave elephants.”
Another thing to mention is that your first scene sets the tone. With the original Ghostbusters the opening scene has no jokes. It’s played a hundred percent straight and is actually kinda scary. It tells us, “Take the ghosts, and all this shit, kinda seriously.” THIS (Garrett’s scene) tells me, “Oh nooo. There’s gonna be two more hours of this shit.” (Garrett’s scene is shown more to emphasize its necessity for plot progression)
(Fieg) “Well THAT’S the way to ALSO take it away from just… kinda direct comparisons in a weird way, cuz you’re not gonna go, “Well, who’s the female Venkman?” Y’know, or hopeful- hopefully you wouldn’t.”
Next, we introduce the female Venkman. Meet our new Egon and Rays, and FINALLY get to our preliminary ghost invenstingation. Now I can compare every scene side-by-side, and explain in painful detail how tightly crafted and great the first Ghostbusters is, and compare each scene to their much longer, unfunny, babbling counter-parts with WAY too many pointless lines and actions.
(Hawkins) “Do you have ANY idea how many federal regulations you’re breaking on a daily basis?”
(Jillian) “One?” (laughter)
(Rorke) “No.”
(Jillian) “Two?”
(Rorke) “No.” (More laughter)
(Jillian) “Is it one?”
(Rorke) “Just… sit quietly.”
But I’ll be here all day, and this video would be SO long and scary, the government would classify it as terrorism! So I’m just gonna bullet point all the plot shit in case you were too dense to see how this is a total fucking straight up rip-off con job.
(Fieg) “…went WAIT! If I could reBOOT it, and just kinda do our whole new origin story - taking this amazing idea of funny people fighting the paranormal with technology – THAT’S… interesting to me, and THAT I think I know how to do.
While the major beats are in place, the tone and angle of each movie is VERY different. In the original Ghostbusters you have Venkman, who is a con artist. He’s a sleaze who is out to sleep with women…
(Peter) “I’ll take Ms. Barrett back to her apartment and check her out.”
…and do as little work as possible. When him, Egon, and Ray are kicked out of the university it’s VENKMAN who wants to start the Ghostbusters business.
(Peter) “To go into business for ourselves.”
Which, of course, leads to wonderful moments like this:
(Peter) “You’re NOT gonna lose the house. Everybody has three mortgages nowadays!”
(Ray) “But at 19%, you didn’t even BARGAIN with the guy!”
(Egon) “Ray, for your information, the interest rate ALONE for the first 5 years comes to 95 thousand dollars.”
In this film (2016), the motivation seems to be two things:
For Erin Gilbert to regain respect by proving that ghosts are real…
(Erin) “We can become the first scientists to prove the existence of the paranormal! All we have to do is find an entity…”
And to help people?... I guess?
(Abby) “This woman is describing a Class 3 haunting IN her house. She can’t just MOVE. She can’t call the police!”
On that first point, Kristen Wiig really needed to be the quote “Straight Man”… er, uhm, WHOOPS! Sorry Paul Fieg! I meant “Straight Woman”! I don’t wanna be sexist.
(Jillian) “Good boy.”
(Kevin) “Ugh! God, it stinks.”
(Patty) “Just a big, beautiful dummy.”
She should have ACTUALLY been respected at Columbia. Instead she’s trying to get tenure, and is excited about lecturing in “The BIG Hall”. Just like an amateur HACK. Then she’s acting like an idiot. All weird and awkward around everyone. She has a conversation with some snobby lady that just proves how unaccepted she is already. If she had a REAL career and something to actually RISK by joining the Ghostbusters, it’d take on a realistic tone.
Again, someone said to Kristen Wiig, “Say funny and weird things”, instead of using restraint… and making her character the stable and grounded one as it needed to be.
Abby and Holtzmann just have a general passion for the paranormal stuff, but no real goal. Y’know, except for helping a Youtube commentor?
(Abby) “We just have to go upstairs and ask for more money!”
Then the only mention of money is that they can’t afford the old Ghostbusters fire house and have to work above a Chinese restaurant. Hey, wait… The fact that they’re above a Chinese restaurant? Is that a reference to the first film? Y’know, where the Ghostbusters are eating take-out Chinese, when they say “That’s the last of the petty cash.”?
Ah… fuck it. This movie ain’t THAT clever.
(Leslie interview with Papa John’s showing) “I think it’s going to satisfy the taste buds of the people who love the original, and then they’ll love this one too, because it’s DIFFERENT.”
Wait… I guess Abby attempted to make a flier… and then had Kevin make a logo. But shit, you gals are gonna be outta business in a WEEK at THIS rate. ESPECIALLY with Bush in the White House! There is no Venkman character negotiating for more money, and pushing to keep things afloat for his own selfish, personal reasons.
You see, Ghostbusters (original) is essentially a film about the spirit – no pun intended – of entrepreneurship.
(Ray) “I’ve WORKED in the private sector. They expect results.”
(Peter) “The franchise rights ALONE will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams!”
Three guys struggling to start and run a business, and then hiring an employee because they become too busy. They just happened to save the world in the process. Venkman could care less, Ray is filled with a child-like fascination with ghosts, Egon is a technical genius and of course is…
(Egon) “I’m terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.”
And Winston…
(Winston) “If there’s a steady pay check in it, I’ll believe anything you say.”
Well HE don’t care. That’s what makes the movie great, cuz it’s moral ambiguity, and it’s grounding in reality. The Ghostbusters are shlubby exterminators. They aren’t role models! They aren’t action stars! They certainly aren’t HEROES! If anything they’re anti-heroes, or accidental heroes, ESPECIALLY Venkman.
(Peter) “… GO GET ‘ER RAY!”
The contradiction is best exemplified by this good old fashioned hard edit. (Ghostbusters epicly charge in to the apartments, and are then sucking air on the staircase)
Do you GET IT NOW?!?!? Do you GET IT Paul Fieg?!?!?!
Number 7: Casting and Improv
(Fieg) “When you get 4 people… in those lead roles like that who are so… not only funny, but sweet and wonderful, you just laugh the whole time.” (Fieg and Wiig laughing together while the crew look bewildered and frustrated)
The casting of this movie isn’t the problem. Only in rare cases is the casting of a movie SO bad that it ruins the whole film. A good script and a good director could make ANYTHING work. Who woulda thought that “Mr. Mom” could be “Batman”, or that Charlton Heston could play a Mexican, or that Lindsay Lohan could play a drug-addled stripper?
Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones are talented people, and very funny on Saturday Night Live. Melissa McCarthy, while sometimes can be a bit too much for some people, has done some funny roles, and has good comedic timing. I did actually enjoy “Spy”. I didn’t see “The Heat” though. I thought it was another film trying to sell me a convection oven.
(Mr. T) “Mmm. MMmmm! This is delicious! My taste buds is goin’ wild!”
I got too many convection ovens! Stop trying to sell me a convection oven!
(Infomercial narrator) “Are you too BUSY to cook a wholesome meal for the family?”
I don’t GOT a family.
(Infomercial narrator) “Do you hate the hassle of waiting for your food to thaw?”
(Infomercial narrator) “Has fast food become a regular on your family’s dinner table?”
Why I LOVE fast food!
(Infomercial narrator) “Are you concerned about gaining weight, and high cholesterol…” NO. “… due to unhealthy eating habits?”
(Infomercial narrator) “Has cooking become just a tiresome…” I hate the clean-up. “… chore for you?”
(Mr. T busting through the door) “BWAH!” (Audience cheers)
Mr. T?! Wait, HE’S shilling for cash now?!
(Mr. T) “Darla, are my eyes decievin’ me, or am I lookin’ at deh frozen food section at deh supermarket.”
What’s the world come to? The A-Team was just on T.V.
(Mr. T) “You jokin’ right?”
Oh, sorry about that. Talking about “The Heat” made me think of all those convection ovens I have sitting in my basement… collecting dust. Oh! Sorry! Back to my review!
Kristen Wiig. She’s just a terrific comedian, as well as a great dramatic actress AND writer, too.
So they took these 4 actresses and put them in a movie that just didn’t work for them. That’s all. 94.6 percent of this film relied upon improvisation, and you cannot improvise clever well-constructed science jokes. What you CAN improv is day-to-day stuff in life.
For example, the scene when they interview Kevin. They ask him questions, make fun of him, Kristen Wiig salivates over his Thor-like handsomeness, etc. Kevin is a dummy, and says silly things. In fact, Chris Pinesworth is rather funny at improv. That scene sort of worked… if this were a rom-com about women starting a business.
Apparently there is a 45 minute long edit of this scene.
(Chris) “We’d do… 40 minute takes with, where we just let the camera roll, and we’d all be sort of improvising. It was unique to anything I’d done before.”
(Fieg commentating on the scene) “I don’t know. This was- This was 5 hours of improv?”
(Katie) “Ya.”
(Fieg) “I forget.”
Please STOP ad-libbing! STOP IT!
(Abby) “That’s a… tough way to…”
Oh my god. Say CUT already!
(Fieg in the background to start the scene???) “Aaaaaaand… CUT!”
(Melissa) “The fact that Paul Fieg had ANY footage to actually cobble together a film is shocking… uummm.”
(Patty) “Ya, he probably dances REAL sexy.”
(Abby) “Uuuuhhh…”
(Patty) “Y’know what I’m sayin’. Like a, just a wiiind. Just…” (Starts humping the air)
(Abby) “I don’t- I don’t think his hips move… at all. I thi-…”
Then there’s a scene where Abby and Patty are mocking how they think Erin’s boyfriend might dance. It’s mildly amusing and also VERY clearly improv. Although I think this might be an extended scene. I’m not really sure. The VHS tape of this movie I got is the one with the extra footage, so I don’t remember what was in the original film, cuz I only saw it once… and I slept through half of it.
(Patty) “He can rip that V-neck off and he gets it BUSY man.”
(Abby) “He’s got- He rips that V-neck off, he’s got another V-neck.”
Problem is, Ghostbusters isn’t a movie where you point your camera at your actors and yell, “Say funny things!”. Those are called Judd Apatow movies, and usually they’re about people, sex, relationships, virginity, farts, pussies, lesbians, shitting, hookers, drinking booze, swearing…
…sluts, dude-bros, smoking pot, video games, taking dumps, tits, and so on. (Andy with a rager)
Were there ad-libs in the original Ghostbusters film? Probably! Yes?! I guess?! I don’t know. I’m too lazy to look into it, but at some point you have to say NO!
Like this guy (Dean) for example.
(Dean) “Get your candy-asses up on outta this piece! And don’t let the dizzoor hit ya on the izzass on your way izzout!”
Apparently this guy’s big stand-up bit in the 1980’s was THIS stuff (falling down multiple times like a jack-ass) where he’d flip you the middle finger in many different ways. It’d go on for 15 minutes.
(Dean) “I think it might be a ghost!” (Wiggles his hand around and points the bird at Erin and Abby) “Oh no. It’s not. It’s just a bird. Bye! There’s the door. Later days. Can you hear this? Lemme turn it up.”
I bet that was funny 38 years ago.
Hey! Maybe THIS guy’s (Charles Dance) gimmick was black face in 1952! But for FUCK SAKE, leave it outta the movie! Their part in the movie is to kick the Ghostbusters outta the school, not indulge in some cheap, pathetic and embarrasing humour. SOMEtimes an ad-lib here or there is fine. But NOT EVERYWHERE!
(Abby) “Maybe I should come out? It’s all chemistry. I could come out with my own… hair dye?”
These Holywood geniuses couldn’t see that a square Pegg doesn’t fit in a hole. I will now go frame by frame through this as a Bruder film, and tell you everything. And I mean EVERYTHING that was done WRONG.
submitted by 240Nordey to RedLetterMedia [link] [comments]

Amy Schumer: The Leather Special

1 [announcer] Ladies and gentleman, and all you other motherfuckers, get up off your ass for the baddest bitch: Amy Schumer! -[music playing] -[cheers and applause] Yeah! What the fuck is up, Denver?! [cheers and applause] Thank you so much for coming out. Oh, my God. This is such a big deal for me. I don't know if you guys know this, but this past year, I've gotten very rich, famous and humble. [audience laughing] Thank you. Thank you. And maybe you caught this. I don't know who saw this. I tweeted out a photo of myself wearing just underwear. Nothing but underwear. [cheering] Thank you, just the women. What the fuck? No! It's too late, sir. This could have been crumpled on your floor in the morning, but no. I like the idea of this being crumpled on someone's floor. Having to put this back on in the morning. Just, like... [grunting] And you're like, "Call me." And then-- Imagine doing a walk of shame in this shit. You're like, "Hi. Taxi." They're like, "Hmm. That's an actual trash bag. It looks like a Glad bag." I feel like every comedian needs a leather special. Right? Every comic has some special where they wear all leather, and they regret it later. It's my fucking moment! Leather Special! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Already regret it. Already regret it. Very overheated. Very overheated. So, I tweet out this photo of myself. I'm holding coffee. I'm topless in just underwear, and it goes viral. It was everywhere, every news show, every website, and that's when I learned the word you don't want people to use when a nude photo of you goes viral. "Brave." Um... Can you imagine? You take your clothes off in front of someone for the first time, and they're just like, "Damn! You look mad brave right now. Whoo-ee! Shorty looks empowered!" Like, no! As if I'm standing there, like, "I am brave!" No, just fuck me. I am blacking out tonight. I am blacking out tonight. Anybody? [cheers and applause] Who loves you? [speaks in childish gibberish] If you're a real winner, then you'll-- Has anyone ever blacked out and been awake when they've come out of it? -[woman] Yes! -Thank you! Thank you, sister! It's cool 'cause it's like you're a time traveler. You're just, like, back in your body, like... "What are people wearing now?" And you just kind of keep moving. I, one time, in college-- thank you-- I came out of a blackout, and there was a stranger going down on me. So, I was like, "Okay." I decided to tap him gently. So as not to startle him, you know? "Sir!" So-- 'Cause I'm laying there, and I'm like, "What do I know about this guy at this point, right? I know that he has brown hair. And I know that he is a hero." He's brave, okay? He's brave, and I'm gonna tell you why he's brave, and this does not leave this theater. And this does not leave your home. Here's why he's brave. On my pussy's best day... It's not every day. It's almost no day. But, you know, you wake up, you're having a good puss day. And maybe you know you're gonna have a visitor, so in the shower, you get very real in there, you know. You pull things back you don't usually. You kind of Minority Report your own pussy. [grunting] You get in. It's like Stranger Things. You just kind of get in. "Gotta find Barb, guys. She's in there." If you have access to a detachable showerhead, guess what? I just want you guys to think that that's how big my pussy is. Just like... hmm. It's really like... hmm? After all of that... on its already best day... [groans] my pussy smells... like a small barnyard animal, okay? Small. Small. I didn't, like-- not like a big, fucked-up llama, like, chewing and spitting and reeking. No! Little. Like a goat. You just-- You buy the food pellets, you know, and you feed it, and it's like... And you're like, "Aah! he ate it." You don't go like, "Eww!" You go, "I want to get to a sink. Kind of soon. Kind of soon would be good." [chuckles] 'Cause it does smell. That's on its best day. On its worst day... after a blackout... ISIS. It's fucked up, guys. It's bad. And you know what? That's fine. That is the nature of a pussy. Right? We're so worried and ashamed. Our moms never sat us down and said, "Okay, honey, one day, you're sometimes gonna have homeless pussy. Lights out." Like, no. They don't tell you. And that's just the fucking nature of it. And it's like, we're so embarrassed. I know some girls who won't let anybody go down on them. They're just like, "No, I don't know what's going on down there." I'm like, "What?" Like, I will forward your mail. Go. Head on down. Head on down to Puss Town. And-- And if that's not your thing, fine, you know? If I ever started dating a guy, and he was like, "You know what, it's not my thing," I'd be like, "That's fine." And then I would invite him to go hiking at Red Rocks, and I would push him off a fucking mountain. Just... [imitates thud] [imitates thuds] Right? And then they come up, and they go to kiss you, and you go... "Oh! No. Mm-mm. [groaning] Mm-mm. I don't want to." Yeah, right. Me, I'm like... [groans] I love that shit, that's sexy. That's hot. I'm like, "Mmm. Soup." I... Don't even. I see some of the girls, just a couple, you guys are close. They're like, "No..." [muttering] Yes. I wish we were raised more like men. Right? Just, like, here's an example of how we're different. We're so worried about our pussies, right? Have you ever had a guy come in your mouth and go... [inhales] "Does it taste okay? [whimpering] I haven't been drinking a lot of water, and I was a little worried." [nervous muttering] No! That would never happen. Because, men, you weren't raised to hate yourselves. You were raised, and your parents, they're just like, "Everything you do is a miracle." And you're like, "Yeah, everything I do is a miracle!" And don't get me wrong, you guys. We love your come. Only complaint: We want more of it. More, more, more. We want to do snow angels in it. Yay! Yay! Mmm. Is there anything bad about come? I can't think of anything. Oh, wait, I just thought of something. If you got even a drop of it in your mouth, the rest of the day, you're going... [grunting and exhaling] "I'm fine. [retching] I'm fine. I'm fine. [retches] Keep the meeting going." [grunts] [gargling] That is awful. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself... on the big screens, doing shows. First of all, I'm like, "Who's that dude?" Like, I seriously-- I have good self-esteem, I do. But I'll catch a glimpse of myself on the screen sometimes, and I'm like, "I shouldn't be here. I should be on a mound, going, like..." You know? [deep voice] "Good job, ladies. One more, ladies." Let me be real, because I was doing an interview. It was me and Bill Hader, and the interviewer was asking him hard-hitting questions like, "What are your favorite German beers?" And then he was asking me softballs like, "What's it like to fuck you?" And Bill was upset. He was like, "You don't have to answer that, Amy." And I was like, "He's gonna find out anyway, Bill! Shut up, Bill." But I told him, and I will tell you guys exactly what it's like to fuck me. Have you ever seen somebody standing on a box, painted all silver, in a town square? And you don't know if they're alive or not. But every once in a while, just, "Boop!" You're like, "Oh, it's a person!" That's what it's like to fuck me. That's it. Like a street performer mime in a town square. Except no one's ever given me a dollar. I don't do shit. I lay there. I either lay on my back, like that, or if I want to blow his fucking mind, sometimes I lie on my stomach, just like this. Comes right away. Men deserve more credit. They do, when it comes to sex. We don't have to do anything. You guys, men, you have to work so hard to fuck us. You have to get hard, you have to stay hard, and you have to go like this. [grunting] I feel like it would be funny to do that longer, but it hurts. I can't believe you guys do that. That sucks for you. My boyfriend usually comes in me. He usually comes in me, but sometimes you want to mix it up. You gotta have fun. We'll be having sex, and then he'll ask my favorite question: "Where should I come?" First of all, I'm like, "Thank you for thinking of me. [chuckles] Like... How did I even come up in your thoughts?" And... "Where should I come?" As a comic, I want to fuck around and be like, "In this jar!" I'm just, like... "Where should I come?" [belches] What do you think? What do you think? There's three answers, right? If you're lying on your back, what are the three places? -[man] Tits! -[second man] Face. -[woman] Butt! -Yes. She goes, "Your butt." What? I'm laying here. I just went over. I'm not on the fucking Broncos or whatever. I'm not in practice... [grunting] "Your butt." You're so cute. No! He goes, "Your head." What are you talking about? Just... [imitates splat] "I'm the prettiest girl in Colorado." "Your head." -No. -[woman] Tits! Yes. Your tits. Great answer. Your tits. And you have to say it like your psyched about it. "Where should I come?" You have to go, "My titties!" And-- And he goes, "Are you sure?" And you go... "Uh-huh! Mm-hmm. I love it. I love it." I hate not having come on my tits. I just-- Walking around all day, I'm at the bank, "Zero come on my tits. Ohh." My titties. I also love the question because of the confidence of it, right? "Where should I come?" I don't know about you guys. I've never dated anyone with American Sniper type accuracy. Where I could be like, "Right here. Hit the moving target." I'm like, "Okay, Katniss... Um..." Now, most of the time-- tell me if this is true for you guys-- he's like, "All right, are you ready? Are those titties ready?" And you're like, "Mm-hmm." He's like, "Here it comes." [imitates dribbling sound] Right on the hand. Just a dribble, just-- A second ago, you were the most powerful man alive. Now you're just the last boy at a carnival with a melting ice cream cone. And, God, we don't care. I've never been, like... [whining voice] "Well, you said you'd come on my titties." We don't. No girl cares. But then there's that move where in a moment of desperation, the guy will be like... And they try to finger paint. You're like, "No, no, no! It didn't happen for you. We're closed." Sometimes it happens. For three seconds, that means you go... "Yay!" And then you just kind of look at each other, like... And if you're with a really sweet guy, he'll go, "Babe, do you want me to go get you a..." [snoring] You're like, "No, I got it. You catch some much deserved shut-eye." And then that's when we make the shelf. Right, girls? That's what you do. You don't want it to just fucking-- You don't want to-- So you block it and you walk it. Mm-hmm. It's the saddest shelf in the world. And I've been to the Anne Frank House. I'm a German Jew. There used to be more of us. So... what happened? Oh, my God. It's weird to have a boyfriend. I've been on the road for so long. I really like having a boyfriend. I really love this guy. I met him on a dating app. Yeah. We met-- When I signed up, they were like, "Congratulations. You have a free lifetime membership." And I was like, "Well, that's discouraging." Like, "What the fuck?" When I met him, he was the first-- He's the only guy I met on there. I liked him right away. I really liked him. I was like, "I'm gonna make this guy wait." And I did. Like, all through dinner. No, we didn't go to dinner. I-- I don't know. I don't have an adult manning the ship. There's no one like, "Mnh-mnh-mnh. Not till date seven." I'm just-- If I want cake, I'm like, "We're having cake today." If I'm wet, I'm like, "Well, let's get a dick in there." Just... [humming] But I am a germophobe, and that's why I told him, before we did anything sexually, "Look, just so you know, I know for a fact that I don't have any diseases left. They all burned out." I was like, "What about you?" And he was like, "I've never been tested." And I was like, "Oh, mysterious. Is David Blaine in the house?" We went to Paris. I'd never been to France because I'm trash. And... we went, and we were excited. We've been together under a year, so... we've been trying to keep it pretty sexy, but we both got violent food poisoning. Like, violent. So, yeah. And we're not the couple that's like, "I'm gonna go take a deuce, babe." You know, like... We're trying to keep it, like-- Under a year. We're still lying. So-- So, our last night, after all week, we're like, "Eiffel Tower--" just the biggest dickheads-- we both get violent food poisoning, and our hotel was one of the rooms where we had one bathroom, and it was the kind where, like, the bed was right there, then you're in the bathroom, and if you went... [soft grunt] you would loudly hear it. So, it hits him first. And he's in there, just... [retching] And then, the way it manifested itself in me... is-- How do I say this and not be gross? I was in the bathroom just, like... [imitating machine gun] Machine-gun shitting out of my ass. Just... [imitating machine gun] Violent diarrhea. He... It's over. I'm yelling at him. [imitating machine gun] I'm like, "It was so cool dating you. Good luck. You're gonna meet the greatest girl. She's out there for you." [imitating machine gun] He's fucking puking. He's putting his head where I was. [imitating machine gun] And this is puke. And it's-- And then I thought I was just gonna be the one, the shit one, and he was the puke one, but I'm in there, and I'm-- And then he hears me go, "Fuck!" And I grab the trash can, and I start... [retching] All my holes. Shit's coming out all my holes. Then I realize there's holes in the bottom of the trash can I'm puking in. All over my knees. So, I walk out of the bathroom, and I'm like... I'm like, "Are you gonna propose on this trip?" He's like, "No, I am not." Oh, God. If you know me, you know I'm on the NuvaRing for birth control. That's my thing. It's easy, I don't have to remember to take a pill. Not that I ever have trouble doing that. But the NuvaRing, if you don't know, is this little latex thing you put in the back of your puss. And then you take it out every three weeks and just bleed all over the furniture. Am I using it right? So... I don't know why they won't sponsor me. So, we're, like-- You can leave it in during sex. But I wanted to take it out, just, like, the thought of it. So, you got to get in there, it's in the back. So, he's right over me. I'm like, "Hold on a sec." And so, I stick my finger, and I try to scoop it with my middle finger. And I shoot it up there, and that's when I accidentally went knuckle-deep with my ring finger into my own asshole. I shrieked. I went... [screams] And he went, "What?" And I went, "I put my finger in my butt." And he was like, "Can anybody do that?" I was like, "No! I'm not opening up a conversation about this." The mystery is over. We made it through that. I don't know why I'm on birth control anymore. You guys know that there's now a male birth control pill. Do you know this? They're still testing it, but I want him to go on it immediately. I just can't imagine that era, though, of guys, like-- Imagine you go home with a guy and you're gonna have sex with him, and you get a condom out of your purse, and he just goes... "Oh. No. It's cool. I'm on the pill." "What? You're on what?" His phone alarm goes off. He's like, "Excuse me." Pop. No. [sighs] God. Yeah, I'm all good. I'm so happy to be in this relationship. The only problem is I'm not the girl who's like, "Yeah, like, ever since we've been together, I've just kind of chilled with drinking." If anything, it's skyrocketed. Like-- Yeah, I still black out on the reg. I know it's not cool. It sucks because, for years, I've been blacking out, and I'll just be by myself, and I fart in a pillow, but now there's a witness. I got a witness. It sucks. So, I blacked out the other night. You know how I do. Just a little wine, edibles. I'm like, "This is missing something. Xanax." Very dangerous. Do not recommend. Okay? But I have a very sophisticated palate. So... I black out. And I just wake up in the morning. I don't even look at him, but I can feel that he hates me. You know that feeling? It's like, "What's that in the air?" [inhales] It's rage and it's all directed at me, so... I was like, "I'm gonna play stupid." I just roll over, and I'm just... "Mmm! Morning! [giggling] So, should we list all the things that we're grateful for? I'm grateful for you." [giggles] And he just stares at me. He's just... "Well... okay." I'm like, "Okay, what did I get into last night? Did I just, like, say my prayers and go to sleep?" [giggles] Ding! He's like, "No." Okay. "Did I give you a surprise blowjob?" I like the idea of, like, "Blowjob?" A girl who doesn't know how to do the blowjob symbol. What? And he's like, "Ame, any blowjob would be a huge surprise at this point." And I don't want you guys to think I'm not giving. I love going down on him. I think you've got to go down. Go down. I love it. I love him, I love doing it. But there are guys who you go down for 90 seconds, and they're, like... [splat] And you're like, "Still got it." And then... There are guys like my boyfriend, where if I want to blow him to completion, it takes between ten and 12 years. And in my twenties, I'd roll up my sleeves, crack my-- [imitates bones cracking] You know, I have a-- All right. [singing practice notes] Red leather, yellow leather. I don't even know that girl anymore. She is gone. That girl gone. I go down for a while, though. I went down on him very recently, and he yawned. [yawns] I'm like, "If there's a God, he'll put a dick right in your mouth now." Gong! If I'm down there long enough that you're yawning, guess what? I'm coming up [humming] Fuck you. I'm so fun to date. So, I'm like, "Okay, what did I do when I blacked out?" He goes, "Okay. What you did was you started pounding Ritz Crackers." I'm like, "I'm sure I wasn't pounding them." He's like, "You looked like a contestant on a reality show." Okay. Then he said I started on the other sleeve. And this is an exact quote. He said that I was "using butter as if it were guacamole." Just, "Mmm." Just slack-jawed, dead-eyed butter-eating. Then he said that I tried to make two frozen pizzas at once, because I wanted to eat them like a hamburger. And he said that he was like, "Ame, what are you doing?" And I accused him of judging me. I was like, "You're judging me!" Chasing him around the apartment. And then he said I got in bed, and I stacked all of the pillows, four pillows on my side, and I put my head right on top. And he went, "Amy, we each get two pillows." And I went, "Not tonight, motherfucker!" [snoring] Isn't she lovely Hey, thank you. Oh, God. Soon, it'll be just us. Oh, my God. I really love his whole family. No bullshit. They're from the Midwest. Yeah. The happiest people. The happiest people. I mean, in L.A., I feel like they pretend. Everyone's like, "I'm doing great," and you're like, "Stay away from cliffs." But in the Midwest, they're just so psyched. And his mom is the happiest person I've ever met. Her name is Deb, and Deb is just the happiest person. She gets everything wrong. She'll be like, "We took a U-ber here." I'm like, "What?" She's like, "I like that boy. What's his name? Seeth Rogen?" I'm like, "That's absolutely no one's name." Everywhere she walks, it looks like she was called out as a contestant on The Price Is Right. She's just, "Whoo!" I lucked out, though. I promise you I love her. I'm not complaining. I feel like I really lucked out because a lot of the guys I've dated, their moms have had a vibe with them where they're like, "Ohh. I wanted to fuck my son. [groaning] No, it's fine. You kids have fun. I just always thought we'd wind up together. I don't know." And as the girl, you have to act like it's not happening. Like, a stutter. You have to be, like... So, I know what you guys are thinking this part of the night. You're like, "Amy, well, you're really well-read." Um... And I am. Look. "Wine." And I don't think I'm any better now. You guys, I hope you know. Like, I know I am trash from Long Island. I have a lower-back tattoo that is raised and crooked, and it doesn't mean anything, and I have been fingered by a cab driver. At my request. Constantly reminded, anything good or fancy that happens, I get brought down to Earth right quick. Anything. Like, our TV show won a Peabody Award, which I didn't even know what that was. Very high, very fancy. It's for people in media making a difference. It's a big deal. And the other people there were people like the Ebola fighters, and Malala, and our show, and... so, we go, and we're like, "Okay. Thank you for including us." And at the beginning of the awards, they showed a little clip of each person's project. And you don't know what they're gonna choose. And so, first, they show a clip of the Ebola fighters in the suits, this documentary where they go in and they're saving lives, the bravest people in the word. And then Malala. Like, Malala-ing, you know? And then... they show a clip of our show. We're like, "What are they gonna choose? We've done so much for so many." The clip they chose was me taking a giant bite out of a burger, going, "I'm gonna go make some room," and walking to the toilet. It was Malala being fitted for a glass eye. And then me like, "I'm gonna take a violent dump. You guys good?" The July that Trainwreck came out, two girls named Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson were shot and killed at the movie theater when they went to see my movie. And the feeling of putting something out and being excited, and then finding out that these two beautiful, amazing, smart women who just wanted to have a good time, went and got murdered was crushing and... Yeah, and I just wanted to do something about it. I knew nothing about gun violence, and I found out that the guy who shot them was severely mentally ill and a domestic abuser. And I was like, "Well, okay. Why could he get a gun?" I wasn't educated. But I found out that if you are severely mentally ill or have been convicted of domestic violence, there are loopholes where it's not that hard to get a firearm. And I was like, "Well, I really want to help make it more difficult for people who are severely mentally ill or domestic abusers--" [cheers and applause] Thank you. I believe in the right to bear arms. Second Amendment, yes. I've been friends with gun owners. But what I learned was, no matter what you say, as soon as you say the word "gun," what gun nuts hear is just, "You want to take all our guns! That shifty G wants our guns!" I'm like, "No, you seem great. You should get more guns." Let's get this guy more guns, right? "Our Amendment!" You're like, "Okay, okay." "The government wants my house!" I'm like, "You don't have a house. You live in a trailer with no windows. What are you talking about?" And then I found out-- and you guys probably already know this-- that if you're on the terrorist watch list-- like, not just the no-fly list, but the straight-up terrorist watch list-- you can easily get a gun. And so, that same guy is like, "Get out of our country, foreigner! But while you're here, please, enjoy our firearms legally." If you're blind-- If you're blind as a fucking bat, you can walk into a gun store, hopefully. There's more gun stores than Starbucks and McDonald's combined in our country, so your chances are good. You walk in, and you go, "I want a gun!" And they go, "We're over here." Then you go, "Oh, okay." "I'll take it." And they go, "That's the phone." You go, "Oh. Well..." Like, all about equal rights for the disabled, but if Stevie Wonder calls me and he's like, "You want to go shooting today?" I'm gonna be like, "Hard pass." The thing you look through to aim is called a "sight!" But you don't need that. They get a gun. So I'm like, "Okay. I would love it-- Can we just work on not giving guns to mentally ill terrorists who are blind and beat their wives?" "What?! What's next? You want us to fuck animals?" I'm like, "I've been fucking animals my whole life, sir." And you know what? I totally hear you guys. You're like, "Schumer, you were talking about come all over your tits. Now we have to listen to this shit?" But what's crazy is that you can catch a hot load all over your titties and still not want your loved ones to get shot in a theater. [cheers and applause] You know what? I don't know if you guys noticed, but I am what Hollywood calls "very fat." No, you guys know. You know me. I feel very good in my own skin. I feel strong. I feel healthy. [cheers and applause] I do. I feel sexy. Also, like, my dad has MS and is in a wheelchair. And it's, like, I'm just so psyched I can fucking move. I'm just like, "Fuck you." How are you gonna complain? [mutters] How do I get rid--" Shut the fuck up! You're alive. You can move and we feel good. And, you know, I bought into it, because when I was doing my first movie, Trainwreck, before I did anything, somebody explained to me, they were like, "Just so you know, Amy, no pressure. But if you weigh over 140 pounds, it will hurt people's eyes." And I was like... [groans] I just bought it. I was like, "Okay, I'm new to town." And so, I lost weight, and I think you should feel healthy and take care of yourself. But I don't believe in, like, crash dieting or starving yourself. Like, get the fuck out of here. No. Let's just, you know-- It's just not right. Yeah, so, thank God I look very stupid skinny. My dumb head stays the same size. But then my body shrivels, and I just look like a Thanksgiving parade float of Tonya Harding. I'm just like, "Hi!" Nobody likes it. It's not cute on me. So, I, like, gained all this weight back. I just revenge-ate as soon as the movie was over. I was just, "I couldn't have pizza. I couldn't have--" Like, everything. And I got worried, because it gets in your head, just everything on television and movies and magazines and the Internet. All the women are just beautiful, like, little skeletons with tits, and you're just, like-- All day I'm looking at the Hadid sisters and, like, those Jenner things, and you're just, like... And I got worried. I gained weight. I'm like, "Oh, my God. Are men gonna still be attracted to me?" And that's when I remembered-- I always forget this-- it's another reason I love men so much. Men, each day, have a thought that goes through their head where they're, like... "I don't know why, but I want to put my penis right in your butthole." A couple times a day, someone walks by. "Huh." You know, just... They're like, "Look, it doesn't make sense to me, either, but I know for a fact I want to take the most sensitive, intimate part of myself and just, like, ram it right where you poop. Just, like, ram it!" [grunting] They're thinking that, and I'm over here like, "Oh, should I get highlights?" Like... He doesn't care! He doesn't care. "Honey, do you like my new nail color? It's ballet slipper." "I would fuck you if your head was a ballet slipper. I don't care." We work so hard, and they don't fucking care. Isn't that a relaxing thought? Like, not anal. But, like, men will fuck us, you know? If they fuck us, they will come. It's a beautiful, easy sweatshirt that's available on my-- No, I'm just kidding. I am the shittiest famous person, okay? I'm a shitty famous person. Yes, I know. I always-- I can't believe it's still going on. I say what I mean. I dress like garbage. Like, my sister and I... And I tried really hard. I'm like, "Okay, like, let's do our best and tape it up and spackle it down and..." [groans] But after I leave here, I will look like a newly homeless person very quickly. Very quickly, trust me. My sister dresses the same, but they'll still write about us as if we're the Kardashians. They'll be like, "The Schumer sisters stepped out today. Amy opted for performance fleece... and a pleather jacket from Forever 21." And my favorite thing they ever wrote was, "And Kim chose to wear a bright red-and-gold beanie to add to her ensemble." It was a Gryffindor hat. Like, look at this. It's a fucking Gryffindor hat. The most disappointing people ever to be photographed. Look at this. It looks like we were moving, and we ran out of bags, so we're like, "Let's just wear it all. We'll just wear it all. Never a bra. Never a problem." Look at my sister's shoe game. Can you check this out? Ballet flats from Payless. H&M zebra pants. What's up? What's up now, Internet? They photographed me once, and this was the headline: "Schumer buys pastry so she can work out." Kind of mean, right? No, they hit the nail right on the fucking head. That's what I do to work out. That's what I do. Before I work out, I go buy a scone, and then I slowly walk around a reservoir, and I eat it. My workouts are like a woman in hospice. Just, like, nibbling on a baked good, looking at the trees and the birds. "Mmm." I'm so disappointing to them as a famous person that they'll try to make it sound sexier than it is. They're like, "Schumer flaunting her legs in teeny-tiny shorts." And you guys have eyes. You understand that that is not available to me. Like, there's no separation between church and state up here, okay? This area does not-- There's no-- It's not happening. I didn't even know what a thigh gap was. I was like, "Is that like the wage gap? Do we need to rally against this?" Since I'm ten years old, I can't wear tiny shorts. If I take one step, all the material shoots up my pussy. I have to pull it out like a magician. A fucking dove. Just, like, "Fly!" I have to lather deodorant in my crotch, so I don't chafe to the point of bleeding out. Right here is when my thighs stop touching for the first time. Together. Apart. Together. Apart. Together. Apart. The fucking teeny-tiny shorts. Fuck you! Fuck you. I got photographed paddleboarding, standup paddleboarding, which-- Can we all just agree to stop pretending like that's fun? What do we-- Just what? "Would you like the sensation of being in a canoe, without the comfort of a seat or the safety of sides?" "No." "Have you often wondered what it's like to work on a gondola?" "I can't say that I have. No." The picture of me, I didn't even recognize myself because, obviously, I don't suck in anyway. It was just, like-- I looked at it, and I was like, "Oh, my God, Alfred Hitchcock is alive... and loves water sports! Fuck, yeah," you know? I was so psyched. Honestly, the only thing that gets me through the night, the only thing, is that I believe in my heart that Bradley Cooper wants to fuck me. Now, no one else believes me, especially not him. But I believe it. I believe it in my heart. Now, maybe you're like, "Bradley Cooper doesn't really do it for me." Hmm. Shut the fuck up. Yes, he does. He's the kind of hot where when you see him, you don't even mean to, but your body just, like, pivots around. And you just, like, grab your toes. You're just like, "Okay." By the way, that's as far down as I can go. That's it. Look, we got a little more. But I'm kind of tilted. He's the kind of hot where when he's talking to you, all your holes get wet. You're just like, "What? Why here?" Like... His eyes change color and shit, you guys. So, he's talking to me at this event, and I don't even think I'm registering as a sexual person to him, because I'm thinking of myself like I'm on a mound, you know? And... I'm just like, "Sick party, right, Coop?" Like, I'm not-- I'm trying to help him get out of the conversation with me. I'm like, "Okay." Because all these gorgeous girls are around, just foaming at the mouth, just like, "Oh, let me at that dick hole." And... And I tried to get him out of it. I'm like, "All right. Have a good night." And he's like, "Wait, Amy. It's really good to see you. Let's hang out." I'm like, "Okay... my new boyfriend." Fully went there. And then... Then we talk a little more, and then 20 minutes go by, and I'm like, "Okay, I'm gonna grab my seat." And he grabs my wrist. He goes, "Wait. It's, like, really good to see you. Why don't we, like, spend some time together?" [humming "Bridal Chorus"] I, like, put my napkin over my head. I was like, "I do!" I called my friends from high school on the way home. I'm like, "Take me out of your phone. I'm with Bradley now. I'm at a new level, and you're not coming with me. You're out!" And then the next night, I'm doing a show in Reno, Nevada, because you can have it all. And I'm watching the White House Correspondents' Dinner. And they're like, "And here's Bradley Cooper." And I'm like, "Hi, baby." And they're like, "And here is his girlfriend." And I'm like, "But I'm his girlfriend." It turns out I am not his girlfriend. He is dating an actual angel named Irina Shayk. She's a supermodel. She doesn't resemble a person at all. It looks like if a panther fucked a gazelle... and then, like, they fucked Gisele... and just shot out the hottest piece of ass you've ever seen. She doesn't walk. She, like, slinks around. And she's-- The way she talks, she's like, "I'm from nine hours by dogsled outside Moscow." She can only see through the tops of her eyes. [moaning] She's so fucking hot. You can just tell that she's always wet, like, the way she moves. Like, once a boyfriend brought out lube, and she's like, "I laugh at your lube, Bradley!" And I'm just watching this in fucking Reno. I'm like, "Bradley? Bradley, it's me!" Like, I was thinking I was gonna be rolling around on a beach with him. And, I don't know, is this me? Is that my ass? I know we have-- Definitely, there's a picture of me. Is this me? Or is this me? I can't-- Fuck! Which one is me? Is that me? Or is that me? I don't know. And I was like, "You know what? Fuck her." That bitch will never be brave. Thank you so much! I love you! [music playing] Oh, wait. Is that guy picketing my show? [indistinct chatter] I don't know. I feel like he's yelling at the people going to my show. And you know what? He's right. He needs a better megaphone. [man] Ha ha. -Are you guys engaged? -Yes. Can I be in the picture? [man] Down here, gun control is when you hold it with two hands. Oh, that's very funny, Gary. How about holding the steering wheel with two hands. How does that sound? [laughs] Here are the real stars of the show. Whoo! She runs out of lipstick because her lips are so luscious. I'm glad I'm not wearing a skirt because these people would fully see up my entire twat. Do people still say "twat"? [crowd cheering] [woman] So easy.
submitted by spookyskeletonSJW to copypasta [link] [comments]

Amy Schu🅱er: The 🅱leather Special

1 [announcer] Ladies and gentleman, and all you other motherfuckers, get up off your ass for the baddest bitch: Amy Schumer! -[music playing] -[cheers and applause] Yeah! What the fuck is up, Denver?! [cheers and applause] Thank you so much for coming out. Oh, my God. This is such a big deal for me. I don't know if you guys know this, but this past year, I've gotten very rich, famous and humble. [audience laughing] Thank you. Thank you. And maybe you caught this. I don't know who saw this. I tweeted out a photo of myself wearing just underwear. Nothing but underwear. [cheering] Thank you, just the women. What the fuck? No! It's too late, sir. This could have been crumpled on your floor in the morning, but no. I like the idea of this being crumpled on someone's floor. Having to put this back on in the morning. Just, like... [grunting] And you're like, "Call me." And then-- Imagine doing a walk of shame in this shit. You're like, "Hi. Taxi." They're like, "Hmm. That's an actual trash bag. It looks like a Glad bag." I feel like every comedian needs a leather special. Right? Every comic has some special where they wear all leather, and they regret it later. It's my fucking moment! Leather Special! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Already regret it. Already regret it. Very overheated. Very overheated. So, I tweet out this photo of myself. I'm holding coffee. I'm topless in just underwear, and it goes viral. It was everywhere, every news show, every website, and that's when I learned the word you don't want people to use when a nude photo of you goes viral. "Brave." Um... Can you imagine? You take your clothes off in front of someone for the first time, and they're just like, "Damn! You look mad brave right now. Whoo-ee! Shorty looks empowered!" Like, no! As if I'm standing there, like, "I am brave!" No, just fuck me. I am blacking out tonight. I am blacking out tonight. Anybody? [cheers and applause] Who loves you? [speaks in childish gibberish] If you're a real winner, then you'll-- Has anyone ever blacked out and been awake when they've come out of it? -[woman] Yes! -Thank you! Thank you, sister! It's cool 'cause it's like you're a time traveler. You're just, like, back in your body, like... "What are people wearing now?" And you just kind of keep moving. I, one time, in college-- thank you-- I came out of a blackout, and there was a stranger going down on me. So, I was like, "Okay." I decided to tap him gently. So as not to startle him, you know? "Sir!" So-- 'Cause I'm laying there, and I'm like, "What do I know about this guy at this point, right? I know that he has brown hair. And I know that he is a hero." He's brave, okay? He's brave, and I'm gonna tell you why he's brave, and this does not leave this theater. And this does not leave your home. Here's why he's brave. On my pussy's best day... It's not every day. It's almost no day. But, you know, you wake up, you're having a good puss day. And maybe you know you're gonna have a visitor, so in the shower, you get very real in there, you know. You pull things back you don't usually. You kind of Minority Report your own pussy. [grunting] You get in. It's like Stranger Things. You just kind of get in. "Gotta find Barb, guys. She's in there." If you have access to a detachable showerhead, guess what? I just want you guys to think that that's how big my pussy is. Just like... hmm. It's really like... hmm? After all of that... on its already best day... [groans] my pussy smells... like a small barnyard animal, okay? Small. Small. I didn't, like-- not like a big, fucked-up llama, like, chewing and spitting and reeking. No! Little. Like a goat. You just-- You buy the food pellets, you know, and you feed it, and it's like... And you're like, "Aah! he ate it." You don't go like, "Eww!" You go, "I want to get to a sink. Kind of soon. Kind of soon would be good." [chuckles] 'Cause it does smell. That's on its best day. On its worst day... after a blackout... ISIS. It's fucked up, guys. It's bad. And you know what? That's fine. That is the nature of a pussy. Right? We're so worried and ashamed. Our moms never sat us down and said, "Okay, honey, one day, you're sometimes gonna have homeless pussy. Lights out." Like, no. They don't tell you. And that's just the fucking nature of it. And it's like, we're so embarrassed. I know some girls who won't let anybody go down on them. They're just like, "No, I don't know what's going on down there." I'm like, "What?" Like, I will forward your mail. Go. Head on down. Head on down to Puss Town. And-- And if that's not your thing, fine, you know?
If I ever started dating a guy, and he was like, "You know what, it's not my thing," I'd be like, "That's fine." And then I would invite him to go hiking at Red Rocks, and I would push him off a fucking mountain. Just... [imitates thud] [imitates thuds] Right? And then they come up, and they go to kiss you, and you go... "Oh! No. Mm-mm. [groaning] Mm-mm. I don't want to." Yeah, right. Me, I'm like... [groans] I love that shit, that's sexy. That's hot. I'm like, "Mmm. Soup." I... Don't even. I see some of the girls, just a couple, you guys are close. They're like, "No..." [muttering] Yes. I wish we were raised more like men. Right? Just, like, here's an example of how we're different. We're so worried about our pussies, right? Have you ever had a guy come in your mouth and go... [inhales] "Does it taste okay? [whimpering] I haven't been drinking a lot of water, and I was a little worried." [nervous muttering] No! That would never happen. Because, men, you weren't raised to hate yourselves. You were raised, and your parents, they're just like, "Everything you do is a miracle." And you're like, "Yeah, everything I do is a miracle!" And don't get me wrong, you guys. We love your come. Only complaint: We want more of it. More, more, more. We want to do snow angels in it. Yay! Yay! Mmm. Is there anything bad about come? I can't think of anything. Oh, wait, I just thought of something. If you got even a drop of it in your mouth, the rest of the day, you're going... [grunting and exhaling] "I'm fine. [retching] I'm fine. I'm fine. [retches] Keep the meeting going." [grunts] [gargling] That is awful. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself... on the big screens, doing shows. First of all, I'm like, "Who's that dude?" Like, I seriously-- I have good self-esteem, I do. But I'll catch a glimpse of myself on the screen sometimes, and I'm like, "I shouldn't be here. I should be on a mound, going, like..." You know? [deep voice] "Good job, ladies. One more, ladies." Let me be real, because I was doing an interview. It was me and Bill Hader, and the interviewer was asking him hard-hitting questions like, "What are your favorite German beers?" And then he was asking me softballs like, "What's it like to fuck you?" And Bill was upset. He was like, "You don't have to answer that, Amy." And I was like, "He's gonna find out anyway, Bill! Shut up, Bill." But I told him, and I will tell you guys exactly what it's like to fuck me. Have you ever seen somebody standing on a box, painted all silver, in a town square? And you don't know if they're alive or not. But every once in a while, just, "Boop!" You're like, "Oh, it's a person!" That's what it's like to fuck me. That's it. Like a street performer mime in a town square. Except no one's ever given me a dollar. I don't do shit. I lay there. I either lay on my back, like that, or if I want to blow his fucking mind, sometimes I lie on my stomach, just like this. Comes right away. Men deserve more credit. They do, when it comes to sex. We don't have to do anything. You guys, men, you have to work so hard to fuck us. You have to get hard, you have to stay hard, and you have to go like this. [grunting] I feel like it would be funny to do that longer, but it hurts. I can't believe you guys do that. That sucks for you. My boyfriend usually comes in me. He usually comes in me, but sometimes you want to mix it up. You gotta have fun. We'll be having sex, and then he'll ask my favorite question: "Where should I come?" First of all, I'm like, "Thank you for thinking of me. [chuckles] Like... How did I even come up in your thoughts?" And... "Where should I come?" As a comic, I want to fuck around and be like, "In this jar!" I'm just, like... "Where should I come?" [belches] What do you think? What do you think? There's three answers, right? If you're lying on your back, what are the three places? -[man] Tits! -[second man] Face. -[woman] Butt! -Yes. She goes, "Your butt." What? I'm laying here. I just went over. I'm not on the fucking Broncos or whatever. I'm not in practice... [grunting] "Your butt." You're so cute. No! He goes, "Your head." What are you talking about? Just... [imitates splat] "I'm the prettiest girl in Colorado." "Your head." -No. -[woman] Tits! Yes. Your tits. Great answer. Your tits. And you have to say it like your psyched about it. "Where should I come?" You have to go, "My titties!" And-- And he goes, "Are you sure?" And you go... "Uh-huh! Mm-hmm. I love it. I love it." I hate not having come on my tits. I just-- Walking around all day, I'm at the bank, "Zero come on my tits. Ohh." My titties. I also love the question because of the confidence of it, right? "Where should I come?" I don't know about you guys. I've never dated anyone with American Sniper type accuracy. Where I could be like, "Right here. Hit the moving target." I'm like, "Okay, Katniss... Um..." Now, most of the time-- tell me if this is true for you guys-- he's like, "All right, are you ready? Are those titties ready?" And you're like, "Mm-hmm." He's like, "Here it comes." [imitates dribbling sound] Right on the hand. Just a dribble, just-- A second ago, you were the most powerful man alive. Now you're just the last boy at a carnival with a melting ice cream cone. And, God, we don't care. I've never been, like... [whining voice] "Well, you said you'd come on my titties." We don't. No girl cares. But then there's that move where in a moment of desperation, the guy will be like... And they try to finger paint. You're like, "No, no, no! It didn't happen for you. We're closed." Sometimes it happens. For three seconds, that means you go... "Yay!" And then you just kind of look at each other, like... And if you're with a really sweet guy, he'll go, "Babe, do you want me to go get you a..." [snoring] You're like, "No, I got it. You catch some much deserved shut-eye." And then that's when we make the shelf. Right, girls? That's what you do. You don't want it to just fucking-- You don't want to-- So you block it and you walk it. Mm-hmm. It's the saddest shelf in the world. And I've been to the Anne Frank House. I'm a German Jew. There used to be more of us. So... what happened?
Oh, my God. It's weird to have a boyfriend. I've been on the road for so long. I really like having a boyfriend. I really love this guy. I met him on a dating app. Yeah. We met-- When I signed up, they were like, "Congratulations. You have a free lifetime membership." And I was like, "Well, that's discouraging." Like, "What the fuck?" When I met him, he was the first-- He's the only guy I met on there. I liked him right away. I really liked him. I was like, "I'm gonna make this guy wait." And I did. Like, all through dinner. No, we didn't go to dinner. I-- I don't know. I don't have an adult manning the ship. There's no one like, "Mnh-mnh-mnh. Not till date seven." I'm just-- If I want cake, I'm like, "We're having cake today." If I'm wet, I'm like, "Well, let's get a dick in there." Just... [humming] But I am a germophobe, and that's why I told him, before we did anything sexually, "Look, just so you know, I know for a fact that I don't have any diseases left. They all burned out." I was like, "What about you?" And he was like, "I've never been tested." And I was like, "Oh, mysterious. Is David Blaine in the house?" We went to Paris. I'd never been to France because I'm trash. And... we went, and we were excited. We've been together under a year, so... we've been trying to keep it pretty sexy, but we both got violent food poisoning. Like, violent. So, yeah. And we're not the couple that's like, "I'm gonna go take a deuce, babe." You know, like... We're trying to keep it, like-- Under a year. We're still lying. So-- So, our last night, after all week, we're like, "Eiffel Tower--" just the biggest dickheads-- we both get violent food poisoning, and our hotel was one of the rooms where we had one bathroom, and it was the kind where, like, the bed was right there, then you're in the bathroom, and if you went... [soft grunt] you would loudly hear it. So, it hits him first. And he's in there, just... [retching] And then, the way it manifested itself in me... is-- How do I say this and not be gross? I was in the bathroom just, like... [imitating machine gun] Machine-gun shitting out of my ass. Just... [imitating machine gun] Violent diarrhea. He... It's over. I'm yelling at him. [imitating machine gun] I'm like, "It was so cool dating you. Good luck. You're gonna meet the greatest girl. She's out there for you." [imitating machine gun] He's fucking puking. He's putting his head where I was. [imitating machine gun] And this is puke. And it's-- And then I thought I was just gonna be the one, the shit one, and he was the puke one, but I'm in there, and I'm-- And then he hears me go, "Fuck!" And I grab the trash can, and I start... [retching] All my holes. Shit's coming out all my holes. Then I realize there's holes in the bottom of the trash can I'm puking in. All over my knees. So, I walk out of the bathroom, and I'm like... I'm like, "Are you gonna propose on this trip?" He's like, "No, I am not." Oh, God. If you know me, you know I'm on the NuvaRing for birth control. That's my thing. It's easy, I don't have to remember to take a pill. Not that I ever have trouble doing that. But the NuvaRing, if you don't know, is this little latex thing you put in the back of your puss. And then you take it out every three weeks and just bleed all over the furniture. Am I using it right? So... I don't know why they won't sponsor me. So, we're, like-- You can leave it in during sex. But I wanted to take it out, just, like, the thought of it. So, you got to get in there, it's in the back. So, he's right over me. I'm like, "Hold on a sec." And so, I stick my finger, and I try to scoop it with my middle finger. And I shoot it up there, and that's when I accidentally went knuckle-deep with my ring finger into my own asshole. I shrieked. I went... [screams] And he went, "What?" And I went, "I put my finger in my butt." And he was like, "Can anybody do that?" I was like, "No! I'm not opening up a conversation about this."
The mystery is over. We made it through that. I don't know why I'm on birth control anymore. You guys know that there's now a male birth control pill. Do you know this? They're still testing it, but I want him to go on it immediately. I just can't imagine that era, though, of guys, like-- Imagine you go home with a guy and you're gonna have sex with him, and you get a condom out of your purse, and he just goes... "Oh. No. It's cool. I'm on the pill." "What? You're on what?" His phone alarm goes off. He's like, "Excuse me." Pop. No. [sighs] God. Yeah, I'm all good. I'm so happy to be in this relationship. The only problem is I'm not the girl who's like, "Yeah, like, ever since we've been together, I've just kind of chilled with drinking." If anything, it's skyrocketed. Like-- Yeah, I still black out on the reg. I know it's not cool. It sucks because, for years, I've been blacking out, and I'll just be by myself, and I fart in a pillow, but now there's a witness. I got a witness. It sucks. So, I blacked out the other night. You know how I do. Just a little wine, edibles. I'm like, "This is missing something. Xanax." Very dangerous. Do not recommend. Okay? But I have a very sophisticated palate. So... I black out. And I just wake up in the morning. I don't even look at him, but I can feel that he hates me. You know that feeling? It's like, "What's that in the air?" [inhales] It's rage and it's all directed at me, so... I was like, "I'm gonna play stupid." I just roll over, and I'm just... "Mmm! Morning! [giggling] So, should we list all the things that we're grateful for? I'm grateful for you." [giggles] And he just stares at me. He's just... "Well... okay." I'm like, "Okay, what did I get into last night? Did I just, like, say my prayers and go to sleep?" [giggles] Ding! He's like, "No." Okay. "Did I give you a surprise blowjob?" I like the idea of, like, "Blowjob?" A girl who doesn't know how to do the blowjob symbol. What? And he's like, "Ame, any blowjob would be a huge surprise at this point." And I don't want you guys to think I'm not giving. I love going down on him. I think you've got to go down. Go down. I love it. I love him, I love doing it. But there are guys who you go down for 90 seconds, and they're, like... [splat] And you're like, "Still got it." And then... There are guys like my boyfriend, where if I want to blow him to completion, it takes between ten and 12 years. And in my twenties, I'd roll up my sleeves, crack my-- [imitates bones cracking] You know, I have a-- All right. [singing practice notes] Red leather, yellow leather. I don't even know that girl anymore. She is gone. That girl gone. I go down for a while, though. I went down on him very recently, and he yawned. [yawns] I'm like, "If there's a God, he'll put a dick right in your mouth now." Gong! If I'm down there long enough that you're yawning, guess what? I'm coming up [humming] Fuck you. I'm so fun to date. So, I'm like, "Okay, what did I do when I blacked out?" He goes, "Okay. What you did was you started pounding Ritz Crackers." I'm like, "I'm sure I wasn't pounding them." He's like, "You looked like a contestant on a reality show." Okay. Then he said I started on the other sleeve. And this is an exact quote. He said that I was "using butter as if it were guacamole." Just, "Mmm." Just slack-jawed, dead-eyed butter-eating. Then he said that I tried to make two frozen pizzas at once, because I wanted to eat them like a hamburger. And he said that he was like, "Ame, what are you doing?" And I accused him of judging me. I was like, "You're judging me!" Chasing him around the apartment. And then he said I got in bed, and I stacked all of the pillows, four pillows on my side, and I put my head right on top. And he went, "Amy, we each get two pillows." And I went, "Not tonight, motherfucker!" [snoring] Isn't she lovely Hey, thank you. Oh, God. Soon, it'll be just us. Oh, my God. I really love his whole family. No bullshit. They're from the Midwest. Yeah. The happiest people. The happiest people. I mean, in L.A., I feel like they pretend. Everyone's like, "I'm doing great," and you're like, "Stay away from cliffs." But in the Midwest, they're just so psyched. And his mom is the happiest person I've ever met. Her name is Deb, and Deb is just the happiest person. She gets everything wrong. She'll be like, "We took a U-ber here." I'm like, "What?" She's like, "I like that boy. What's his name? Seeth Rogen?" I'm like, "That's absolutely no one's name." Everywhere she walks, it looks like she was called out as a contestant on The Price Is Right. She's just, "Whoo!" I lucked out, though.
I promise you I love her. I'm not complaining. I feel like I really lucked out because a lot of the guys I've dated, their moms have had a vibe with them where they're like, "Ohh. I wanted to fuck my son. [groaning] No, it's fine. You kids have fun. I just always thought we'd wind up together. I don't know." And as the girl, you have to act like it's not happening. Like, a stutter. You have to be, like... So, I know what you guys are thinking this part of the night. You're like, "Amy, well, you're really well-read." Um... And I am. Look. "Wine." And I don't think I'm any better now. You guys, I hope you know. Like, I know I am trash from Long Island. I have a lower-back tattoo that is raised and crooked, and it doesn't mean anything, and I have been fingered by a cab driver. At my request. Constantly reminded, anything good or fancy that happens, I get brought down to Earth right quick. Anything. Like, our TV show won a Peabody Award, which I didn't even know what that was. Very high, very fancy. It's for people in media making a difference. It's a big deal. And the other people there were people like the Ebola fighters, and Malala, and our show, and... so, we go, and we're like, "Okay. Thank you for including us." And at the beginning of the awards, they showed a little clip of each person's project. And you don't know what they're gonna choose. And so, first, they show a clip of the Ebola fighters in the suits, this documentary where they go in and they're saving lives, the bravest people in the word. And then Malala. Like, Malala-ing, you know? And then... they show a clip of our show. We're like, "What are they gonna choose? We've done so much for so many." The clip they chose was me taking a giant bite out of a burger, going, "I'm gonna go make some room," and walking to the toilet. It was Malala being fitted for a glass eye. And then me like, "I'm gonna take a violent dump. You guys good?" The July that Trainwreck came out, two girls named Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson were shot and killed at the movie theater when they went to see my movie. And the feeling of putting something out and being excited, and then finding out that these two beautiful, amazing, smart women who just wanted to have a good time, went and got murdered was crushing and... Yeah, and I just wanted to do something about it. I knew nothing about gun violence, and I found out that the guy who shot them was severely mentally ill and a domestic abuser. And I was like, "Well, okay. Why could he get a gun?" I wasn't educated. But I found out that if you are severely mentally ill or have been convicted of domestic violence, there are loopholes where it's not that hard to get a firearm. And I was like, "Well, I really want to help make it more difficult for people who are severely mentally ill or domestic abusers--" [cheers and applause] Thank you. I believe in the right to bear arms. Second Amendment, yes. I've been friends with gun owners. But what I learned was, no matter what you say, as soon as you say the word "gun," what gun nuts hear is just, "You want to take all our guns! That shifty G wants our guns!" I'm like, "No, you seem great. You should get more guns." Let's get this guy more guns, right? "Our Amendment!" You're like, "Okay, okay." "The government wants my house!" I'm like, "You don't have a house. You live in a trailer with no windows. What are you talking about?" And then I found out-- and you guys probably already know this-- that if you're on the terrorist watch list-- like, not just the no-fly list, but the straight-up terrorist watch list-- you can easily get a gun. And so, that same guy is like, "Get out of our country, foreigner! But while you're here, please, enjoy our firearms legally." If you're blind-- If you're blind as a fucking bat, you can walk into a gun store, hopefully. There's more gun stores than Starbucks and McDonald's combined in our country, so your chances are good. You walk in, and you go, "I want a gun!" And they go, "We're over here." Then you go, "Oh, okay." "I'll take it." And they go, "That's the phone." You go, "Oh. Well..." Like, all about equal rights for the disabled, but if Stevie Wonder calls me and he's like, "You want to go shooting today?" I'm gonna be like, "Hard pass." The thing you look through to aim is called a "sight!" But you don't need that. They get a gun. So I'm like, "Okay. I would love it-- Can we just work on not giving guns to mentally ill terrorists who are blind and beat their wives?" "What?! What's next? You want us to fuck animals?" I'm like, "I've been fucking animals my whole life, sir."
And you know what? I totally hear you guys. You're like, "Schumer, you were talking about come all over your tits. Now we have to listen to this shit?" But what's crazy is that you can catch a hot load all over your titties and still not want your loved ones to get shot in a theater. [cheers and applause] You know what? I don't know if you guys noticed, but I am what Hollywood calls "very fat." No, you guys know. You know me. I feel very good in my own skin. I feel strong. I feel healthy. [cheers and applause] I do. I feel sexy. Also, like, my dad has MS and is in a wheelchair. And it's, like, I'm just so psyched I can fucking move. I'm just like, "Fuck you." How are you gonna complain? [mutters] How do I get rid--" Shut the fuck up! You're alive. You can move and we feel good. And, you know, I bought into it, because when I was doing my first movie, Trainwreck, before I did anything, somebody explained to me, they were like, "Just so you know, Amy, no pressure. But if you weigh over 140 pounds, it will hurt people's eyes." And I was like... [groans] I just bought it. I was like, "Okay, I'm new to town." And so, I lost weight, and I think you should feel healthy and take care of yourself. But I don't believe in, like, crash dieting or starving yourself. Like, get the fuck out of here. No. Let's just, you know-- It's just not right. Yeah, so, thank God I look very stupid skinny. My dumb head stays the same size. But then my body shrivels, and I just look like a Thanksgiving parade float of Tonya Harding. I'm just like, "Hi!" Nobody likes it. It's not cute on me. So, I, like, gained all this weight back. I just revenge-ate as soon as the movie was over. I was just, "I couldn't have pizza. I couldn't have--" Like, everything. And I got worried, because it gets in your head, just everything on television and movies and magazines and the Internet. All the women are just beautiful, like, little skeletons with tits, and you're just, like-- All day I'm looking at the Hadid sisters and, like, those Jenner things, and you're just, like... And I got worried. I gained weight. I'm like, "Oh, my God. Are men gonna still be attracted to me?" And that's when I remembered-- I always forget this-- it's another reason I love men so much. Men, each day, have a thought that goes through their head where they're, like... "I don't know why, but I want to put my penis right in your butthole." A couple times a day, someone walks by. "Huh." You know, just... They're like, "Look, it doesn't make sense to me, either, but I know for a fact I want to take the most sensitive, intimate part of myself and just, like, ram it right where you poop. Just, like, ram it!" [grunting] They're thinking that, and I'm over here like, "Oh, should I get highlights?" Like... He doesn't care! He doesn't care. "Honey, do you like my new nail color? It's ballet slipper." "I would fuck you if your head was a ballet slipper. I don't care." We work so hard, and they don't fucking care. Isn't that a relaxing thought? Like, not anal. But, like, men will fuck us, you know? If they fuck us, they will come. It's a beautiful, easy sweatshirt that's available on my-- No, I'm just kidding. I am the shittiest famous person, okay? I'm a shitty famous person. Yes, I know. I always-- I can't believe it's still going on. I say what I mean. I dress like garbage. Like, my sister and I... And I tried really hard. I'm like, "Okay, like, let's do our best and tape it up and spackle it down and..." [groans] But after I leave here, I will look like a newly homeless person very quickly. Very quickly, trust me. My sister dresses the same, but they'll still write about us as if we're the Kardashians. They'll be like, "The Schumer sisters stepped out today. Amy opted for performance fleece... and a pleather jacket from Forever 21." And my favorite thing they ever wrote was, "And Kim chose to wear a bright red-and-gold beanie to add to her ensemble." It was a Gryffindor hat. Like, look at this. It's a fucking Gryffindor hat. The most disappointing people ever to be photographed. Look at this. It looks like we were moving, and we ran out of bags, so we're like, "Let's just wear it all. We'll just wear it all. Never a bra. Never a problem." Look at my sister's shoe game. Can you check this out? Ballet flats from Payless. H&M zebra pants. What's up? What's up now, Internet? They photographed me once, and this was the headline: "Schumer buys pastry so she can work out." Kind of mean, right? No, they hit the nail right on the fucking head. That's what I do to work out. That's what I do. Before I work out, I go buy a scone, and then I slowly walk around a reservoir, and I eat it. My workouts are like a woman in hospice. Just, like, nibbling on a baked good, looking at the trees and the birds. "Mmm." I'm so disappointing to them as a famous person that they'll try to make it sound sexier than it is. They're like, "Schumer flaunting her legs in teeny-tiny shorts." And you guys have eyes. You understand that that is not available to me. Like, there's no separation between church and state up here, okay? This area does not-- There's no-- It's not happening. I didn't even know what a thigh gap was. I was like, "Is that like the wage gap? Do we need to rally against this?" Since I'm ten years old, I can't wear tiny shorts. If I take one step, all the material shoots up my pussy. I have to pull it out like a magician. A fucking dove. Just, like, "Fly!" I have to lather deodorant in my crotch, so I don't chafe to the point of bleeding out. Right here is when my thighs stop touching for the first time. Together. Apart. Together. Apart. Together. Apart. The fucking teeny-tiny shorts. Fuck you! Fuck you. I got photographed paddleboarding, standup paddleboarding, which-- Can we all just agree to stop pretending like that's fun? What do we-- Just what? "Would you like the sensation of being in a canoe, without the comfort of a seat or the safety of sides?" "No." "Have you often wondered what it's like to work on a gondola?" "I can't say that I have. No." The picture of me, I didn't even recognize myself because, obviously, I don't suck in anyway. It was just, like-- I looked at it, and I was like, "Oh, my God, Alfred Hitchcock is alive... and loves water sports! Fuck, yeah," you know? I was so psyched. Honestly, the only thing that gets me through the night, the only thing, is that I believe in my heart that Bradley Cooper wants to fuck me. Now, no one else believes me, especially not him. But I believe it. I believe it in my heart.
Now, maybe you're like, "Bradley Cooper doesn't really do it for me." Hmm. Shut the fuck up. Yes, he does. He's the kind of hot where when you see him, you don't even mean to, but your body just, like, pivots around. And you just, like, grab your toes. You're just like, "Okay." By the way, that's as far down as I can go. That's it. Look, we got a little more. But I'm kind of tilted. He's the kind of hot where when he's talking to you, all your holes get wet. You're just like, "What? Why here?" Like... His eyes change color and shit, you guys. So, he's talking to me at this event, and I don't even think I'm registering as a sexual person to him, because I'm thinking of myself like I'm on a mound, you know? And... I'm just like, "Sick party, right, Coop?" Like, I'm not-- I'm trying to help him get out of the conversation with me. I'm like, "Okay." Because all these gorgeous girls are around, just foaming at the mouth, just like, "Oh, let me at that dick hole." And... And I tried to get him out of it. I'm like, "All right. Have a good night." And he's like, "Wait, Amy. It's really good to see you. Let's hang out." I'm like, "Okay... my new boyfriend." Fully went there. And then... Then we talk a little more, and then 20 minutes go by, and I'm like, "Okay, I'm gonna grab my seat." And he grabs my wrist. He goes, "Wait. It's, like, really good to see you. Why don't we, like, spend some time together?" [humming "Bridal Chorus"] I, like, put my napkin over my head. I was like, "I do!" I called my friends from high school on the way home. I'm like, "Take me out of your phone. I'm with Bradley now. I'm at a new level, and you're not coming with me. You're out!" And then the next night, I'm doing a show in Reno, Nevada, because you can have it all. And I'm watching the White House Correspondents' Dinner. And they're like, "And here's Bradley Cooper." And I'm like, "Hi, baby." And they're like, "And here is his girlfriend." And I'm like, "But I'm his girlfriend." It turns out I am not his girlfriend. He is dating an actual angel named Irina Shayk. She's a supermodel. She doesn't resemble a person at all. It looks like if a panther fucked a gazelle... and then, like, they fucked Gisele... and just shot out the hottest piece of ass you've ever seen. She doesn't walk. She, like, slinks around. And she's-- The way she talks, she's like, "I'm from nine hours by dogsled outside Moscow." She can only see through the tops of her eyes. [moaning] She's so fucking hot. You can just tell that she's always wet, like, the way she moves. Like, once a boyfriend brought out lube, and she's like, "I laugh at your lube, Bradley!" And I'm just watching this in fucking Reno. I'm like, "Bradley? Bradley, it's me!" Like, I was thinking I was gonna be rolling around on a beach with him. And, I don't know, is this me? Is that my ass? I know we have-- Definitely, there's a picture of me. Is this me? Or is this me? I can't-- Fuck! Which one is me? Is that me? Or is that me? I don't know. And I was like, "You know what? Fuck her." That bitch will never be brave. Thank you so much! I love you! [music playing] Oh, wait. Is that guy picketing my show? [indistinct chatter] I don't know. I feel like he's yelling at the people going to my show. And you know what? He's right. He needs a better megaphone. [man] Ha ha. -Are you guys engaged? -Yes. Can I be in the picture? [man] Down here, gun control is when you hold it with two hands. Oh, that's very funny, Gary. How about holding the steering wheel with two hands. How does that sound? [laughs] Here are the real stars of the show. Whoo! She runs out of lipstick because her lips are so luscious. I'm glad I'm not wearing a skirt because these people would fully see up my entire twat. Do people still say "twat"? [crowd cheering] [woman] So easy.
submitted by spookyskeletonSJW to copypasta [link] [comments]

Amy Schumer: The Leather Special

1 [announcer] Ladies and gentleman, and all you other motherfuckers, get up off your ass for the baddest bitch: Amy Schumer! -[music playing] -[cheers and applause] Yeah! What the fuck is up, Denver?! [cheers and applause] Thank you so much for coming out. Oh, my God. This is such a big deal for me. I don't know if you guys know this, but this past year, I've gotten very rich, famous and humble. [audience laughing] Thank you. Thank you. And maybe you caught this. I don't know who saw this. I tweeted out a photo of myself wearing just underwear. Nothing but underwear. [cheering] Thank you, just the women. What the fuck? No! It's too late, sir. This could have been crumpled on your floor in the morning, but no. I like the idea of this being crumpled on someone's floor. Having to put this back on in the morning. Just, like... [grunting] And you're like, "Call me." And then-- Imagine doing a walk of shame in this shit. You're like, "Hi. Taxi." They're like, "Hmm. That's an actual trash bag. It looks like a Glad bag." I feel like every comedian needs a leather special. Right? Every comic has some special where they wear all leather, and they regret it later. It's my fucking moment! Leather Special! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Already regret it. Already regret it. Very overheated. Very overheated. So, I tweet out this photo of myself. I'm holding coffee. I'm topless in just underwear, and it goes viral. It was everywhere, every news show, every website, and that's when I learned the word you don't want people to use when a nude photo of you goes viral. "Brave." Um... Can you imagine? You take your clothes off in front of someone for the first time, and they're just like, "Damn! You look mad brave right now. Whoo-ee! Shorty looks empowered!" Like, no! As if I'm standing there, like, "I am brave!" No, just fuck me. I am blacking out tonight. I am blacking out tonight. Anybody? [cheers and applause] Who loves you? [speaks in childish gibberish] If you're a real winner, then you'll-- Has anyone ever blacked out and been awake when they've come out of it? -[woman] Yes! -Thank you! Thank you, sister! It's cool 'cause it's like you're a time traveler. You're just, like, back in your body, like... "What are people wearing now?" And you just kind of keep moving. I, one time, in college-- thank you-- I came out of a blackout, and there was a stranger going down on me. So, I was like, "Okay." I decided to tap him gently. So as not to startle him, you know? "Sir!" So-- 'Cause I'm laying there, and I'm like, "What do I know about this guy at this point, right? I know that he has brown hair. And I know that he is a hero." He's brave, okay? He's brave, and I'm gonna tell you why he's brave, and this does not leave this theater. And this does not leave your home. Here's why he's brave. On my pussy's best day... It's not every day. It's almost no day. But, you know, you wake up, you're having a good puss day. And maybe you know you're gonna have a visitor, so in the shower, you get very real in there, you know. You pull things back you don't usually. You kind of Minority Report your own pussy. [grunting] You get in. It's like Stranger Things. You just kind of get in. "Gotta find Barb, guys. She's in there." If you have access to a detachable showerhead, guess what? I just want you guys to think that that's how big my pussy is. Just like... hmm. It's really like... hmm? After all of that... on its already best day... [groans] my pussy smells... like a small barnyard animal, okay? Small. Small. I didn't, like-- not like a big, fucked-up llama, like, chewing and spitting and reeking. No! Little. Like a goat. You just-- You buy the food pellets, you know, and you feed it, and it's like... And you're like, "Aah! he ate it." You don't go like, "Eww!" You go, "I want to get to a sink. Kind of soon. Kind of soon would be good." [chuckles] 'Cause it does smell. That's on its best day. On its worst day... after a blackout... ISIS. It's fucked up, guys. It's bad. And you know what? That's fine. That is the nature of a pussy. Right? We're so worried and ashamed. Our moms never sat us down and said, "Okay, honey, one day, you're sometimes gonna have homeless pussy. Lights out." Like, no. They don't tell you. And that's just the fucking nature of it. And it's like, we're so embarrassed. I know some girls who won't let anybody go down on them. They're just like, "No, I don't know what's going on down there." I'm like, "What?" Like, I will forward your mail. Go. Head on down. Head on down to Puss Town. And-- And if that's not your thing, fine, you know? If I ever started dating a guy, and he was like, "You know what, it's not my thing," I'd be like, "That's fine." And then I would invite him to go hiking at Red Rocks, and I would push him off a fucking mountain. Just... [imitates thud] [imitates thuds] Right? And then they come up, and they go to kiss you, and you go... "Oh! No. Mm-mm. [groaning] Mm-mm. I don't want to." Yeah, right. Me, I'm like... [groans] I love that shit, that's sexy. That's hot. I'm like, "Mmm. Soup." I... Don't even. I see some of the girls, just a couple, you guys are close. They're like, "No..." [muttering] Yes. I wish we were raised more like men. Right? Just, like, here's an example of how we're different. We're so worried about our pussies, right? Have you ever had a guy come in your mouth and go... [inhales] "Does it taste okay? [whimpering] I haven't been drinking a lot of water, and I was a little worried." [nervous muttering] No! That would never happen. Because, men, you weren't raised to hate yourselves. You were raised, and your parents, they're just like, "Everything you do is a miracle." And you're like, "Yeah, everything I do is a miracle!" And don't get me wrong, you guys. We love your come. Only complaint: We want more of it. More, more, more. We want to do snow angels in it. Yay! Yay! Mmm. Is there anything bad about come? I can't think of anything. Oh, wait, I just thought of something. If you got even a drop of it in your mouth, the rest of the day, you're going... [grunting and exhaling] "I'm fine. [retching] I'm fine. I'm fine. [retches] Keep the meeting going." [grunts] [gargling] That is awful. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself... on the big screens, doing shows. First of all, I'm like, "Who's that dude?" Like, I seriously-- I have good self-esteem, I do. But I'll catch a glimpse of myself on the screen sometimes, and I'm like, "I shouldn't be here. I should be on a mound, going, like..." You know? [deep voice] "Good job, ladies. One more, ladies." Let me be real, because I was doing an interview. It was me and Bill Hader, and the interviewer was asking him hard-hitting questions like, "What are your favorite German beers?" And then he was asking me softballs like, "What's it like to fuck you?" And Bill was upset. He was like, "You don't have to answer that, Amy." And I was like, "He's gonna find out anyway, Bill! Shut up, Bill." But I told him, and I will tell you guys exactly what it's like to fuck me. Have you ever seen somebody standing on a box, painted all silver, in a town square? And you don't know if they're alive or not. But every once in a while, just, "Boop!" You're like, "Oh, it's a person!" That's what it's like to fuck me. That's it. Like a street performer mime in a town square. Except no one's ever given me a dollar. I don't do shit. I lay there. I either lay on my back, like that, or if I want to blow his fucking mind, sometimes I lie on my stomach, just like this. Comes right away. Men deserve more credit. They do, when it comes to sex. We don't have to do anything. You guys, men, you have to work so hard to fuck us. You have to get hard, you have to stay hard, and you have to go like this. [grunting] I feel like it would be funny to do that longer, but it hurts. I can't believe you guys do that. That sucks for you. My boyfriend usually comes in me. He usually comes in me, but sometimes you want to mix it up. You gotta have fun. We'll be having sex, and then he'll ask my favorite question: "Where should I come?" First of all, I'm like, "Thank you for thinking of me. [chuckles] Like... How did I even come up in your thoughts?" And... "Where should I come?" As a comic, I want to fuck around and be like, "In this jar!" I'm just, like... "Where should I come?" [belches] What do you think? What do you think? There's three answers, right? If you're lying on your back, what are the three places? -[man] Tits! -[second man] Face. -[woman] Butt! -Yes. She goes, "Your butt." What? I'm laying here. I just went over. I'm not on the fucking Broncos or whatever. I'm not in practice... [grunting] "Your butt." You're so cute. No! He goes, "Your head." What are you talking about? Just... [imitates splat] "I'm the prettiest girl in Colorado." "Your head." -No. -[woman] Tits! Yes. Your tits. Great answer. Your tits. And you have to say it like your psyched about it. "Where should I come?" You have to go, "My titties!" And-- And he goes, "Are you sure?" And you go... "Uh-huh! Mm-hmm. I love it. I love it." I hate not having come on my tits. I just-- Walking around all day, I'm at the bank, "Zero come on my tits. Ohh." My titties. I also love the question because of the confidence of it, right? "Where should I come?" I don't know about you guys. I've never dated anyone with American Sniper type accuracy. Where I could be like, "Right here. Hit the moving target." I'm like, "Okay, Katniss... Um..." Now, most of the time-- tell me if this is true for you guys-- he's like, "All right, are you ready? Are those titties ready?" And you're like, "Mm-hmm." He's like, "Here it comes." [imitates dribbling sound] Right on the hand. Just a dribble, just-- A second ago, you were the most powerful man alive. Now you're just the last boy at a carnival with a melting ice cream cone. And, God, we don't care. I've never been, like... [whining voice] "Well, you said you'd come on my titties." We don't. No girl cares. But then there's that move where in a moment of desperation, the guy will be like... And they try to finger paint. You're like, "No, no, no! It didn't happen for you. We're closed." Sometimes it happens. For three seconds, that means you go... "Yay!" And then you just kind of look at each other, like... And if you're with a really sweet guy, he'll go, "Babe, do you want me to go get you a..." [snoring] You're like, "No, I got it. You catch some much deserved shut-eye." And then that's when we make the shelf. Right, girls? That's what you do. You don't want it to just fucking-- You don't want to-- So you block it and you walk it. Mm-hmm. It's the saddest shelf in the world. And I've been to the Anne Frank House. I'm a German Jew. There used to be more of us. So... what happened? Oh, my God. It's weird to have a boyfriend. I've been on the road for so long. I really like having a boyfriend. I really love this guy. I met him on a dating app. Yeah. We met-- When I signed up, they were like, "Congratulations. You have a free lifetime membership." And I was like, "Well, that's discouraging." Like, "What the fuck?" When I met him, he was the first-- He's the only guy I met on there. I liked him right away. I really liked him. I was like, "I'm gonna make this guy wait." And I did. Like, all through dinner. No, we didn't go to dinner. I-- I don't know. I don't have an adult manning the ship. There's no one like, "Mnh-mnh-mnh. Not till date seven." I'm just-- If I want cake, I'm like, "We're having cake today." If I'm wet, I'm like, "Well, let's get a dick in there." Just... [humming] But I am a germophobe, and that's why I told him, before we did anything sexually, "Look, just so you know, I know for a fact that I don't have any diseases left. They all burned out." I was like, "What about you?" And he was like, "I've never been tested." And I was like, "Oh, mysterious. Is David Blaine in the house?" We went to Paris. I'd never been to France because I'm trash. And... we went, and we were excited. We've been together under a year, so... we've been trying to keep it pretty sexy, but we both got violent food poisoning. Like, violent. So, yeah. And we're not the couple that's like, "I'm gonna go take a deuce, babe." You know, like... We're trying to keep it, like-- Under a year. We're still lying. So-- So, our last night, after all week, we're like, "Eiffel Tower--" just the biggest dickheads-- we both get violent food poisoning, and our hotel was one of the rooms where we had one bathroom, and it was the kind where, like, the bed was right there, then you're in the bathroom, and if you went... [soft grunt] you would loudly hear it. So, it hits him first. And he's in there, just... [retching] And then, the way it manifested itself in me... is-- How do I say this and not be gross? I was in the bathroom just, like... [imitating machine gun] Machine-gun shitting out of my ass. Just... [imitating machine gun] Violent diarrhea. He... It's over. I'm yelling at him. [imitating machine gun] I'm like, "It was so cool dating you. Good luck. You're gonna meet the greatest girl. She's out there for you." [imitating machine gun] He's fucking puking. He's putting his head where I was. [imitating machine gun] And this is puke. And it's-- And then I thought I was just gonna be the one, the shit one, and he was the puke one, but I'm in there, and I'm-- And then he hears me go, "Fuck!" And I grab the trash can, and I start... [retching] All my holes. Shit's coming out all my holes. Then I realize there's holes in the bottom of the trash can I'm puking in. All over my knees. So, I walk out of the bathroom, and I'm like... I'm like, "Are you gonna propose on this trip?" He's like, "No, I am not." Oh, God. If you know me, you know I'm on the NuvaRing for birth control. That's my thing. It's easy, I don't have to remember to take a pill. Not that I ever have trouble doing that. But the NuvaRing, if you don't know, is this little latex thing you put in the back of your puss. And then you take it out every three weeks and just bleed all over the furniture. Am I using it right? So... I don't know why they won't sponsor me. So, we're, like-- You can leave it in during sex. But I wanted to take it out, just, like, the thought of it. So, you got to get in there, it's in the back. So, he's right over me. I'm like, "Hold on a sec." And so, I stick my finger, and I try to scoop it with my middle finger. And I shoot it up there, and that's when I accidentally went knuckle-deep with my ring finger into my own asshole. I shrieked. I went... [screams] And he went, "What?" And I went, "I put my finger in my butt." And he was like, "Can anybody do that?" I was like, "No! I'm not opening up a conversation about this." The mystery is over. We made it through that. I don't know why I'm on birth control anymore. You guys know that there's now a male birth control pill. Do you know this? They're still testing it, but I want him to go on it immediately. I just can't imagine that era, though, of guys, like-- Imagine you go home with a guy and you're gonna have sex with him, and you get a condom out of your purse, and he just goes... "Oh. No. It's cool. I'm on the pill." "What? You're on what?" His phone alarm goes off. He's like, "Excuse me." Pop. No. [sighs] God. Yeah, I'm all good. I'm so happy to be in this relationship. The only problem is I'm not the girl who's like, "Yeah, like, ever since we've been together, I've just kind of chilled with drinking." If anything, it's skyrocketed. Like-- Yeah, I still black out on the reg. I know it's not cool. It sucks because, for years, I've been blacking out, and I'll just be by myself, and I fart in a pillow, but now there's a witness. I got a witness. It sucks. So, I blacked out the other night. You know how I do. Just a little wine, edibles. I'm like, "This is missing something. Xanax." Very dangerous. Do not recommend. Okay? But I have a very sophisticated palate. So... I black out. And I just wake up in the morning. I don't even look at him, but I can feel that he hates me. You know that feeling? It's like, "What's that in the air?" [inhales] It's rage and it's all directed at me, so... I was like, "I'm gonna play stupid." I just roll over, and I'm just... "Mmm! Morning! [giggling] So, should we list all the things that we're grateful for? I'm grateful for you." [giggles] And he just stares at me. He's just... "Well... okay." I'm like, "Okay, what did I get into last night? Did I just, like, say my prayers and go to sleep?" [giggles] Ding! He's like, "No." Okay. "Did I give you a surprise blowjob?" I like the idea of, like, "Blowjob?" A girl who doesn't know how to do the blowjob symbol. What? And he's like, "Ame, any blowjob would be a huge surprise at this point." And I don't want you guys to think I'm not giving. I love going down on him. I think you've got to go down. Go down. I love it. I love him, I love doing it. But there are guys who you go down for 90 seconds, and they're, like... [splat] And you're like, "Still got it." And then... There are guys like my boyfriend, where if I want to blow him to completion, it takes between ten and 12 years. And in my twenties, I'd roll up my sleeves, crack my-- [imitates bones cracking] You know, I have a-- All right. [singing practice notes] Red leather, yellow leather. I don't even know that girl anymore. She is gone. That girl gone. I go down for a while, though. I went down on him very recently, and he yawned. [yawns] I'm like, "If there's a God, he'll put a dick right in your mouth now." Gong! If I'm down there long enough that you're yawning, guess what? I'm coming up [humming] Fuck you. I'm so fun to date. So, I'm like, "Okay, what did I do when I blacked out?" He goes, "Okay. What you did was you started pounding Ritz Crackers." I'm like, "I'm sure I wasn't pounding them." He's like, "You looked like a contestant on a reality show." Okay. Then he said I started on the other sleeve. And this is an exact quote. He said that I was "using butter as if it were guacamole." Just, "Mmm." Just slack-jawed, dead-eyed butter-eating. Then he said that I tried to make two frozen pizzas at once, because I wanted to eat them like a hamburger. And he said that he was like, "Ame, what are you doing?" And I accused him of judging me. I was like, "You're judging me!" Chasing him around the apartment. And then he said I got in bed, and I stacked all of the pillows, four pillows on my side, and I put my head right on top. And he went, "Amy, we each get two pillows." And I went, "Not tonight, motherfucker!" [snoring] Isn't she lovely Hey, thank you. Oh, God. Soon, it'll be just us. Oh, my God. I really love his whole family. No bullshit. They're from the Midwest. Yeah. The happiest people. The happiest people. I mean, in L.A., I feel like they pretend. Everyone's like, "I'm doing great," and you're like, "Stay away from cliffs." But in the Midwest, they're just so psyched. And his mom is the happiest person I've ever met. Her name is Deb, and Deb is just the happiest person. She gets everything wrong. She'll be like, "We took a U-ber here." I'm like, "What?" She's like, "I like that boy. What's his name? Seeth Rogen?" I'm like, "That's absolutely no one's name." Everywhere she walks, it looks like she was called out as a contestant on The Price Is Right. She's just, "Whoo!" I lucked out, though. I promise you I love her. I'm not complaining. I feel like I really lucked out because a lot of the guys I've dated, their moms have had a vibe with them where they're like, "Ohh. I wanted to fuck my son. [groaning] No, it's fine. You kids have fun. I just always thought we'd wind up together. I don't know." And as the girl, you have to act like it's not happening. Like, a stutter. You have to be, like... So, I know what you guys are thinking this part of the night. You're like, "Amy, well, you're really well-read." Um... And I am. Look. "Wine." And I don't think I'm any better now. You guys, I hope you know. Like, I know I am trash from Long Island. I have a lower-back tattoo that is raised and crooked, and it doesn't mean anything, and I have been fingered by a cab driver. At my request. Constantly reminded, anything good or fancy that happens, I get brought down to Earth right quick. Anything. Like, our TV show won a Peabody Award, which I didn't even know what that was. Very high, very fancy. It's for people in media making a difference. It's a big deal. And the other people there were people like the Ebola fighters, and Malala, and our show, and... so, we go, and we're like, "Okay. Thank you for including us." And at the beginning of the awards, they showed a little clip of each person's project. And you don't know what they're gonna choose. And so, first, they show a clip of the Ebola fighters in the suits, this documentary where they go in and they're saving lives, the bravest people in the word. And then Malala. Like, Malala-ing, you know? And then... they show a clip of our show. We're like, "What are they gonna choose? We've done so much for so many." The clip they chose was me taking a giant bite out of a burger, going, "I'm gonna go make some room," and walking to the toilet. It was Malala being fitted for a glass eye. And then me like, "I'm gonna take a violent dump. You guys good?" The July that Trainwreck came out, two girls named Mayci Breaux and Jillian Johnson were shot and killed at the movie theater when they went to see my movie. And the feeling of putting something out and being excited, and then finding out that these two beautiful, amazing, smart women who just wanted to have a good time, went and got murdered was crushing and... Yeah, and I just wanted to do something about it. I knew nothing about gun violence, and I found out that the guy who shot them was severely mentally ill and a domestic abuser. And I was like, "Well, okay. Why could he get a gun?" I wasn't educated. But I found out that if you are severely mentally ill or have been convicted of domestic violence, there are loopholes where it's not that hard to get a firearm. And I was like, "Well, I really want to help make it more difficult for people who are severely mentally ill or domestic abusers--" [cheers and applause] Thank you. I believe in the right to bear arms. Second Amendment, yes. I've been friends with gun owners. But what I learned was, no matter what you say, as soon as you say the word "gun," what gun nuts hear is just, "You want to take all our guns! That shifty G wants our guns!" I'm like, "No, you seem great. You should get more guns." Let's get this guy more guns, right? "Our Amendment!" You're like, "Okay, okay." "The government wants my house!" I'm like, "You don't have a house. You live in a trailer with no windows. What are you talking about?" And then I found out-- and you guys probably already know this-- that if you're on the terrorist watch list-- like, not just the no-fly list, but the straight-up terrorist watch list-- you can easily get a gun. And so, that same guy is like, "Get out of our country, foreigner! But while you're here, please, enjoy our firearms legally." If you're blind-- If you're blind as a fucking bat, you can walk into a gun store, hopefully. There's more gun stores than Starbucks and McDonald's combined in our country, so your chances are good. You walk in, and you go, "I want a gun!" And they go, "We're over here." Then you go, "Oh, okay." "I'll take it." And they go, "That's the phone." You go, "Oh. Well..." Like, all about equal rights for the disabled, but if Stevie Wonder calls me and he's like, "You want to go shooting today?" I'm gonna be like, "Hard pass." The thing you look through to aim is called a "sight!" But you don't need that. They get a gun. So I'm like, "Okay. I would love it-- Can we just work on not giving guns to mentally ill terrorists who are blind and beat their wives?" "What?! What's next? You want us to fuck animals?" I'm like, "I've been fucking animals my whole life, sir." And you know what? I totally hear you guys. You're like, "Schumer, you were talking about come all over your tits. Now we have to listen to this shit?" But what's crazy is that you can catch a hot load all over your titties and still not want your loved ones to get shot in a theater. [cheers and applause] You know what? I don't know if you guys noticed, but I am what Hollywood calls "very fat." No, you guys know. You know me. I feel very good in my own skin. I feel strong. I feel healthy. [cheers and applause] I do. I feel sexy. Also, like, my dad has MS and is in a wheelchair. And it's, like, I'm just so psyched I can fucking move. I'm just like, "Fuck you." How are you gonna complain? [mutters] How do I get rid--" Shut the fuck up! You're alive. You can move and we feel good. And, you know, I bought into it, because when I was doing my first movie, Trainwreck, before I did anything, somebody explained to me, they were like, "Just so you know, Amy, no pressure. But if you weigh over 140 pounds, it will hurt people's eyes." And I was like... [groans] I just bought it. I was like, "Okay, I'm new to town." And so, I lost weight, and I think you should feel healthy and take care of yourself. But I don't believe in, like, crash dieting or starving yourself. Like, get the fuck out of here. No. Let's just, you know-- It's just not right. Yeah, so, thank God I look very stupid skinny. My dumb head stays the same size. But then my body shrivels, and I just look like a Thanksgiving parade float of Tonya Harding. I'm just like, "Hi!" Nobody likes it. It's not cute on me. So, I, like, gained all this weight back. I just revenge-ate as soon as the movie was over. I was just, "I couldn't have pizza. I couldn't have--" Like, everything. And I got worried, because it gets in your head, just everything on television and movies and magazines and the Internet. All the women are just beautiful, like, little skeletons with tits, and you're just, like-- All day I'm looking at the Hadid sisters and, like, those Jenner things, and you're just, like... And I got worried. I gained weight. I'm like, "Oh, my God. Are men gonna still be attracted to me?" And that's when I remembered-- I always forget this-- it's another reason I love men so much. Men, each day, have a thought that goes through their head where they're, like... "I don't know why, but I want to put my penis right in your butthole." A couple times a day, someone walks by. "Huh." You know, just... They're like, "Look, it doesn't make sense to me, either, but I know for a fact I want to take the most sensitive, intimate part of myself and just, like, ram it right where you poop. Just, like, ram it!" [grunting] They're thinking that, and I'm over here like, "Oh, should I get highlights?" Like... He doesn't care! He doesn't care. "Honey, do you like my new nail color? It's ballet slipper." "I would fuck you if your head was a ballet slipper. I don't care." We work so hard, and they don't fucking care. Isn't that a relaxing thought? Like, not anal. But, like, men will fuck us, you know? If they fuck us, they will come. It's a beautiful, easy sweatshirt that's available on my-- No, I'm just kidding. I am the shittiest famous person, okay? I'm a shitty famous person. Yes, I know. I always-- I can't believe it's still going on. I say what I mean. I dress like garbage. Like, my sister and I... And I tried really hard. I'm like, "Okay, like, let's do our best and tape it up and spackle it down and..." [groans] But after I leave here, I will look like a newly homeless person very quickly. Very quickly, trust me. My sister dresses the same, but they'll still write about us as if we're the Kardashians. They'll be like, "The Schumer sisters stepped out today. Amy opted for performance fleece... and a pleather jacket from Forever 21." And my favorite thing they ever wrote was, "And Kim chose to wear a bright red-and-gold beanie to add to her ensemble." It was a Gryffindor hat. Like, look at this. It's a fucking Gryffindor hat. The most disappointing people ever to be photographed. Look at this. It looks like we were moving, and we ran out of bags, so we're like, "Let's just wear it all. We'll just wear it all. Never a bra. Never a problem." Look at my sister's shoe game. Can you check this out? Ballet flats from Payless. H&M zebra pants. What's up? What's up now, Internet? They photographed me once, and this was the headline: "Schumer buys pastry so she can work out." Kind of mean, right? No, they hit the nail right on the fucking head. That's what I do to work out. That's what I do. Before I work out, I go buy a scone, and then I slowly walk around a reservoir, and I eat it. My workouts are like a woman in hospice. Just, like, nibbling on a baked good, looking at the trees and the birds. "Mmm." I'm so disappointing to them as a famous person that they'll try to make it sound sexier than it is. They're like, "Schumer flaunting her legs in teeny-tiny shorts." And you guys have eyes. You understand that that is not available to me. Like, there's no separation between church and state up here, okay? This area does not-- There's no-- It's not happening. I didn't even know what a thigh gap was. I was like, "Is that like the wage gap? Do we need to rally against this?" Since I'm ten years old, I can't wear tiny shorts. If I take one step, all the material shoots up my pussy. I have to pull it out like a magician. A fucking dove. Just, like, "Fly!" I have to lather deodorant in my crotch, so I don't chafe to the point of bleeding out. Right here is when my thighs stop touching for the first time. Together. Apart. Together. Apart. Together. Apart. The fucking teeny-tiny shorts. Fuck you! Fuck you. I got photographed paddleboarding, standup paddleboarding, which-- Can we all just agree to stop pretending like that's fun? What do we-- Just what? "Would you like the sensation of being in a canoe, without the comfort of a seat or the safety of sides?" "No." "Have you often wondered what it's like to work on a gondola?" "I can't say that I have. No." The picture of me, I didn't even recognize myself because, obviously, I don't suck in anyway. It was just, like-- I looked at it, and I was like, "Oh, my God, Alfred Hitchcock is alive... and loves water sports! Fuck, yeah," you know? I was so psyched. Honestly, the only thing that gets me through the night, the only thing, is that I believe in my heart that Bradley Cooper wants to fuck me. Now, no one else believes me, especially not him. But I believe it. I believe it in my heart. Now, maybe you're like, "Bradley Cooper doesn't really do it for me." Hmm. Shut the fuck up. Yes, he does. He's the kind of hot where when you see him, you don't even mean to, but your body just, like, pivots around. And you just, like, grab your toes. You're just like, "Okay." By the way, that's as far down as I can go. That's it. Look, we got a little more. But I'm kind of tilted. He's the kind of hot where when he's talking to you, all your holes get wet. You're just like, "What? Why here?" Like... His eyes change color and shit, you guys. So, he's talking to me at this event, and I don't even think I'm registering as a sexual person to him, because I'm thinking of myself like I'm on a mound, you know? And... I'm just like, "Sick party, right, Coop?" Like, I'm not-- I'm trying to help him get out of the conversation with me. I'm like, "Okay." Because all these gorgeous girls are around, just foaming at the mouth, just like, "Oh, let me at that dick hole." And... And I tried to get him out of it. I'm like, "All right. Have a good night." And he's like, "Wait, Amy. It's really good to see you. Let's hang out." I'm like, "Okay... my new boyfriend." Fully went there. And then... Then we talk a little more, and then 20 minutes go by, and I'm like, "Okay, I'm gonna grab my seat." And he grabs my wrist. He goes, "Wait. It's, like, really good to see you. Why don't we, like, spend some time together?" [humming "Bridal Chorus"] I, like, put my napkin over my head. I was like, "I do!" I called my friends from high school on the way home. I'm like, "Take me out of your phone. I'm with Bradley now. I'm at a new level, and you're not coming with me. You're out!" And then the next night, I'm doing a show in Reno, Nevada, because you can have it all. And I'm watching the White House Correspondents' Dinner. And they're like, "And here's Bradley Cooper." And I'm like, "Hi, baby." And they're like, "And here is his girlfriend." And I'm like, "But I'm his girlfriend." It turns out I am not his girlfriend. He is dating an actual angel named Irina Shayk. She's a supermodel. She doesn't resemble a person at all. It looks like if a panther fucked a gazelle... and then, like, they fucked Gisele... and just shot out the hottest piece of ass you've ever seen. She doesn't walk. She, like, slinks around. And she's-- The way she talks, she's like, "I'm from nine hours by dogsled outside Moscow." She can only see through the tops of her eyes. [moaning] She's so fucking hot. You can just tell that she's always wet, like, the way she moves. Like, once a boyfriend brought out lube, and she's like, "I laugh at your lube, Bradley!" And I'm just watching this in fucking Reno. I'm like, "Bradley? Bradley, it's me!" Like, I was thinking I was gonna be rolling around on a beach with him. And, I don't know, is this me? Is that my ass? I know we have-- Definitely, there's a picture of me. Is this me? Or is this me? I can't-- Fuck! Which one is me? Is that me? Or is that me? I don't know. And I was like, "You know what? Fuck her." That bitch will never be brave. Thank you so much! I love you! [music playing] Oh, wait. Is that guy picketing my show? [indistinct chatter] I don't know. I feel like he's yelling at the people going to my show. And you know what? He's right. He needs a better megaphone. [man] Ha ha. -Are you guys engaged? -Yes. Can I be in the picture? [man] Down here, gun control is when you hold it with two hands. Oh, that's very funny, Gary. How about holding the steering wheel with two hands. How does that sound? [laughs] Here are the real stars of the show. Whoo! She runs out of lipstick because her lips are so luscious. I'm glad I'm not wearing a skirt because these people would fully see up my entire twat. Do people still say "twat"? [crowd cheering] [woman] So easy.
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fat amy quotes mmm better not video

- Fat Amy: Well... sometimes I have the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmm... better not.” Adam Devine - Bumper Rebel Wilson - Fat Amy Fat Amy:-I’m an open book.I mean, for God’s sake you guys all call me Fat Amy. See, I guess I’m just not really living if I’m not 100% honest. And my real name is Fat Patricia. Fat Amy: Chloe, don’t worry, it’s just God punishing you ’cause you’re a ginger. 30. Bumper: I have a feeling we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or an incorrect feeling? Fat Amy: Well, sometimes I have the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, ‘Mmm, better not.’ Amazon/PitchPerfect. 31. Fat Amy: The kraken has been unleashed! Feel the Fat Amy force! - Fat Amy: Well... sometimes I have the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmm... better not.” Adam Devine - Bumper Rebel Wilson - Fat Amy Discover more posts about mmm-better-not. Log in Sign up. Recent Top. dr-rabies. Follow. i was going to draw aether ghoul in the rcdart style, but perhaps inaction is the best action here. #mmm better not #fr i feel like as someone who doesnt identify as ftm this would be very fucking discusting of me #shitghosting #ghost #ghost bc #ghost band #aether ghoul #Nameless Ghouls #era 4 ghouls. 7 ... FAT AMY: Yeah, so twig bitches like you don’t do it behind my back. FAT AMY: I’ve been shot…I’VE JUST BEEN SHOT! FAT AMY: I thought of a new name, for um…this hairstyle. It’s called the Orthodox Jew Ponytail. Because it’s very reserved at the front…but party in the back. JEWISH STUDENT: Shalom! Sometimes I think I should skip the mandatory floor meeting, But then I think, "Mmm...better not." Fat Amy: Not a good enough reason to use the word 'penetrate.' Permalink: Not a good enough reason to use the word 'penetrate.' Added: February 04, 2013; Bumper: I have a feeling we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or an incorrect feeling? Fat Amy: Well... sometimes I have the feeling I can do crystal meth, but then I think, mmm... better not. -Fat Amy I Luv Pitch Perfect! Have anymore funny quotes? Put them in the comments and I'll add them, these were just the ones I could remember maica_stacie, thekimwiltshire and 7 others like this. Renesmee_08 [i]I forgot who said it, but I remember. Random Person: "You call yourself 'Fat Amy'? " Fat Amy: "Yes. So twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back." Great list, btw! :)x [/i ... Oct 15, 2013 - Explore Jenna Chesky's board "Fat Amy quotes!", followed by 111 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about fat amy, pitch perfect, fat amy quotes.

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